
No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
I've completed about 70% of horizon 2 on xbox360. And encountered a lot of minor bugs.
Here's a shortlist of ones you should know about:

1.Invisible objects.
-There are invisible objects and barriers in the fields and meadows. You cannot see them, but you can crash into them, usually in the middle of a massive score chain...
-Worst still, sometimes these invisible objects appear in the middle of the road, in a middle of a race! Happened to me twice already...

2.Fast travel bug
-sometimes when you fast travel, you find your car stuck in a fence or other part of scenery.

3.missing roads
-I've driven on every road, yet the game insist I have three roads untraveled. And as Ive checked everywhere twice for those roads, this must be a bug...

4.Sinking feeling
-sometimes your car sinks into the ground, and then drops off the map entirely. Luckily there is a respawn!

So, a bit buggy game this. Shame really as it is otherwise worth getting.


Lord of Lard
Jan 1, 2006
T10's customer relations annoy the shit out of me sometimes. Leading up to the release there was no mention of differences between versions, just 'Forza Horizon 2 will have this and this and that in it, you're gonna love it.' But the game came out and the 360 version had half the features missing. Wait a day or two until everyone had bought the game, and we get 1 post on a small forum from 1 developer stating there was never and will never be any intention to give any support to the 360 version. The way it was handled just reeks of 'Give us your money and fuck off'.

They make some great games, but goddamn they know how to piss people off.
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No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
BTW in the xbox360 cover it says that the game has dynamic weather in it.
This is a lie. In truth the 360 version has no weather effects at all. Just sunny days and moonlit nights.

So the packaging is misleadin customers.


Lord of Lard
Jan 1, 2006
BTW in the xbox360 cover it says that the game has dynamic weather in it.
This is a lie. In truth the 360 version has no weather effects at all. Just sunny days and moonlit nights.

So the packaging is misleadin customers.
Not my copy. The advertising said it did, though. The lawsuit is there, it's just no one cares enough to spend the lawyer fees.