
Jul 13, 2013
I was pondering this but is the karma still gonna be a major part of the story or much bigger or smaller like if i were to choose to a evil decision would there be an evil outcome and would progress through the story, and wat about the the look of the character would his clothes and get tattoos cuz personally i liked it and i hope they bring that back
Feb 2, 2014
if u get evil ending in infamous 1 you can continue being evil in infamous 2, same goes for good ending, but people will think of u as a threat being evil, so they will try to attack u. being good makes people treat u like a REALLY famous actor, oh and yes, he will grow more evil-dark looking with a pale face, but with good clothes, you'll have a more fitting outfit with your blue lightning
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Feb 2, 2014
oh wait ur talking about second sun sry didnt notice, but what i do know is that the new game takes place around 5-7 years after the GOOD ending, so i guees since you hve a new character, new types of ways to act as him.