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Almost Not a Noob
Aug 4, 2010
To me, as pretty as the games are, they are not remotely "amazing" in terms of next gen expectations. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they are jsut the PS2 games with better graphics. Think of all the possibilites.

--More dramatic cutscenes and story. There seems to be a lack of atmosphere, and an out of place soundtrack, for the emotional story style of the Future games.
--Motion blur on grind rails. Would just seem to give a greater element of speed.
--Ditch those gay smoke effects from A Crack in Time. They were hideous, childish and annoying.

Also, on a side note, Tools of Destruction is frustratingly difficult. I got it for Christmas '10 and I'm only up to the Captain Slag fight in the Ublik Passage. Fuck it so much.
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