
Mar 15, 2012
now i am waiting for bully 2 after i played bully on my pc and it is more like the warrior game for the psp. but more better and nice graphics. so i wish that they will make bully 2 for pc,xbox360,ps3 and psvita.but they have to add some new things like-
1-rockstar should make a new character.
2-they have to set it in a college instead school.
3-the map should be bigger.
4-new weapons like crackers, acid, a plastic bag full of garbage that can be unlocked after a mission associated with waste and some cool other that can be used as a weapon.
5-they should have bikes and car that can be driven by us because we have license.
6-they should give cool missions about gang war.
and they should give more things like this.thanks for reading and have a nice day.this is gtarocks14 signing out bye.


Sep 11, 2012
Planet Vegeta
now i am waiting for bully 2 after i played bully on my pc and it is more like the warrior game for the psp. but more better and nice graphics. so i wish that they will make bully 2 for pc,xbox360,ps3 and psvita.but they have to add some new things like-
1-rockstar should make a new character.
2-they have to set it in a college instead school.
3-the map should be bigger.
4-new weapons like crackers, acid, a plastic bag full of garbage that can be unlocked after a mission associated with waste and some cool other that can be used as a weapon.
5-they should have bikes and car that can be driven by us because we have license.
6-they should give cool missions about gang war.
and they should give more things like this.thanks for reading and have a nice day.this is gtarocks14 signing out bye.
nice box art
Mar 4, 2013
good ideas but not college a high school and gang war? dude what the hell?

Yeah this does seem a silly idea, that's more of a GTA-kinda thing, I do like your other ideas though, and I agree with a college over a high school, maybe because I'm English and it'd be totally different too me.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 10, 2013
now i am waiting for bully 2 after i played bully on my pc and it is more like the warrior game for the psp. but more better and nice graphics. so i wish that they will make bully 2 for pc,xbox360,ps3 and psvita.but they have to add some new things like-
1-rockstar should make a new character.
2-they have to set it in a college instead school.
3-the map should be bigger.
4-new weapons like crackers, acid, a plastic bag full of garbage that can be unlocked after a mission associated with waste and some cool other that can be used as a weapon.
5-they should have bikes and car that can be driven by us because we have license.
6-they should give cool missions about gang war.
and they should give more things like this.thanks for reading and have a nice day.this is gtarocks14 signing out bye.

So basically, take an east L.A. public high school and convert it to a video game, and title it bully 2? not bad!
Apr 30, 2013
good ideas but i say rockstar should lets make our own character. with jimmy either a senior or has already graduated and you have to live up to his reputation


Apr 30, 2013
It should be "Bully: University Edition" in my opinion. I agree with most of the stuff except w/ the gang warfare stuff because I believe that's out of Bully's theme, that should stay in Grand Theft Auto's territory. I believe the new game should have Jimmy Hopkins as the playable character (again) and going to Bullworth University with Pete, with new missions and stuff. Not them together all the time, just them two being best friends for a while. Gary, maybe or maybe not should be the bad guy again. I'm not sure. Actually it would be better if Johnny Vincent just showed up in a part where he vandalizes the collage and maybe tries to frame Jimmy as revenge for trying to prove to him that Jimmy was tougher than him. But there should be more weapons like maybe B.B. guns with scopes after a certain point where it's upgraded in a level. (I dunno how to spell B. B. gun). I don't agree to having gang warfare or guns in Bully because it wouldn't make sense. It would be like all of a sudden, Nikko just supplied Jimmy with stuff and told him to shoot down the school grounds. But, I am worried that with the original game on PS2 and Xbox 360, what if the new game is only on the newer generation systems coming out? I mean if they don't make it for Xbox 360 (which is my most favorite system I have and play most) and I can't get the new Xbox yet I might as well buy it for the PC. But there should definately be classes where you afterwards unlock either weapons or outfits/clothing like in the first game. Like, for example, Chemistry class can make you dynamite, stink bombs again, and other things (I can't come up with anything else I just have the original weapons stuck in my head). But there should be something related to a slingshot. The slingshot is one of the weapons that makes a game like Bully great especially with its unlimited ammo. But the save book should be anywhere you want unless you're in a mission. Like, just clicking the save button while on the pause button. But I hope they make the other game. The first one got me excited with the story line, the missions and errands/side missions, the challenges, the bike races, go-kart races, easter eggs and the collectibles such as the rubber bands and the G&G Cards.


Sep 22, 2010
Well I think that they will make the game based off a later date of the story line. More like the senior year. Hence the name of Bully, with it tied to a school that lives on with bulling. Also with the same character of Bully, with a more mature and grownup Jimmy. He is still the king of the school. Everyone still respects him as they did before.
I also like joelexicon's idea of the use of BB guns. This is a school we are talking about. Rockstar would get alot of complaints of this game if there were guns put into it.
A more expansive map. Maybe another town not far off? Also with a exploreable forest?
More useful things to do like jobs and some unlimited side missions?
A ton of extra things to do after a story completion? <- Bully lacked that.
A greater base of characters. I kept seeing the same people in like 10 secs intervals.
More useful tools and weapons. Maybe a weapon custom maker?
More clothes?
The idea of gtarocks14 of the gang wars. Nice idea. But since this game is not based of GTA. I would say Clique wars or more like turf wars. Where a select areas are able to control.

I got a made-up beginning of the game scenario. I was bored after writing that ^. I also had this in my head after beating Bully not so long ago. I hope you guys like it. i think it's pretty cool.
A peaceful evening at Bullworth Academy. Jimmy Hopkins and his friends are having a smashing party inside the boy's dorm a couple months before graduation. Almost everyone from the cliques were there, having a great time. Then, the lights and music cut out. Then Jimmy gets whacked in the head by something blunt. Everything turns into a haze, then blacked out. Soon after, he is awaken by a voice directed at him. "So, you think you're the best one of the school? About to graduate from here and leave without any trouble? I think not my friend." The bag that had covered Jimmy's view had been taken off. A flash of light blinded his eyes. Out of the shadowy figure blocking the light stood a familiar face. -Cuts to Theme song of Bully-


Apr 30, 2013
Well I think that they will make the game based off a later date of the story line. More like the senior year. Hence the name of Bully, with it tied to a school that lives on with bulling. Also with the same character of Bully, with a more mature and grownup Jimmy. He is still the king of the school. Everyone still respects him as they did before.
I also like joelexicon's idea of the use of BB guns. This is a school we are talking about. Rockstar would get alot of complaints of this game if there were guns put into it.
A more expansive map. Maybe another town not far off? Also with a exploreable forest?
More useful things to do like jobs and some unlimited side missions?
A ton of extra things to do after a story completion? <- Bully lacked that.
A greater base of characters. I kept seeing the same people in like 10 secs intervals.
More useful tools and weapons. Maybe a weapon custom maker?
More clothes?
The idea of gtarocks14 of the gang wars. Nice idea. But since this game is not based of GTA. I would say Clique wars or more like turf wars. Where a select areas are able to control.

I got a made-up beginning of the game scenario. I was bored after writing that ^. I also had this in my head after beating Bully not so long ago. I hope you guys like it. i think it's pretty cool.
A peaceful evening at Bullworth Academy. Jimmy Hopkins and his friends are having a smashing party inside the boy's dorm a couple months before graduation. Almost everyone from the cliques were there, having a great time. Then, the lights and music cut out. Then Jimmy gets whacked in the head by something blunt. Everything turns into a haze, then blacked out. Soon after, he is awaken by a voice directed at him. "So, you think you're the best one of the school? About to graduate from here and leave without any trouble? I think not my friend." The bag that had covered Jimmy's view had been taken off. A flash of light blinded his eyes. Out of the shadowy figure blocking the light stood a familiar face. -Cuts to Theme song of Bully-

Whoa. I like that idea of that beginning of the game. It is a really good idea. I also like the idea of the senior year too, because in the original game, Jimmy Hopkins (the playable character) is only fifteen years old. So for playing in the senior year totally makes sense. With the opening of the new game of Bully which hopefully will come out, it would be kinda cool if the guy who tried to knock out Jimmy turned out to be Johnny Vincent, the head of the greasers. Because, when Johnny is defeated by Jimmy in the dump full of trash with the help of Pete, Johnny might of felt that Jimmy had just took control of what used to be Johnny's turf. And, when Johnny is put in the Happy Volts asylum (in the Scholarship Edition of Bully) he might have thought that Jimmy was the one who really caused him going to there in a place no longer in control of the area. I dunno. But I think that you really got a good idea of where the new game should be beginning. I'm just wondering, if the game will be available for the PS3 and Xbox 360, or the new PS4 and Xbox 720 coming out. It would be a little difficult if the game was left out on the Xbox 360 and PS3 and on the new systems, especially with all my progress in achievements. So I wonder if they are doing Bully 2 for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and then Bully 2: Senior Edition or Graduate Edition or something for the new systems. Actually, that might just happen because I remember when Bully first came out, it was for the PS2. But then people ignored it because people wanted to play games on the 360. So then a year or two later "Bully: Scholarship Edition" came out for the Xbox 360 with the same story with added missions and more things to do after the story like errand missions, challenges, and those bike and go kart races. Also, if you are interested, in the Happy Volts asylum if you go into the room with the tv and the couch and tables and stuff, you can go through the doors on the left (without the open-able icon) by knocking and punching it down. And if you follow the hallway and go into the next room with a door that you can open, in that next room there are x-rays of like an alien or something on one of the walls. It was pretty interesting. That is another thing I hope they add to Bully 2: more interesting hidden easter eggs. That was another thing in Bully that made me more determined to play.
Apr 5, 2015
consoles: ps1,ps2,ps3,ps4,(ps5), xbox 360 and one, psp,, ps go, pstv and ps vita, pc, ouya, amazon tv.
no gang wars thoe