
Jun 10, 2011
I dont really see why people hate on uncharted 3 so much. I understand that they might have had their expectations a bit too high, but the so called plot holes, such as the spiders, aren't really relevant to the outcome of the story, therefore are not clasified as plot holes. You see, ND let you use your imagination this time around and left certain details out, (e.g spiders) to let you have your take on where their from. I like to think of them as traps left by Sir Francis, because it is said throughout the game that he covered everything up because what he figured out made him turn around and forget about the whole thing, so maybe he wanted to keep Iram's secret out of the hands of Marlowes organization. This theory makes sense, because Francis Drake only got as far as Yemen, and you never see the spiders again after that. Also people saying that the cruise ship segments are irrelevant and plot fillers. They served a purpose seeing as it seperated nate from sully, which left him in a tired state, which made elena attempt to rescue sully on her own. These segments showed how open nate and elena were with eachother and how much they care for sully. Also because sully was captured, it marks the first time drake willingly abandonned elena because he could not ensure her safety if he allowed sully to be kidnapped and have marlowe find Ubar and the deadly secrets it holds. He sees the potential fallout of his actions and shows genuine concern for those around him.

I dont have time right now to talk about EVERYTHING that is a concern about uncharted 3's story, but if you want to try and explain anything or have an argument (please be nice, i dont want to fight anyone) justvreply and i'll try and get back to you [face_tongue]


Jun 10, 2011
This is part of an interview between Richard Lemarchand and IGN, explaining what U3's story was about and what the point of it was:

There were noticeable changes in Uncharted 3’s storytelling too, with much less time spent with the female characters and an increased focus on Nate’s personal quest. “The way that Drake’s friends fall away over the course of Uncharted 3, finally leaving him alone, is an important and deliberate part of the game’s intertwined storytelling and game design technique,” explains Lemarchand.
“In part, Uncharted 3 is about how relentless Drake can be when he’s pursuing a goal, and the dangers of that single-mindedness. He’s so fixated on following the chain of clues that the story puts in front of him, and in such disregard of the growing danger around him, that he barely notices as his friends drop out of the adventure one by one. Even Chloe, who is normally so reckless, won’t go along for the ride beyond a certain point.
“So when he ends up alone for one of the later sequences of the adventure, he’s really facing one of his deepest fears. We all fear being alone, but it’s a particular demon for Drake, given what we learn about his background early on in the game.”


Jun 10, 2011
I thought the story was far superior in 3! there where a few plot holes but if you think hard enough you can provide your own answers. I don't see why people think the writers need to hand feed you every answer! some things are supposed to have room for interpretation
Exactly my point! As much as I love Uncharted 2, its story was pretty much spoon fed to you (not that thats a bad thing at all) its jus U3 had a different aproach at telling the story


May 31, 2012
uncharted 1 was the crappy one out of the franchise it had not alot of tention it was boring facing the pirates all the time. Uncharted 2 made the franchise alot better by travelling from turkish prison to borneo to the streets of nepal to yeah u's know here im going they had more weapons the online multiplayer was awesome, but then i hcame out u3 which blew my mind out of the gutter the storyline was marvelous the erpson who started this big coonvo is an amazing guy i love this man


Jun 10, 2011
uncharted 1 was the crappy one out of the franchise it had not alot of tention it was boring facing the pirates all the time. Uncharted 2 made the franchise alot better by travelling from turkish prison to borneo to the streets of nepal to yeah u's know here im going they had more weapons the online multiplayer was awesome, but then i hcame out u3 which blew my mind out of the gutter the storyline was marvelous the erpson who started this big coonvo is an amazing guy i love this man
First of all thank you :) and i wouldnt say UDF was bad, but it was my least favourite out of the 3, however i still love it :D


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 4, 2010
It's just full of crap. When you play Uncharted, you need to believe unrealistic things are going to happen. But this game is just too far.

On top of that, it's riddled with convenient plot points. Like how Elena just casually wanders into the right room, Nate just wakes up on the beach and stands up and goes "How convenient." Total bull in the writing department.

Also, the marketing ruined all of the big moments. We had already seen the plane, ship, château burning and the desert before the game out. It just left nothing but mindless shooting left over.


Jun 10, 2011
It's just full of crap. When you play Uncharted, you need to believe unrealistic things are going to happen. But this game is just too far.

On top of that, it's riddled with convenient plot points. Like how Elena just casually wanders into the right room, Nate just wakes up on the beach and stands up and goes "How convenient." Total bull in the writing department.

Also, the marketing ruined all of the big moments. We had already seen the plane, ship, château burning and the desert before the game out. It just left nothing but mindless shooting left over.

I respect your opinion, Im gonna say that right now. But unrealistic things always happen. I know you said this before, but climbing a train hanging of a mountain, having been shot and bleeding out, WHILE its snowing mind you, is the definition of unrealistic. I know what you mean though. Falling out of a crashing plane in the desert and surviving is incredibly far fetched, its just video games aren't reality, and you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Things in games like Uncharted will always be like that, its never gonna change. However, I agree they sorta upped the ante on the unrealism in this one, its in there with every set piece, buy they were trying do out do U2.

Im sorry I don't know what you mean by Elena casually walking into the room. At what point in the game does this happen? It might just be my bad memory since I haven't played U3 campaign in a bit. The "convenient" line was a bit much, but no game can be perfect. Having that not happen to Drake would have made the game too long. Also, the cruise ship didnt get that far off the coast before it sunk, the tide COULD have brought him in. Again some segments from U2. Its very convenient that Tenzin just so happens to be where Nate ends up. That they find the right temple so fast in Nepal in the midst of all the other temples. It really just comes down to the fact the game would become too long. Either that, or you can call it lazy writing.

I do agree, it left the game with almost NO surprise set pieces which sucked considering I could have just watched the freaking trailer and gotten generally the same experience as playing them.

Once again, I respect your opinion, I just think the game recieves too much hate. In the end, its still better than most of the stuff put there :)


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 4, 2010
It's just full of crap. When you play Uncharted, you need to believe unrealistic things are going to happen. But this game is just too far.

On top of that, it's riddled with convenient plot points. Like how Elena just casually wanders into the right room, Nate just wakes up on the beach and stands up and goes "How convenient." Total bull in the writing department.

Also, the marketing ruined all of the big moments. We had already seen the plane, ship, château burning and the desert before the game out. It just left nothing but mindless shooting left over.

I respect your opinion, Im gonna say that right now. But unrealistic things always happen. I know you said this before, but climbing a train hanging of a mountain, having been shot and bleeding out, WHILE its snowing mind you, is the definition of unrealistic. I know what you mean though. Falling out of a crashing plane in the desert and surviving is incredibly far fetched, its just video games aren't reality, and you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Things in games like Uncharted will always be like that, its never gonna change. However, I agree they sorta upped the ante on the unrealism in this one, its in there with every set piece, buy they were trying do out do U2.

Im sorry I don't know what you mean by Elena casually walking into the room. At what point in the game does this happen? It might just be my bad memory since I haven't played U3 campaign in a bit. The "convenient" line was a bit much, but no game can be perfect. Having that not happen to Drake would have made the game too long. Also, the cruise ship didnt get that far off the coast before it sunk, the tide COULD have brought him in. Again some segments from U2. Its very convenient that Tenzin just so happens to be where Nate ends up. That they find the right temple so fast in Nepal in the midst of all the other temples. It really just comes down to the fact the game would become too long. Either that, or you can call it lazy writing.

I do agree, it left the game with almost NO surprise set pieces which sucked considering I could have just watched the freaking trailer and gotten generally the same experience as playing them.

Once again, I respect your opinion, I just think the game recieves too much hate. In the end, its still better than most of the stuff put there :)
Good work on knowing the difference between opinions and facts.

On to the topic. The part where Elena casually walked into the room was just after the street fight, where the three ran from it in chapter 10 believe?

On to the Uncharted 2 things you listed. Well, they were slightly more justified. Chloe and Nate did climb up and have a look for it, and Tenzin might have heard the sounds and come looking. Also, with the thing about Nate being washed out to sea and surviving, yes they were close to the coast and yes it feasible for him to survive, but there was just no context in between the fade to black and him waking up.

I'm not saying Uncharted 3 is horrible, it's like a 6/10 game, and the graphics and storytelling and insane. But the main plot felt like they just wanted to throw crazy stuff into the game with no real filler or no real story in between the set pieces.


Jun 10, 2011
It's just full of crap. When you play Uncharted, you need to believe unrealistic things are going to happen. But this game is just too far.

On top of that, it's riddled with convenient plot points. Like how Elena just casually wanders into the right room, Nate just wakes up on the beach and stands up and goes "How convenient." Total bull in the writing department.

Also, the marketing ruined all of the big moments. We had already seen the plane, ship, château burning and the desert before the game out. It just left nothing but mindless shooting left over.

I respect your opinion, Im gonna say that right now. But unrealistic things always happen. I know you said this before, but climbing a train hanging of a mountain, having been shot and bleeding out, WHILE its snowing mind you, is the definition of unrealistic. I know what you mean though. Falling out of a crashing plane in the desert and surviving is incredibly far fetched, its just video games aren't reality, and you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Things in games like Uncharted will always be like that, its never gonna change. However, I agree they sorta upped the ante on the unrealism in this one, its in there with every set piece, buy they were trying do out do U2.

Im sorry I don't know what you mean by Elena casually walking into the room. At what point in the game does this happen? It might just be my bad memory since I haven't played U3 campaign in a bit. The "convenient" line was a bit much, but no game can be perfect. Having that not happen to Drake would have made the game too long. Also, the cruise ship didnt get that far off the coast before it sunk, the tide COULD have brought him in. Again some segments from U2. Its very convenient that Tenzin just so happens to be where Nate ends up. That they find the right temple so fast in Nepal in the midst of all the other temples. It really just comes down to the fact the game would become too long. Either that, or you can call it lazy writing.

I do agree, it left the game with almost NO surprise set pieces which sucked considering I could have just watched the freaking trailer and gotten generally the same experience as playing them.

Once again, I respect your opinion, I just think the game recieves too much hate. In the end, its still better than most of the stuff put there :)
Good work on knowing the difference between opinions and facts.

On to the topic. The part where Elena casually walked into the room was just after the street fight, where the three ran from it in chapter 10 believe?

On to the Uncharted 2 things you listed. Well, they were slightly more justified. Chloe and Nate did climb up and have a look for it, and Tenzin might have heard the sounds and come looking. Also, with the thing about Nate being washed out to sea and surviving, yes they were close to the coast and yes it feasible for him to survive, but there was just no context in between the fade to black and him waking up.

I'm not saying Uncharted 3 is horrible, it's like a 6/10 game, and the graphics and storytelling and insane. But the main plot felt like they just wanted to throw crazy stuff into the game with no real filler or no real story in between the set pieces.
First of all, the reason I said opinion was because you said you think U3 was over the top, and i
I said I dont agree because all if not most action adventure games are over the top, and while I agree U3 did kinda push the limits, Its still only a game. Second, Oh yes Elena walking into that room was very silly, I mean come THAT is just something so convenient, the odds of that happening are slim to none.
The reason I defend U3 is because when I first played it, I wanted it to be better than U2, but it isn't. I agree there needed to be more detail between the fade and Nate washing up on shore, but ND isn't stupid. They thought they could let that slip because so many people enjoyed U2, and it had some plot holes itself, like the Tenzin or temple part ( I know you tried to explain these, as I did with the U3 nate washing up in Yemen, but in reality if they don't explain it in the game, its a plot hole [face_tongue] ) but in U3 they thought they could get away with bigger, more frequent ones.

In the end, I suppose your right. Uncharted 3 did have alot of plot holes in it. But in the end, it didnt harm the the beautiful story telling, or the outcome of the game, just the same as U2. Yes U2 is MUCH more polished, and some of the plot holes could be easily explained (however, they are not) All in all your allowed to think whatever you want about any game, or anything for that matter, but there is no denying, U3 has many plot holes, but you decide whether that ruins the entire experience for you :)


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 4, 2010
I respect your opinion, Im gonna say that right now. But unrealistic things always happen. I know you said this before, but climbing a train hanging of a mountain, having been shot and bleeding out, WHILE its snowing mind you, is the definition of unrealistic. I know what you mean though. Falling out of a crashing plane in the desert and surviving is incredibly far fetched, its just video games aren't reality, and you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Things in games like Uncharted will always be like that, its never gonna change. However, I agree they sorta upped the ante on the unrealism in this one, its in there with every set piece, buy they were trying do out do U2.

Im sorry I don't know what you mean by Elena casually walking into the room. At what point in the game does this happen? It might just be my bad memory since I haven't played U3 campaign in a bit. The "convenient" line was a bit much, but no game can be perfect. Having that not happen to Drake would have made the game too long. Also, the cruise ship didnt get that far off the coast before it sunk, the tide COULD have brought him in. Again some segments from U2. Its very convenient that Tenzin just so happens to be where Nate ends up. That they find the right temple so fast in Nepal in the midst of all the other temples. It really just comes down to the fact the game would become too long. Either that, or you can call it lazy writing.

I do agree, it left the game with almost NO surprise set pieces which sucked considering I could have just watched the freaking trailer and gotten generally the same experience as playing them.

Once again, I respect your opinion, I just think the game recieves too much hate. In the end, its still better than most of the stuff put there :)
Good work on knowing the difference between opinions and facts.

On to the topic. The part where Elena casually walked into the room was just after the street fight, where the three ran from it in chapter 10 believe?

On to the Uncharted 2 things you listed. Well, they were slightly more justified. Chloe and Nate did climb up and have a look for it, and Tenzin might have heard the sounds and come looking. Also, with the thing about Nate being washed out to sea and surviving, yes they were close to the coast and yes it feasible for him to survive, but there was just no context in between the fade to black and him waking up.

I'm not saying Uncharted 3 is horrible, it's like a 6/10 game, and the graphics and storytelling and insane. But the main plot felt like they just wanted to throw crazy stuff into the game with no real filler or no real story in between the set pieces.
First of all, the reason I said opinion was because you said you think U3 was over the top, and i
I said I dont agree because all if not most action adventure games are over the top, and while I agree U3 did kinda push the limits, Its still only a game. Second, Oh yes Elena walking into that room was very silly, I mean come THAT is just something so convenient, the odds of that happening are slim to none.
The reason I defend U3 is because when I first played it, I wanted it to be better than U2, but it isn't. I agree there needed to be more detail between the fade and Nate washing up on shore, but ND isn't stupid. They thought they could let that slip because so many people enjoyed U2, and it had some plot holes itself, like the Tenzin or temple part ( I know you tried to explain these, as I did with the U3 nate washing up in Yemen, but in reality if they don't explain it in the game, its a plot hole [face_tongue] ) but in U3 they thought they could get away with bigger, more frequent ones.

In the end, I suppose your right. Uncharted 3 did have alot of plot holes in it. But in the end, it didnt harm the the beautiful story telling, or the outcome of the game, just the same as U2. Yes U2 is MUCH more polished, and some of the plot holes could be easily explained (however, they are not) All in all your allowed to think whatever you want about any game, or anything for that matter, but there is no denying, U3 has many plot holes, but you decide whether that ruins the entire experience for you :)

Fair enough. The thing is, Uncharted has never been about amazing gameplay. It relies on the story, and when the story is broken, you have a problem. While I wanted to like U3, I really couldn't look past this.


Jul 8, 2012
I could never understand why there could be hate on this game, it is a true master piece and is one of the few games that are perfect. Maybe it's just people with an xbox 360 being jealous?


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 4, 2010
I could never understand why there could be hate on this game, it is a true master piece and is one of the few games that are perfect. Maybe it's just people with an xbox 360 being jealous?
Perfect? No. No games are perfect, and if a game is getting this much hate there has to be something wrong.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 5, 2007
I can see where people might see the ship portion as irrelevant since it is kind of contrived that Marlowe hands Nate over to pirates after she got what she wanted. She wanted him dead, so why not just kill him? Why hand him over to someone else who might, and did, betray her by trying to get that information for himself? Also, we never get an explanation as to who Marlowe's group is, or why they want what is in Iram. They already had a weaponized control serum, so about all we can assume is that this old version was superior. Lazaravic's motivations might have been simplistic, but at least they were clear. This would have been pretty easily fixed by just taking a minute to explain some things. It didn't need to be drawn out, but it would have helped.

And yes, the marketing was so concerned with hyping the game that they gave away the biggest moments. These were still impressive, but it's hard to get too excited when you've already seen them.
Last edited:
Aug 9, 2012
I respect your opinion, Im gonna say that right now. But unrealistic things always happen. I know you said this before, but climbing a train hanging of a mountain, having been shot and bleeding out, WHILE its snowing mind you, is the definition of unrealistic. I know what you mean though. Falling out of a crashing plane in the desert and surviving is incredibly far fetched, its just video games aren't reality, and you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Things in games like Uncharted will always be like that, its never gonna change. However, I agree they sorta upped the ante on the unrealism in this one, its in there with every set piece, buy they were trying do out do U2.

Im sorry I don't know what you mean by Elena casually walking into the room. At what point in the game does this happen? It might just be my bad memory since I haven't played U3 campaign in a bit. The "convenient" line was a bit much, but no game can be perfect. Having that not happen to Drake would have made the game too long. Also, the cruise ship didnt get that far off the coast before it sunk, the tide COULD have brought him in. Again some segments from U2. Its very convenient that Tenzin just so happens to be where Nate ends up. That they find the right temple so fast in Nepal in the midst of all the other temples. It really just comes down to the fact the game would become too long. Either that, or you can call it lazy writing.

I do agree, it left the game with almost NO surprise set pieces which sucked considering I could have just watched the freaking trailer and gotten generally the same experience as playing them.

Once again, I respect your opinion, I just think the game recieves too much hate. In the end, its still better than most of the stuff put there :)
Good work on knowing the difference between opinions and facts.

On to the topic. The part where Elena casually walked into the room was just after the street fight, where the three ran from it in chapter 10 believe?

On to the Uncharted 2 things you listed. Well, they were slightly more justified. Chloe and Nate did climb up and have a look for it, and Tenzin might have heard the sounds and come looking. Also, with the thing about Nate being washed out to sea and surviving, yes they were close to the coast and yes it feasible for him to survive, but there was just no context in between the fade to black and him waking up.

I'm not saying Uncharted 3 is horrible, it's like a 6/10 game, and the graphics and storytelling and insane. But the main plot felt like they just wanted to throw crazy stuff into the game with no real filler or no real story in between the set pieces.
First of all, the reason I said opinion was because you said you think U3 was over the top, and i
I said I dont agree because all if not most action adventure games are over the top, and while I agree U3 did kinda push the limits, Its still only a game. Second, Oh yes Elena walking into that room was very silly, I mean come THAT is just something so convenient, the odds of that happening are slim to none.
The reason I defend U3 is because when I first played it, I wanted it to be better than U2, but it isn't. I agree there needed to be more detail between the fade and Nate washing up on shore, but ND isn't stupid. They thought they could let that slip because so many people enjoyed U2, and it had some plot holes itself, like the Tenzin or temple part ( I know you tried to explain these, as I did with the U3 nate washing up in Yemen, but in reality if they don't explain it in the game, its a plot hole [face_tongue] ) but in U3 they thought they could get away with bigger, more frequent ones.

In the end, I suppose your right. Uncharted 3 did have alot of plot holes in it. But in the end, it didnt harm the the beautiful story telling, or the outcome of the game, just the same as U2. Yes U2 is MUCH more polished, and some of the plot holes could be easily explained (however, they are not) All in all your allowed to think whatever you want about any game, or anything for that matter, but there is no denying, U3 has many plot holes, but you decide whether that ruins the entire experience for you :)
I respect your opinion, Im gonna say that right now. But unrealistic things always happen. I know you said this before, but climbing a train hanging of a mountain, having been shot and bleeding out, WHILE its snowing mind you, is the definition of unrealistic. I know what you mean though. Falling out of a crashing plane in the desert and surviving is incredibly far fetched, its just video games aren't reality, and you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Things in games like Uncharted will always be like that, its never gonna change. However, I agree they sorta upped the ante on the unrealism in this one, its in there with every set piece, buy they were trying do out do U2.

Im sorry I don't know what you mean by Elena casually walking into the room. At what point in the game does this happen? It might just be my bad memory since I haven't played U3 campaign in a bit. The "convenient" line was a bit much, but no game can be perfect. Having that not happen to Drake would have made the game too long. Also, the cruise ship didnt get that far off the coast before it sunk, the tide COULD have brought him in. Again some segments from U2. Its very convenient that Tenzin just so happens to be where Nate ends up. That they find the right temple so fast in Nepal in the midst of all the other temples. It really just comes down to the fact the game would become too long. Either that, or you can call it lazy writing.

I do agree, it left the game with almost NO surprise set pieces which sucked considering I could have just watched the freaking trailer and gotten generally the same experience as playing them.

Once again, I respect your opinion, I just think the game recieves too much hate. In the end, its still better than most of the stuff put there :)
Good work on knowing the difference between opinions and facts.

On to the topic. The part where Elena casually walked into the room was just after the street fight, where the three ran from it in chapter 10 believe?

On to the Uncharted 2 things you listed. Well, they were slightly more justified. Chloe and Nate did climb up and have a look for it, and Tenzin might have heard the sounds and come looking. Also, with the thing about Nate being washed out to sea and surviving, yes they were close to the coast and yes it feasible for him to survive, but there was just no context in between the fade to black and him waking up.

I'm not saying Uncharted 3 is horrible, it's like a 6/10 game, and the graphics and storytelling and insane. But the main plot felt like they just wanted to throw crazy stuff into the game with no real filler or no real story in between the set pieces.
First of all, the reason I said opinion was because you said you think U3 was over the top, and i
I said I dont agree because all if not most action adventure games are over the top, and while I agree U3 did kinda push the limits, Its still only a game. Second, Oh yes Elena walking into that room was very silly, I mean come THAT is just something so convenient, the odds of that happening are slim to none.
The reason I defend U3 is because when I first played it, I wanted it to be better than U2, but it isn't. I agree there needed to be more detail between the fade and Nate washing up on shore, but ND isn't stupid. They thought they could let that slip because so many people enjoyed U2, and it had some plot holes itself, like the Tenzin or temple part ( I know you tried to explain these, as I did with the U3 nate washing up in Yemen, but in reality if they don't explain it in the game, its a plot hole [face_tongue] ) but in U3 they thought they could get away with bigger, more frequent ones.

In the end, I suppose your right. Uncharted 3 did have alot of plot holes in it. But in the end, it didnt harm the the beautiful story telling, or the outcome of the game, just the same as U2. Yes U2 is MUCH more polished, and some of the plot holes could be easily explained (however, they are not) All in all your allowed to think whatever you want about any game, or anything for that matter, but there is no denying, U3 has many plot holes, but you decide whether that ruins the entire experience for you :)

Well I think that naughty dog has gone too far off of "One Ordinary Man... One Extraordinary Adventure". In Uncharted DF I felt like the underdog, cause I was stuck on an island without a map, missing my allies, and if you look closely Nate doesn't hold the rifles and pistols in the correct way; he fires rifles lower (almost at the hip). If they make Uncharted 4 I want to see what I saw in the beggining. An underdog Nate with no one to rely on, but himself. Naughty Dog also has left the uncharted part. Yeah sure Ubar and Shambala were uncharted, but in DF almost the whole game took place on an uncharted island. Uncharted 3 was great, but Naughty Dog is going off the base of what Uncharted was supposed to be.


Jun 10, 2011
Good work on knowing the difference between opinions and facts.

On to the topic. The part where Elena casually walked into the room was just after the street fight, where the three ran from it in chapter 10 believe?

On to the Uncharted 2 things you listed. Well, they were slightly more justified. Chloe and Nate did climb up and have a look for it, and Tenzin might have heard the sounds and come looking. Also, with the thing about Nate being washed out to sea and surviving, yes they were close to the coast and yes it feasible for him to survive, but there was just no context in between the fade to black and him waking up.

I'm not saying Uncharted 3 is horrible, it's like a 6/10 game, and the graphics and storytelling and insane. But the main plot felt like they just wanted to throw crazy stuff into the game with no real filler or no real story in between the set pieces.
First of all, the reason I said opinion was because you said you think U3 was over the top, and i
I said I dont agree because all if not most action adventure games are over the top, and while I agree U3 did kinda push the limits, Its still only a game. Second, Oh yes Elena walking into that room was very silly, I mean come THAT is just something so convenient, the odds of that happening are slim to none.
The reason I defend U3 is because when I first played it, I wanted it to be better than U2, but it isn't. I agree there needed to be more detail between the fade and Nate washing up on shore, but ND isn't stupid. They thought they could let that slip because so many people enjoyed U2, and it had some plot holes itself, like the Tenzin or temple part ( I know you tried to explain these, as I did with the U3 nate washing up in Yemen, but in reality if they don't explain it in the game, its a plot hole [face_tongue] ) but in U3 they thought they could get away with bigger, more frequent ones.

In the end, I suppose your right. Uncharted 3 did have alot of plot holes in it. But in the end, it didnt harm the the beautiful story telling, or the outcome of the game, just the same as U2. Yes U2 is MUCH more polished, and some of the plot holes could be easily explained (however, they are not) All in all your allowed to think whatever you want about any game, or anything for that matter, but there is no denying, U3 has many plot holes, but you decide whether that ruins the entire experience for you :)
Good work on knowing the difference between opinions and facts.

On to the topic. The part where Elena casually walked into the room was just after the street fight, where the three ran from it in chapter 10 believe?

On to the Uncharted 2 things you listed. Well, they were slightly more justified. Chloe and Nate did climb up and have a look for it, and Tenzin might have heard the sounds and come looking. Also, with the thing about Nate being washed out to sea and surviving, yes they were close to the coast and yes it feasible for him to survive, but there was just no context in between the fade to black and him waking up.

I'm not saying Uncharted 3 is horrible, it's like a 6/10 game, and the graphics and storytelling and insane. But the main plot felt like they just wanted to throw crazy stuff into the game with no real filler or no real story in between the set pieces.
First of all, the reason I said opinion was because you said you think U3 was over the top, and i
I said I dont agree because all if not most action adventure games are over the top, and while I agree U3 did kinda push the limits, Its still only a game. Second, Oh yes Elena walking into that room was very silly, I mean come THAT is just something so convenient, the odds of that happening are slim to none.
The reason I defend U3 is because when I first played it, I wanted it to be better than U2, but it isn't. I agree there needed to be more detail between the fade and Nate washing up on shore, but ND isn't stupid. They thought they could let that slip because so many people enjoyed U2, and it had some plot holes itself, like the Tenzin or temple part ( I know you tried to explain these, as I did with the U3 nate washing up in Yemen, but in reality if they don't explain it in the game, its a plot hole [face_tongue] ) but in U3 they thought they could get away with bigger, more frequent ones.

In the end, I suppose your right. Uncharted 3 did have alot of plot holes in it. But in the end, it didnt harm the the beautiful story telling, or the outcome of the game, just the same as U2. Yes U2 is MUCH more polished, and some of the plot holes could be easily explained (however, they are not) All in all your allowed to think whatever you want about any game, or anything for that matter, but there is no denying, U3 has many plot holes, but you decide whether that ruins the entire experience for you :)

Well I think that naughty dog has gone too far off of "One Ordinary Man... One Extraordinary Adventure". In Uncharted DF I felt like the underdog, cause I was stuck on an island without a map, missing my allies, and if you look closely Nate doesn't hold the rifles and pistols in the correct way; he fires rifles lower (almost at the hip). If they make Uncharted 4 I want to see what I saw in the beggining. An underdog Nate with no one to rely on, but himself. Naughty Dog also has left the uncharted part. Yeah sure Ubar and Shambala were uncharted, but in DF almost the whole game took place on an uncharted island. Uncharted 3 was great, but Naughty Dog is going off the base of what Uncharted was supposed to be.
While I do agree with you, the feeling of being stranded on an island without a map was cool, if they did the same thing in Uncharted 2, then it would be no different from DF, which while it was amazing, doing it again would be boring. The idea of U2 was that Shambala was "uncharted" and Nate needed to find it. While it was a strech from being on a single island, ND couldn't completeley rename it. And if you wanted an experience where you didn't have anyone to rely on, play Uncharted 3. That was the consensus of the game, that Nate was alone, without his friends (please refer to my second post)


Jun 10, 2011
I can see where people might see the ship portion as irrelevant since it is kind of contrived that Marlowe hands Nate over to pirates after she got what she wanted. She wanted him dead, so why not just kill him? Why hand him over to someone else who might, and did, betray her by trying to get that information for himself? Also, we never get an explanation as to who Marlowe's group is, or why they want what is in Iram. They already had a weaponized control serum, so about all we can assume is that this old version was superior. Lazaravic's motivations might have been simplistic, but at least they were clear. This would have been pretty easily fixed by just taking a minute to explain some things. It didn't need to be drawn out, but it would have helped.

And yes, the marketing was so concerned with hyping the game that they gave away the biggest moments. These were still impressive, but it's hard to get too excited when you've already seen them.
I can't argue with this. If you feel that Marlowe handing him ive to Ramses was unnessasary and she should have just killed him, thats great. But thats the end of Uncharted. While the ship sequence may have been irrelevant, it was fun, and it didn't end in Nates death. However I agree that if they are gonna do that, they should explain it a bit more, and thats where U3 fails imo, because of the failure to explain things. And again I agreed that the marketing campaign ruined the experience of the set pieces (excuse my spelling/ grammar as I typed this very fast)


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
uncharted 1 was the crappy one out of the franchise it had not alot of tention it was boring facing the pirates all the time. Uncharted 2 made the franchise alot better by travelling from turkish prison to borneo to the streets of nepal to yeah u's know here im going they had more weapons the online multiplayer was awesome, but then i hcame out u3 which blew my mind out of the gutter the storyline was marvelous the erpson who started this big coonvo is an amazing guy i love this man
First of all thank you :) and i wouldnt say UDF was bad, but it was my least favourite out of the 3, however i still love it :D
Uncharted 1 was awesome. It was the most unpredictable out of the three for me. I loved how it was set in a few days and in one location. The story was great, the gameplay was entertaining and it was great introduction to a game series that is one of my favourites.


Jun 10, 2011
uncharted 1 was the crappy one out of the franchise it had not alot of tention it was boring facing the pirates all the time. Uncharted 2 made the franchise alot better by travelling from turkish prison to borneo to the streets of nepal to yeah u's know here im going they had more weapons the online multiplayer was awesome, but then i hcame out u3 which blew my mind out of the gutter the storyline was marvelous the erpson who started this big coonvo is an amazing guy i love this man
First of all thank you :) and i wouldnt say UDF was bad, but it was my least favourite out of the 3, however i still love it :D
Uncharted 1 was awesome. It was the most unpredictable out of the three for me. I loved how it was set in a few days and in one location. The story was great, the gameplay was entertaining and it was great introduction to a game series that is one of my favourites.
I agree U1 is awesome. I just prefer 2 and 3


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010
First of all thank you :) and i wouldnt say UDF was bad, but it was my least favourite out of the 3, however i still love it :D
Uncharted 1 was awesome. It was the most unpredictable out of the three for me. I loved how it was set in a few days and in one location. The story was great, the gameplay was entertaining and it was great introduction to a game series that is one of my favourites.
I agree U1 is awesome. I just prefer 2 and 3
totally agree with this, haven't played Golden Abyss tho.


Jun 10, 2011
Uncharted 1 was awesome. It was the most unpredictable out of the three for me. I loved how it was set in a few days and in one location. The story was great, the gameplay was entertaining and it was great introduction to a game series that is one of my favourites.
I agree U1 is awesome. I just prefer 2 and 3
totally agree with this, haven't played Golden Abyss tho.
Guessing you dont have a vita, lol. If you do you should totally play it... Its great fun. Story isnt as good as the others but still great imo


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 13, 2010