
電 子 遊 戲 ��� 傅
Aug 6, 2002
After completing the game, I wouldn't expect New Game Plus (which is one reason why Dead Space gets boring really fast ...) but a "New Game Bonus", where you get -- IDK -- 4 or 5 Praxis Kits from the get go (say in Adam's security office)?

It's not game-breaking, but it would be a neat little bonus for completing the game.

IDK -- what's everyone's view on end-of-game bonuses? (note that the post-credits crap doesn't count).


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
Only really worth if the game itself encourages a second playthrough. I did everything in my first playthrough and except for 3-4 killing achievements that I simply reloaded for. I don't have any reason to play through it again except if I wanted to play as a gun totting lunatic, and other games does that better.

For a "New Game Plus" mode to be relevant the game needs to have some sort of incentive for playing through a second time such as an open world, actual C&C or additional features thats only unlocked after one playthrough. Preferably it has to have all of those.

Deus Ex 3 is a game that I probably won't replay, regardless of DLC and such.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
c00lizz said:
Deus Ex 3 is a game that I probably won't replay, regardless of DLC and such.
Replace Deus Ex 3 with Deus Ex, and repost the same sentence.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
sng-ign said:
c00lizz said:
Deus Ex 3 is a game that I probably won't replay, regardless of DLC and such.
Replace Deus Ex 3 with Deus Ex, and repost the same sentence.

Why should I? Deus Ex was actually big enough that I didn't do everything the first time I played through it.

That being said, yeah it's possible to do everything one playthrough in Deus Ex but unlike modern games, it won't happen without a guide. How many people do you think saved brother Denton without someone telling them it was possible?


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
^ It's possible -- you're probably not reading deep enough into the game's sub-text [face_mischief]


Sep 12, 2011
sng-ign said:
^ It's possible -- you're probably not reading deep enough into the game's sub-text [face_mischief]

**original DE spoilers**

Well, i can see where you're coming from but I find it hard to believe that you saw everything from the get-go. Did you kill Anna on the jet on your first go? Did you off Maggie Chow the first time you saw her? Did you notice the suspicious doorman at the Parisien cemetary on your first go?

But having said that, that is the beauty of replaying a game you quite obviously appreciate.