
Super Star
Apr 8, 2007
This will usually happen at work and whenever I bring it up there's always a reaction of "Wait, what?", like it's somehow an anomaly that someone can go their life without being with someone. It's actually very easy to go through life without having a girlfriend or a relationship. I don't understand how people can't comprehend that.


Going nowhere fast
Jan 7, 2014
In bed with yo girl
Why not? I don't care about it, which is why I'm not hesitant about telling people.
Because contrary to what the internet says, other people's perception and opinions of you do matter, especially at work where you have to interact with these people for 8+ hrs a day. Being GF-less is an automatic red flag to others.

There are certain things in life you def have to lie about if necessary.


Super Star
Apr 8, 2007
Because contrary to what the internet says, other people's perception and opinions of you do matter, especially at work where you have to interact with these people for 8+ hrs a day. Being GF-less is an automatic red flag to others.
I know that, but I don't just go around saying that I've never had one. I'll say if asked, but I don't make that some defining trait at work. I'm pretty sure I'm known for other things...
I'm just yoinkin your chain, but yes it's abnormal for a 30 year old to have never had a relationship.
Yeah, I guess that I'm used to it at this point.

How is that based again? Man, that slang term has gotten stupid.

So you don't have to hear shit about it. That is just embarrassing as fuck lmao.
I've been hearing shit about it for around a decade at this point, and how is it embarrassing? I don't feel any embarrassment at all.

Blackpill inceldom is freedom.
I'm not an incel because I don't blame or hate women at all. That's a key difference.


Prime Member
Sep 13, 2006
Maybe you have another calling in life, where a relationship would be to your detriment. Take advantage of your current individual freedom, and instead of thinking about how you wish you could be balls deep in a beautiful partner that you share a bond of love and intimacy with, think about going balls deep into whatever other hobbies or passions you feel you should pursue.


Super Star
Nov 29, 2004
I know that, but I don't just go around saying that I've never had one. I'll say if asked, but I don't make that some defining trait at work. I'm pretty sure I'm known for other things...
Yeah, I guess that I'm used to it at this point.

How is that based again? Man, that slang term has gotten stupid.

I've been hearing shit about it for around a decade at this point, and how is it embarrassing? I don't feel any embarrassment at all.

I'm not an incel because I don't blame or hate women at all. That's a key difference.
You're involuntarily celibate.

You're an incel. You don't have to hate women to be an incel.


Hentai Senpai
Dec 20, 2004
Dark Continent
I know that, but I don't just go around saying that I've never had one. I'll say if asked, but I don't make that some defining trait at work. I'm pretty sure I'm known for other things...
Yeah, I guess that I'm used to it at this point.

How is that based again? Man, that slang term has gotten stupid.

I've been hearing shit about it for around a decade at this point, and how is it embarrassing? I don't feel any embarrassment at all.

I'm not an incel because I don't blame or hate women at all. That's a key difference.
I call it based because you don't give af. That's based to me since I value ppl who don't care about shit like that.


Prime Member
Sep 13, 2006
I call it based because you don't give af. That's based to me since I value ppl who don't care about shit like that.
Loneliness is the only issue, but not everyone feels it. If you can honestly answer that question for yourself, and you are lonely, it should motivate you to either take the needed steps or make the changes you need to find companionship. If you're not, well, just live your fucking life and keep your head high.


Super Star
Apr 8, 2007
People (around here) see you as a failure at life if you don't have kids.
I get that as well (I'm in GA as well, closer to Atlanta) and personally, I kind of don't care because I don't think I'll be a good parent, and more horrible parents are the last thing the world needs.

Maybe you have another calling in life, where a relationship would be to your detriment. Take advantage of your current individual freedom, and instead of thinking about how you wish you could be balls deep in a beautiful partner that you share a bond of love and intimacy with, think about going balls deep into whatever other hobbies or passions you feel you should pursue.
I know that already. I work hard at my job and when I'm not I have stuff like comics and music to get into. Not having a GF seems to be a problem for other people.

You're involuntarily celibate.

You're an incel. You don't have to hate women to be an incel.
I guess, but that term is associated with people that I want absolutely nothing to do with, so I'd rather not be labeled as such.

I call it based because you don't give af. That's based to me since I value ppl who don't care about shit like that.
If only more people felt that way...
I'm with you OP, relationships, family and children aren't for everyone, sucks we're judged for it.
Yep, and that's a huge problem. There are a ton of people who shouldn't have kids and end up doing it because of societal pressure. I really wish that could change.

You still cum though right? That's all you really need.
Two words: Jynx Maze.

Loneliness is the only issue, but not everyone feels it. If you can honestly answer that question for yourself, and you are lonely, it should motivate you to either take the needed steps or make the changes you need to find companionship. If you're not, well, just live your fucking life and keep your head high.
I do feel lonely at times, but I don't feel that way when I'm listening to music. That always made me feel like I'm not alone honestly.

This will be my slogan when I run for president.
You could run a campaign to be mod based off that slogan alone and you'd have my support.


Sep 27, 2001
This will usually happen at work and whenever I bring it up there's always a reaction of "Wait, what?", like it's somehow an anomaly that someone can go their life without being with someone. It's actually very easy to go through life without having a girlfriend or a relationship. I don't understand how people can't comprehend that.
I understand given the post count


Both Sides Drunk Guy
Jun 29, 2021
You know you could take that as a compliment in a way. If you told them you never had a girlfriend and nobody was surprised, it would mean that they agree you are too hideous to have had a girlfriend. Them being surprised means they think you're attractive enough to have had girlfriends


Super Star
Apr 8, 2007
You know you could take that as a compliment in a way. If you told them you never had a girlfriend and nobody was surprised, it would mean that they agree you are too hideous to have had a girlfriend. Them being surprised means they think you're attractive enough to have had girlfriends
Um, I already think I'm ugly. And also it has more to do with my personality/how I carry myself more than anything else. I'm pretty sure there's nothing about me that's attractive to women.


Jun 21, 2010
Highgate Cemetery
You know you could take that as a compliment in a way. If you told them you never had a girlfriend and nobody was surprised, it would mean that they agree you are too hideous to have had a girlfriend. Them being surprised means they think you're attractive enough to have had girlfriends
That’s how I read it too

Much worse if people are like “yeah that makes sense” lol


Super Star
Apr 8, 2007
That’s how I read it too

Much worse if people are like “yeah that makes sense” lol
I fully expect people to go, "yeah that makes sense" though. There's nothing about me in either work or the vesti that indicates that I have a girlfriend at any point in time. I'm confused as to how people don't feel that way.


Both Sides Drunk Guy
Jun 29, 2021
It's whatever. Having a girl would be nice but my various insecurities, lack of social skills, passion for niche things that people at large don't care about, and horrid finances pretty much ensure me that it's not happening.

I think you should really think about the question again, but this time answer as if you have zero excuses. Like if you are truly, genuinely happy without a partner, that's one thing. But if you're lying to yourself that's another.

Because I truly think there are very few people who are legit too hideous to ever attract someone (it's a harsh truth, but nature is a bitch).

I'm going to bet you're just an average looking dude who is afraid to look at why you're insecure. And I say that with all due respect dude. And if you decided that you really do want a relationship, there's lots of things you can do to help build the confidence you need to make it happen.