Apr 1, 2014
Ok so I more then meet all but one of the recommended requirements except for the graphics card. Its recommended that you have NVIDIA® GeForce® 560 Ti, however I have NVIDIA® GeForce® 550 Ti. Maybe I'm splitting hairs here, but is there much of a difference between these cards?

Thanks heaps!

PS, also if i was to upgrade, any suggestions on what I should upgrade to? GTX 590 for example?
Sep 20, 2002
3dmark graphics score for the GTX 550TI is..
"Estimated 3DMark 11 Graphics Score: 2510"

The score for a 560ti is
Estimated 3DMark 11 Graphics Score: 4730

So its a pretty huge difference.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2009
I can tell you that I'm playing on a laptop with no dedicated graphics card, an internal HP graphics 3000. I can't play on the highest settings, but on medium graphics (two steps above minimum) it runs just fine.