
Sep 30, 2016
Please don't jump to conclusions! This is more a plea for help rather than me just shitting over your favourite game.

I'm an Elder Scrolls fan who bought the Witcher 3 recently, thinking I'd be able to just jump into it, play the fuck out of it and love it as much as nearly everyone else does. But so far, I'm not really enjoying myself....and I actually find it pretty annoying. Its clear that CD Projekt Red worked really hard on this game and there is so much content that's been packed into this game, which was made with a smaller budget than Fallout 4 (which is a game I weirdly enjoy).

So far these are the problems I'm having with the game

I find the combat in this game to be clunky and even unresponsive at times. I know this sounds ridiculous to quite a lot of you, I find the combat in Skyrim a ton better than the Witcher 3's combat. The reasons being-

-You unsheathe your sword in Skyrim by pressing attack (which is the case in most games that involve weapons and combat), so when I'm playing the Witcher I end up rushing in with my fists unintentionally.

-I'm not a fan of the inventory screen and only two hotkeys for potions, meaning I have to go to the inventory screen nearly every fight.

-Like I said before, it can be unresponsive- I try to jump out of the way of an attack-Geralt just stands there-I try to parry-Geralt just stands there etc.

-So far (emphasis on so far) I'm not a fan of the signs, shouts in Skyrim for example actually throw off not just one opponent but sometimes many and will not only give you a chance to take advantage but also gives you a bit of time to recharge, whereas in the Witcher signs just sorta throw one opponent off for a little bit and then as soon as you've attacked them they've already parried.

2.The World- Don't get me wrong its not that its too small (its probably a bit too big in some cases) but the world just seems like its just a pretty background to me, I find it to be just a bit too linear, if you know what I mean. I don't enjoy having sections rather than one map, because it means areas will be completely cut off and you cant just ride anywhere at any point during the game and at the moment I don't really care too any because I don't feel obliged to actually explore it.

3.It Feels Linear- Its kinda just go there do this and go there do this and then this cut scene and then this cut scene and then play as Ciri occasionally. This is mostly because of the world, I find myself just not caring to do anything so I just grind the main story.

4.Controls- The controls just feel awkward (especially when your inside), Geralt is very difficult to manage, he doesn't do what his told a lot of the time e.g. I press X to talk but he ends up going for a run.

5.Compass- The on screen map/compass is just really weird, I don't think it moving in the same awkward directions you do is a good idea, its really disorientating and means that its hard to tell what direction your actually going in.

6.Voice Acting-(this is also a problem The Elder Scrolls definitely suffers from) The main characters are fine, but I find the children don't sound like children AT ALL, just an old women trying to do her best impression of one and the villagers voices annoy me too. This definitely isn't a "Game Breaking" problem though, its just really a mild annoyance in this case.

7.All The Dialogue- This is something I don't actually mind that much which is why I've put it last. The story is actually really good and I'm a massive Game of Thrones fan so I don't mind lots of dialogue as long as it has a build up to something. It's just when I want to PLAY a game this can be quite annoying, I think its true when I say we don't play games to listen to dialogue for hours, we have other means of doing that- we play games just to do that, play them.

Now to the point, I know that a lot of you people reading this probably love The Witcher 3 (this is The Witcher board after-all) and I really want you to critique my points and tell me what I'm missing out on. I hated Fallout 4 at first but my friend actually managed to point out somethings about the game that are actually really interesting, which is why I was eventually able to get into it (he doesn't have Wild Hunt unfortunately). I know there is a lot of this game that I just haven't unearthed yet so if you could tell me what it is that you really love about it (without attacking me, because that'll just convince me that your only means of defending this game are trying to cover up its faults) and hopefully prove me wrong, because I actually really want to enjoy this game.


Sep 30, 2016
1. Update to the latest patch version, there are 4 potion slots now (the control combination to access them on consoles is somewhat fancy, I've heard). There are some 'alternative movements' now, too. Never felt the difference much, none of the movement sets feel like Skyrim (which I think is almost acceleration-less).

Most of the times Geralt grabs the best sword for the fight, but sometimes not, or not at all, and you need to choose it manually. On PC, keys 1 and 2. Never played this game on console but on PC it was responsive, within reason.

First time I played I swapped the keys for dodge (Left Alt) and roll (Space) and learned to fight with dodges instead of rolls; the combat was never difficult, but after that it's a blast.

2. The Skellige islands map is a nice area, but it's also lore-wise far away, by the sea. Hence the two large sections. Hope that helps.

3. I know, I know... but consider that at some point the main quests will call for assembling allies - which you generally obtain by doing non-critical quests. (You can skip that too, though, especially on lower difficulty levels, and still clock in roughly 40h of "simply" following the critical path).

5. I think it's possible to turn off the compass/minimap thing. What it's good for: finding loot bags after a fight; plenty good for horse racing.


Sep 30, 2016
1. Update to the latest patch version, there are 4 potion slots now (the control combination to access them on consoles is somewhat fancy, I've heard). There are some 'alternative movements' now, too. Never felt the difference much, none of the movement sets feel like Skyrim (which I think is almost acceleration-less).

Most of the times Geralt grabs the best sword for the fight, but sometimes not, or not at all, and you need to choose it manually. On PC, keys 1 and 2. Never played this game on console but on PC it was responsive, within reason.

First time I played I swapped the keys for dodge (Left Alt) and roll (Space) and learned to fight with dodges instead of rolls; the combat was never difficult, but after that it's a blast.

2. The Skellige islands map is a nice area, but it's also lore-wise far away, by the sea. Hence the two large sections. Hope that helps.

3. I know, I know... but consider that at some point the main quests will call for assembling allies - which you generally obtain by doing non-critical quests. (You can skip that too, though, especially on lower difficulty levels, and still clock in roughly 40h of "simply" following the critical path).

5. I think it's possible to turn off the compass/minimap thing. What it's good for: finding loot bags after a fight; plenty good for horse racing.

Cheers for the input buddy! I think I just need to give this game a bit more time to grow on me and actually come to terms with the controls.
May 12, 2017
I think the same, the game (despite being "open world") is fairly linear. I was playing and was greeted by several rare achievements concerning the exploration of the map.
Despite being an open world game, NOBODY plays it as such. They do the main quest and goodbye.
I got the "goty" thinking it would be epic and it was very disappointing. It's a completely hyped game.


Aug 7, 2018
I played : The Last of us, Uncharted, Far Cry 2 and Primal, God of war and was looking for something to sink my teeth in.
Many people recommended Witcher3 so I went online and bought it.
For some reason, I did not connect at all with this game, the dialogues bored me to death and after about an hour of play (maybe less) I had to stop.
Bought FarCry 3 and now i'm having a blast... too bad cause I really wanted to like Witcher3