
No Longer a Noob
Mar 17, 2001
Can I use enough acronyms in my title?


Anyway, I liked Tales of Symphonia, including its combat system. It was fast paced, responsive, and I felt powerful.

Tales of Vesperia I stopped about 10 hours in because I HATED the combat system. It seemed slow, unresponsive, and took too long to kill even basic enemies but instead relied too much on setting up special attacks.

Curious where Tales of Xilla falls. Can you just plough through your basic enemies or is it a slow and repeitive slog like I found Vesperia to be?

Thank you.


Aug 9, 2013
As someone who has played both, and loved both, Xillia does feel like a mix of the two. There is a huge emphasis on Arte Combos and linked Artes. But at the same time, depending on which character you choose to play as, basic combat still feels quick and responsive. I have had a lot of fun smashing my way through enemy after enemy in quick melee bursts with Jude
Dec 21, 2009
On Xilia, it depends on the character. Alvin is kinda sluggish. Jude is fast.
battle times range from 7 seconds to 30 seconds. boss fights 3 to 7 minutes. even when fighting low leveled. Never had a game over.