
Nov 19, 2013
How many of you actually moved to tears with the ending, sat back, thought of people you love the most and thought how far will you go for them? Ya there were glitches in the game and too many cutscenes but... it actually moved me.


Feb 18, 2014
I was moved to stunned silence at the end and subsequently suffered from withdrawal symptoms for about a week...


Prime Member
Feb 21, 2014
I wasn't moved to tears but there were times where I just stopped and stared at the screen. It was a very powerful game that told a great story.


Minnesota Monster
Dec 11, 2005
Pig's Eye
When Joel almost died I was getting pretty emotional. The two were going through so much just for some stupid rail to be the reason of his downfall.


Prime Member
Feb 21, 2014
When Joel hugs Ellie after the David scene and calls her "baby girl"... played that part again last night and that was something


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
When Joel hugs Ellie after the David scene and calls her "baby girl"... played that part again last night and that was something

This was probably the most emotional part for me. I mean I didn't cry or anything, but my allergies did act up a little and I got a little watery eyes.... [face_whistling]

I think the game def had moments that just made you really pause for the moment and some that were fairly emotional. One of the many reasons it's such a great game.


Prime Member
Feb 21, 2014
Those allergies will get you... For me the moment that got me most was Henry and Sam, I just stared at the screen afterwards.
Oct 8, 2011
How many of you actually moved to tears with the ending, sat back, thought of people you love the most and thought how far will you go for them? Ya there were glitches in the game and too many cutscenes but... it actually moved me.

"Too many cutscenes"?

That's crazy. If it weren't for the cutscenes you never would have been as emotionally involved in this game.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I agree. The way a story is told in a video game to it's best degree is through cut scenes. TLOU told an amazing story and the CS's were appropriate to it. I think they also did a great job of the story and dialogue in the live game play. There was still plenty of game play and action besides just cut scenes.


Prime Member
Feb 21, 2014
Honestly, I think if the people that say too many cutscenes just shouldn't play it. Obviously, this isn't the game you are in the mood for or like at all if you feel that way.
Apr 11, 2014
I was sad when I thought Joel died but I absolutely hate the ending and Joel by the end of the game. They had the damn cure and he made a selfish decision.


Prime Member
Feb 21, 2014
Joel did make a selfish decision, but Joel isn't a very good person. They spend the entire game letting you know that.


Feb 18, 2014
I don't think it's as clear cut as good or bad when it comes to Joel. ND deliberately made all of the central characters extremely believable. Although we can judge Joel's actions in terms of he's a murderer, a liar, is selfish etc I think within the context of the setting he is a level above a lot of the remains of society. At least he actually finds someone that he can care for and even risk his life for in the end.


Prime Member
Feb 21, 2014
I actually made a point similar to that a couple of months ago.

On the second play-through, you begin to truly understand the characters as they are. During the first run, I considered Joel to be a good guy put in some bad situations until the end. The second time through, I began to see him as a more questionable character. When you see the ending the first time, it may come as a shock that Joel could be so selfish, but even Tess tells Joel they are “shitty people.” Joel counters with saying they’re “survivors.” The line between good and evil in this world is not well defined. In this world, the humans are to be feared as much as the infected. This is further reinforced with the encounters you have with the infected that can sometimes be avoided, while the humans almost always have to be killed in order to survive. In this world, Joel can actually be perceived as a good person at times, or at the very least, one of the better ones.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I think to paint Joel as a bad guy/person is naive. Is he good...? Is anybody? As a person that is a huge fan of "zombies" and the "zombie apocalypse" in general as well as the "Walking Dead" and the "Last of Us" I've had plenty of chances to run this stuff through my own head and living in a world like that doesn't allow for good Samaritans and boyscouts to exist anymore.

There's just different levels of survival and what your willing to do to do it. It's survival of the fittest and kill or be killed and all those cliche' sayings. Judging people in that word compared to ours is apples and oranges. I think the fact that Joel ended up caring for a complete stranger and was willing to sacrifice the world just for her shows that he wasn't just some monster. Otherwise he woulda just handed her over and left no questions asked.
Jul 4, 2014
I think that as a writer I was thoroughly impressed with the characters throughout this game. It would take a lot of effort and many revisions before I could match this, and I take pride in my work.
As far as characters were concerned, Joel is a strong showcase of a man in that world. Not a good guy, not a bad guy. A guy trying to deal with loss and survival in a way we understand,though have never experienced.
Ellie is one who has suffered just as much, but has buried it as deep inside as Joel under childish enthusiasm and a strangely mature acceptance of the way things are.
And they both NEED each other. This was one of the few story lines where I actually believed the characters had enough emotional reason to be attached.

As for me, no tears. I did feel a sickly pit in my stomach when I was forced to do terrible things at the end of the game. I actually sat and stared at the screen through the end credits, in complete shock at the mix of emotions I was feeling.
No tears, but a huge emotional reaction at the end. And that is why it is fantastic.


Just jackin' it...
Jun 15, 2003
TLOU is a gut punch given weight by the cut-scenes. Henry and Sam got to me more than Post-David did but not by much. N othing compared to the moment with Sarah in the beginning. Having kids myself it made me wonder if I did something wrong. Then it cuts to 20 years later and I understood. It was a necessary kick in the junk to get you to understand Joel's underlying devotion to those he comes to care about. Even with Henry and Sam Joel was bothered by the senselessness of the outcome.

You fight like hell and then understand that you are IN hell and no amount of fighting is going to make everything alright again. The game is just about loss and how it affects people. Joel loses so much but by the end I think rather than losing more of his humanity with his actions at the hospital, he actually gained some of it back. After the opening sequence he is a man who would sacrifice pretty much anyone or anything to survive. By the end he is a man who would risk the world for someone he cares about deeply. That is more human than giving up the one thing you can't live without especially since he has already been through major loss twice.

People have evolved with the world the way it is. And NO ONE will ever know a cure was possible save Joel although I am pretty sure Ellie knows he is full of shit. Could any of you give up the only person giving you meaning and purpose even if it meant damnation? I couldn't, but that's just me.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 17, 2000
TLOU is a gut punch given weight by the cut-scenes. Henry and Sam got to me more than Post-David did but not by much. N othing compared to the moment with Sarah in the beginning. Having kids myself it made me wonder if I did something wrong. Then it cuts to 20 years later and I understood. It was a necessary kick in the junk to get you to understand Joel's underlying devotion to those he comes to care about. Even with Henry and Sam Joel was bothered by the senselessness of the outcome.

You fight like hell and then understand that you are IN hell and no amount of fighting is going to make everything alright again. The game is just about loss and how it affects people. Joel loses so much but by the end I think rather than losing more of his humanity with his actions at the hospital, he actually gained some of it back. After the opening sequence he is a man who would sacrifice pretty much anyone or anything to survive. By the end he is a man who would risk the world for someone he cares about deeply. That is more human than giving up the one thing you can't live without especially since he has already been through major loss twice.

People have evolved with the world the way it is. And NO ONE will ever know a cure was possible save Joel although I am pretty sure Ellie knows he is full of shit. Could any of you give up the only person giving you meaning and purpose even if it meant damnation? I couldn't, but that's just me.

Great post.

I think possibly 2 things could add to Joel's thinking here. 1) There's no 100% guarantee that this vaccine (or surgery on Ellie) will work. The doctors may botch the surgery, the vaccine may not work properly. You don't know, and then Ellie's dead for nothing. 2) Joel's seen the absolute worst of humanity with David's crew hunting him down time and time again, with the bandits, etc. Why should he sacrifice the only person he has left in the world for people like that?


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 25, 2002
A cure would have painted a rosy picture on a bleak world. Peace would have flourished. What kills me is we were forced to accept Joel`s ending even though we as the gamer would have done things differently. Ellie was resigned to her fate she even says at the end "she was waiting for her turn..." and if she ended up being the saviour of the whole of humanity then so be it. Then Joel had to ruin everything with his damned botch ending.


Prime Member
Feb 21, 2014
All I'll say is I would have done what Joel did too. That world had bigger problems than a virus and at that point she was basically his daughter.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 25, 2002
the beauty of TLOU is that the ending can be open to intepretation. To this end I agree to disagree.
Jan 31, 2015
holy i just finished the game fucking cant wait for the next one holy i almost cried lol i never have over video games but this i got so into it and everytime i seen a black screen for each season like winter and all that im like fuck its over then the last part where she says okay to joels lie i felt mixed emotions lol ive never been like this before especially over a game :/ come on #2


Jul 30, 2017
► How many of you actually moved to tears with the ending

Well, me, for one. And right from the beginning, too. When Joel said "No, no please! Please don't do this to me!" I thought he was talking to Sarah. Then I realized he was talking to God.

That did it for me. And that was only five minutes into the game.

► sat back, thought of people you love the most and thought how far will you go for them?

One thing that made me cry was when Joel hugged Ellie when she was almost raped. I realized that I don't have anybody to love like that. Or at all. I used to not care. But Ellie pointed out that the thing she feared most was ending up alone.

TLOU showed me that:
The good of the many does NOT outweigh the good of the few
...or the one. Not that one.

It showed me that love is more important than anything else in the world. Believe it or not, I didn't know that. Now I don't want to be alone anymore.

Did it change my life like some people say it did?
No. It just made me see my life more clearly, and it made me feel emotions I thought I didn't want to feel.

Did it make me cry?
Yeah, sure. But other things have made me cry too."The Grove" episode in walking dead made me cry. September 11 made me cry. My mom's death made me cry. The Last of Us made me cry.

That's about it for the 21st century.
