
Oct 3, 2005
I currently only have two available. the bolt action, which I am using and the Russian one which is loud but faster fire rate. Does anyone remember how this regular rifle is unlocked? I would love to get it as it seems better than the AMR for stealth sniping.

Thanks much.

Oh and I have not unlocked ANY signature weapons yet. I am working on liberating 17 outposts and getting the rest of the radio towers on the first island.


Oct 3, 2005
I have read that if I unlock 15 radio towers it will be free. I have ten so far on the first island.
I am going to unlock all 18 on first island as my next thing I focus on. I will update here to let you all know what unlocks at this point. I have all weapons unlocked EXCEPT for the 44 magnum. After all towers are down, i am going to do letters and mem cards, THEN I will do path of hunter THEN I will go back to main mission which is investigate badtown at this point. Yeah I am laggin when it comes to getting the main story done.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
You will not have access to the Z93 until you either pick one up in a mission, or unlock more radio towers.


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
Yes, it'll kill heavies with one headshot. And if I'm not mistaken, you don't unlock it until you get to the south island. And I think once you unlock the 2nd radio tower on the south island, it becomes free, though it could be the 3rd tower. I know it was free pretty early on in the south island, but I ended up buying just before it became free.


Oct 3, 2005
Which brings me to the next..can I just take a boat and go to the second island OR do I have to wait to go there?


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
No, you have to wait to get there. You'll get a warning to turn back if you try to go there and then eventually you die.

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Oct 3, 2005
Rootbeer, just to be perfectly clear for me. Even if I unlock ALL the towers on the first Island I will still not be able to unlock the Z93. I absolutely have to get to the 2nd island first which means I have to go through 2/3rds of the story first. There is NO way to unlock the Z93 while still on the first island, correct?


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
I'm like 95% sure you have to get to the second island. I just got to the south island in my second play through and unlocked it as soon as I activated the first tower there, but it wasn't free. And as far as I can remember for the first time I played it, it also unlocked after getting to the South Island, but I'm not completely sure about that. I am 100% sure though that on my second go around I did unlock it as soon as I got to the South Island. So as I said above, I'm 95% sure you can only unlock it once you get to the South Island.

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Oct 3, 2005
Well I will go and unlock all the ones on the first island and update here what (if anything) was unlocked.


All-time 808 drum machine melee champion
Aug 18, 2005
Yes they are correct sir...i have unlocked all towers on North Island and sorry no Z93.
You arrive at the south island via story progression.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
M-700 is not a bad weapon. It can 1-shot Heavies (in the head if they are unalerted, which increases their DEF/HP)


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
I'm guessing every weapon class has a 'Restricted Military Model' that can only be unlocked when you reach the second Island and the Z93 is the sniper rifle equivelent.

I'm not rushing to get to the second Island to be honest. I'm enjoying myself on the first island by liberating camps, doing Wanted: Dead and Path of the Hunter missions, upgrading all my gear and weapons and just generally fucking around exploring and racing. Although I do look forward to getting my hands on the Z93, adding a H/P scope, Silencer and Extended Mag. But I'm not gonna rush it. I'll play the game like my first playthrough of Skyrim, just discover everything.

Games like this need time for them to be absorbed into your very soul, and it's more fun for me this way.


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
In case you were wondering/worried though, once you unlock the second island you can freely travel back and forth. I know that was one reason why I delayed going too far into the story during my first play through. I wanted to make sure I liberated all outposts and finished everything possible before furthering the story.

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Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
In case you were wondering/worried though, once you unlock the second island you can freely travel back and forth. I know that was one reason why I delayed going too far into the story during my first play through. I wanted to make sure I liberated all outposts and finished everything possible before furthering the story.

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I did suspect you could, but I wasn't sure. Thanks for the info :)


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
Hey, we joined at almost the same time!

Anyway, you could be thinking of the AMR, cuz there is that one mission where you use it to protect the escape of one of your friends. I don't think it officially unlocks then, but you can choose to keep it. But I'm still fairly certain I didn't unlock the Z93 until the second island.


Jan 2, 2013
Yup def second island unlock I think after you 14 or 15 radio tower. But you can pick it up off a dead body right before you head south but no silencer yet for stealth awesomeness. It's the ultimate gun once you own it, 3 attachments I use ext mag high powered scope and a silencer it's amazing. One shot kills and kills heavys one shot hs. Have fun o yeah and it kills almost all animals one shot so all in all itsmthemultimte weapon. Pair it up with the bushman and your unstoppable.
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Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
*Slight possible spoilers*

I'll just say its sometime after you get the ceremonial knife. And you settle the score with Vaas before you go south as well.

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電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
^ All that and killing six heavy soldiers -- one after another (1, 2, 3) -- in a fierce open clearing engagement.



Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
Oh yeah, I forgot about the heavies. On my second time around I used a lot of mines and C4. Don't use molotovs though, they just piss them off and I swear they kill you faster when they're angry.

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Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
It unlocks as you progress through the story. I can't recall when though. I'm not sure if its before or after you unlock the second island. It's okay though, the mission we're talking about has a mounted MG, and they don't all come at the same time, and if you're good enough with the MG, hit them in the brain a few times and they'll go down fairly quick. The second time I did that mission it felt like the heavies went down faster than they did outside of the mission, but that might've been because of the combo of explosives and MG.

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Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
I found a good way of killing heavies from range. Explosive Arrows, Two or three of these take down a heavy quite effectively, just make sure you have the Combat Archery skill. First one staggers them, second arrow kills them. Helps if you can draw and nock arrows quickly.

Although I have the Z93 now and can take them down with one headshot.
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Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
I prefer to be as stealthily as possible, so explosive arrows are out for me, unless I'm just out screwing around. But when I take down outposts, the only way to do it is either snipe them with the suppressed Z93 or if I don't screw it up and get close enough, I use takedowns. But 9 times out of 10 I will screw that up with my impatience.

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Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
Fair enough, it works for me though because I always end up alerting the damn pirates/mercs before I've taken down the heavies, then stealth goes out of the window. Best bet in that situation is to put as much distance as you can between you and the heavies, craft as many explosive arrows as you can and let the bastards have it.

Although I managed to liberate an outpost (south Island) with the Z93 without being detected at all. Last night I managed to liberate another Outpost (again with the Z93) with one shot! I kid you not, they had a bear in a cage so I just shot the cage and the bear slaughtered all the Mercs in the camp. Frickken awesome :D


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
Yep, I use the animals in cages quite often, though sometimes I find it disappointing because I'm not the one doing the killing. But it is less of a hassle. Although sometimes I've let a bear or tiger out and they get killed immediately.

Be warned, if you like to shoot alarm boxes to disable them, there are quite a few outposts on the southern island that have 3 boxes, and some of them are hard to get a good shooting angle on.

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Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
Oh yes, discovered that the hard way, got cocky and took out an alarm box with my silenced M700 before arming an AK 47 and going in blazing, expecting it to be over quickly. Didn't know they had a second Alarm box and next thing I know I hear some nigerian guy tell his comrades he'll be there in a minute. I was like 'Fuck!!' LOL!!

You can normally tell where the Alarms are an how many, any pole in the camp with a set of Klaxon speakers strapped to them have a box attatched. Takes paitience and timing to take them out one by one. Worth it though if you manage it and go steaming in and hear them say "What the fuck is wrong with the alarm??!"


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
Not all of the alarms are on poles with speakers though, and vice-versa. The only problem with shooting the alarms is the fact that you generally have to switch to the opposite side of the outpost to get a shot at them all and I've been spotted a few times doing that. Also sometimes, though not very often, they'll hear the shot hitting the alarm box and occasionally I've had guys set off the other alarm just because of that. Most of the time if they hear it about the just swear and then look around for a few seconds.

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Oct 3, 2005
I had two interesting animal stories. One was Neds boat repairs on the first island. I simply approached the camp crouched and was going to do some scouting. As the bear was attacking which I was hearing i was GOING to snipe the enemy sniper. Mr Black bear decided he did not need any help clearing the camp however. As I was lining up the shot the bear killed the sniper (on the roof) and I was awarded a stealthy take over of the camp with out actually killing a single pirate myself. Nor did I release Mr Bear. He simply showed up at the same time I did. It was so satisfying to hear the dying screams of pirates..Ooo yeah!
Feb 26, 2006
I had two interesting animal stories. One was Neds boat repairs on the first island. I simply approached the camp crouched and was going to do some scouting. As the bear was attacking which I was hearing i was GOING to snipe the enemy sniper. Mr Black bear decided he did not need any help clearing the camp however. As I was lining up the shot the bear killed the sniper (on the roof) and I was awarded a stealthy take over of the camp with out actually killing a single pirate myself. Nor did I release Mr Bear. He simply showed up at the same time I did. It was so satisfying to hear the dying screams of pirates..Ooo yeah!

I've had two occasions where tigers did the same thing for me. 1550xp and not firing a single shot.


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
I've tried using animals to clear outposts a few times, and I'd say it only works about half the time. The other half the animal gets killed before being able to kill even one guy. Disappointing.

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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 23, 2011
I've tried using animals to clear outposts a few times, and I'd say it only works about half the time. The other half the animal gets killed before being able to kill even one guy. Disappointing.

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Or they run away. Or they attack me.


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
I don't know how many times I've done this, but frequently I'll let the animal out and it'll kill everyone, I will then completely forget about it and get mauled by the fucking thing. It's happened to me at least a half dozen times.

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Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
I tried it with a captured bird (whatever the he'll they're called... Same species as yellowneck). Shot its cage door and hoped it would do the job. Five seconds it lasted before it was gunned down. Then I got mauled by two dogs... Lovely lol

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Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
I find the best animals to use are Bears. They can take heavies down pretty damn quick. And as long as there aren't more than 2 heavies and any RPG wielding sniper, the bear will take the outpost down most of the time.

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Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
Well I call them snipers because when you tag them with the camera they show the sniper icon over top of them.

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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 23, 2011
Well I call them snipers because when you tag them with the camera they show the sniper icon over top of them.

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Yeah and they're f*cking crack shots with those RPGs so.....RPG sniper is appropriate!

Also, the AMR is good and all.....but once you get the Z93 and can customize it, best weapon in the game. Suppressed .50 calibre? Oh hell yes :)


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
RPG Snipers are actually classed as snipers. Just not as subtle as the rifle carrying snipers. It doesn't make sense as RPG launchers aren't supposed to be pinpoint accurate, they're supposed to just destroy shit.

They should have an explosion symbol over their heads when tagged.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
RPG Snipers are actually classed as snipers. Just not as subtle as the rifle carrying snipers. It doesn't make sense as RPG launchers aren't supposed to be pinpoint accurate, they're supposed to just destroy shit.

They should have an explosion symbol over their heads when tagged.
They are classified as RPG / Sniper -- the "target" or bullseye icon is simply to categorize them as a priority target.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
RPG Snipers are actually classed as snipers. Just not as subtle as the rifle carrying snipers. It doesn't make sense as RPG launchers aren't supposed to be pinpoint accurate, they're supposed to just destroy shit.

They should have an explosion symbol over their heads when tagged.
They are classified as RPG / Sniper -- the "target" or bullseye icon is simply to categorize them as a priority target.
Good point, I always take out Snipers first, and you can normally guess what they're carrying even at a range.

In order of priority
Heavies (if I have the Z93 If not I leave these slags till last and use explosive arrows)
Dogs (if applicable)
Skull heads


Professional Prostate Inspector
Feb 1, 2006
Surrey, BC Canada
The AMR supposedly has explosive rounds, but they don't seem very explosive to me. If it was able to fit a suppressor, I would use it. But you're correct, nothing beats a suppressed Z93.

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電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
The AMR supposedly has explosive rounds, but they don't seem very explosive to me. If it was able to fit a suppressor, I would use it. But you're correct, nothing beats a suppressed Z93.
Shots detonate on impact. On the Xbox 360, there seems to be a missing visual element (fire/smoke) when the shot explodes, but I was stupid enough to detonate one AMR round at the end-game mission (at the airport) when 20 enemy pirate PMCs decided to swarm me, so I know the shot is explosive.