
Jun 14, 2001
What kind of a/c do you have? Do you take drink coolers? Wet towels to save on a/c? Convection effect in lieu of ac? (hey thats me)

Does it affect your clothing choice (color, type of fabric etc)


No Longer a Noob
Jun 17, 2017
All of my apartments have had central air conditioning. I used a window air conditioner when I lived with my parents that I bought a year after my first pc. Before that I just suffered the heat year after year.


Sep 6, 2000
I'm lucky that they place I'm at has a basement. Stays cool at night, even with the AC off and it gets to be 100+ outside during the day.
//Wouldn't have managed the year when the AC broke without it.

But during the day, AC.

My folks try to get by with just a swamp cooler, but it's always 80+ degrees in their house in the summer and it seems to constantly break down (especially because they have hard water and my dad won't swing for a water softener; he has a lot of 'penny wise, pound foolish' behavior)
//Really don't like visiting them in the summer, and it's actually a good 10 degrees cooler where they live than where I do.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Central A/C. When we are working in the garden we wear ice neck rings and take frequent breaks.

The heat sucks though. It’s one of the biggest reasons we left Florida. Climate change isn’t going to help.