
No Longer a Noob
Dec 26, 2006
I have read this game can get pretty annoying for the boss fights. How are they on easy and can you change difficulty mid-game?

Go ahead flame on...


Dec 5, 2008
Never had any problems with boss fights. The ones that do are playing it like its CoD that's all.
Apr 22, 2008
if you are REALLY having trouble with boss fights...even on the hardest diff. Typhoon will do in every boss.

and if you are going for stealth and or no kill...difficulty won't matter for the rest of the game as you are not going to be fighting anyone other than bosses. well there are some side quests that'd force you to fight...


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
First I just threw explosives around the room at him since my guns were weak (played stealthy).

You can just zap the 2nd boss with stun gun or that concussive gun (forgot its name). 3rd boss recovers after a few pokes of stun gun or hops the wall so unload with a bigger weapon. But you can do that every few attacks. Be sure to carry at least one.

Last boss shouldn't be too tough.

Ammo is all over the rooms for any boss.


Almost Not a Noob
May 14, 2011
Yes, you can change the difficulty mid-game. For the first boss, I ended up changing the difficulty from normal to easy so I could beat him. (I suppose I'm not very good at video games. Thing is, I wasn't having fun any more and have reached the stage in my life where making valiant, video-game related efforts feels absurd and embarrassing and I just wanted to get back to enjoying the game again. A fast-forward of sorts. Worked well.)

Once past the first boss, I put the difficulty back to Normal and left it there through the game's end.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 26, 2006
Yup, that's the way I am too. Can't wait for winter break so I can play it


This is good...isn't it?
Aug 23, 2004
The boss fights are really easy on any difficulty. Im not even that good at games but a managed to kill them all within the first try on even the hardest. The first 2 or 3 are just runa round, point and shoot and their dead. The last one requires a little bit of thought but is easy when you know what your doing...

I only had difficulty with the last boss simply because they didnt explain what i had to do to finish it. I kept on dying because im like..."WTF am i spoussed to do?". It felt very trial and error to me, but ive heard tons of others pwn it within the first try are the hardest whatever.[face_tongue]


The greatest of the GHCB board members.
Jan 21, 2002
really? I was the opposite with the last being a complete joke. No challenge at all if you are stealth. The first I just thought there would be a more peaceful way to do it so I had to try a few times. 2nd was easy. 3rd took a couple tries because the stun attack only works a couple times in a row before he hops and runs.