
Jan 22, 2009
I'm one of the kinda guys that always changed the hitting to classic in all my baseball games so I only have to hit a button to hit. In an attempt to be less lame I've started using the full control knob technique. My question is about the power swing. The batter leans back as you pull back on the knob then swings through when you push forward, but does it matter if you time the sway back and forth to "seem natural" or can I just rear back as soon as the pitcher steps on the rubber...hold it there during his wind up...then swing when the pitch comes in? Is there a difference in result at all does anyone know?
Jun 29, 2012
you probably figured it out by now,but yes it also don't have to push forward.just have to pull back and let go.Pushing forward gives a upward chop,so it helps on good pitches for home runs.but i have hit home runs just with the pull back and let go technique.


Jan 22, 2009
I just tried pulling the knob back and just releasing it and none of my guys even swing the bat. I'm pretty sure you have to push it forward. I haven't noticed a difference in timing and result but my timing is really bad trying to "look natural". I'm just trying to figure out if I need to try and get better at it.