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May 25, 2008
He appears halfway throughout the finale so we got to see plenty of him, however i didnt like the suit, it was similar to the superman returns outfit but the "S" was changed a little bit.

I am really excited and cant wait to see the last episodes of smallville


Jul 11, 2008
Hi I know this is supose to be a quote but I wanted to reply to your message so I thought I would reply it to the quote section I dont know if you know this yet or not but that suite is not similar to the Superman returns outfit it is the Superman Returns outfit even though the S is changed it is the Superman Returns outfit cause a while back they were offered to use the Suite that Christopher Reeves used in the Superman movies but they turned it down saying it does not fit the Superman they wanted to represent in this so they went with the Superman Returns outfit so yes its not similar it is the suite from Superman Returns like it or not thats what they chose to use for him

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