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May 3, 2006
Just wondering how trendy this game is to IGN users. Because seems the board isn't moving fast nowadays and the game's been out for 9 months.


He mad
Oct 1, 2002
I just don't think there is much to talk about for a game like this.

To answer your question, I played the original Vegas as my first game when I bought my Ps3 in August 2007. I played it a LOT (got elite and all) until Vegas 2 came out. I played Vegas 2 since day 1 with a ton of cool people and got some of my closest friends involved as well. I was Elite pretty quickly. Then the patch came out where you could continue to rank, and I got to Gold Elite 28 I believe. Then my Ps3 died in September 2008 causing my data to be lost. I continued to play and ranked back up to Captain again, but then simply stopped once all of these other games started coming out this fall (Rock Band 2, LittleBigPlanet, etc.)

Everyone else seems to have stopped too. My friends moved on to some of the same games as I and the people we played with online mainly moved onto Socom.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 13, 2003
Honestly, I think RSv2 is one of the best games on the 360. I dont play online vs b/c host is a bunch of crap and people tend to glitch just as in the first one. But terrorsit hunt is where its at for me.

this game is like crack and its different from Halo and Gears so I never get bored.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I've been busy with Call of Duty, Gears, and NCAA09 Football for the past few months but I dusted off RSV2 last night and played T-hunt with some friends. The game is really freaking fun and the best co-op experience on the 360, in my opinion. The only thing that really would make this game topnotch is the terrorist spawning. It's pretty annoying. Still, the game is a blast and I think I'm going to have to start playing more.

I've also noticed that there seems to be more mature people who play this game compared to Call of Duty and Gears and other games.


No Longer a Noob
Mar 13, 2003
Yea, its definetly more mature. And even the smaller kids act older,lol.

The only problem I have is that people tend to boot me when I join their party and get too many kills.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 21, 2003
I played RSV1, COD4, Halo 3, RSV2, and Gears Of War 2.

The only game I still play out of this list is Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Terrorist is priceless.


Prime Member
May 10, 2002
I play it everyday on 360 and there is still a lot of people playing it in online multi player matches.


Mega-Hardcore Gamer
Jun 9, 2001
me and my friend play it online all the time. And I play terrorist hunt by myself all the time trying to level up.


May 30, 2008
Yes sir. Everyday on T-hunt since I went back and got it again, about a month ago or so. Don't play anything other than T-hunt, either couch co-op or online. Man couch co-op is a blast.


Nov 17, 2006
i bought this game when it first came out, but i didn't have "live". I sold it, but now i have live, so i got it back again. It's my favorite shooter for sure. I play it every day.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 25, 2001
I will bust everybody's nut. I think Vegas 2 is a disgrace compared to the first one. Being an Elite was hard, and meant something. Now everybody and their grandmother is one. I hate the sprinting, spawning, and everything the game has; also, it is an aged game, it feels stiff compared to Call of Duty. I was a Vegas lover during the first game, and the second was just an utter disappointment that not even T-hunt could save, because I had already played it during the first one.
Oct 15, 2009
I'm not sure if you will even end up readin this,but the ranked matches on Vegas 2 don't mean much.Sure they are ranked and at all but you can't stay in a party after a game everybody is sent the menu.The good players all play in custom matches as parties and you will meet some hardcore players.They are all players who play custom matches to practice for GameBattles games.I haven't played online but I used to destroy people in this game,even clans.The game takes quite a bit of skill but mostly alot of camping and communication will get you wins.Last I saw there were still alot of people playing but as a competition game it was dying quickly.


Prime Member
Jul 21, 2001
This is most likely going to go unread, but I definitely still play this game at least once a day! I never get bored of T-Hunt and Co-Op campaign, I tend to stay clear of any other modes because you get the same problems as you do with any other game, i.e. lag, glitching and unsportsmanlike conduct (although compared to CoD and Gears the last is rare!).

In short, R6:V2 > everything.
Jan 4, 2008
I sold my copy a long time ago :(.  I regret the decision however, and have been contemplating buying it for PC.

and I just realized this thread is almost a year old........
Feb 19, 2002
I still play it. I know it's a waste of time due to the requests being dropped in the RB6 forums, but I would love to see all the old maps on RB6V1 for RB6V2. I would be playing T Hunt for the next 2 years!


Prime Member
Jul 21, 2001
need to keep this thread alive. i used to have a load of XBL friends that I always played T-Hunt with from the top of the list to the bottom most days (Realistic, High Density and FF On). Would love to find another 3 XBL gamers that wanna do this again, everyone else has been lured to MW2 [face_cry]


Dec 1, 2009
I stopped playing it for months but I will be playing once again soon. I'll also start back playing splinter cell double agent,since conviction is coming out soon. I'll play it on Normal then on Realitic. And also need to beat double agent on Hard too.