
Oct 11, 2011
Hey all. Okay. So. I've looked this up numerous times. And everyone seems to have trouble with it since it's like, a randomly spawning mob of undead in certain areas surround a bone jar which you can loot the Nevarran skull from. However, everyone else seems to be having trouble getting the last of the three skulls. I got that one, the one down near Small Grove. I also got the one at the Apostate's Landing.

But I CANNOT for the life of me find a group of undead near the cave at Storm's Solitude. All I ever find in the cave is 2 Giant Spiders, and 2 Deepstalkers. Then outside of the cave, I only ever find Hurlocks yucking it up with the yocals.

What what WHAT am I doing wrong? Please, I would love any suggestions. I've tried redoing this over and over and over.

And while it is tempting to just simply going knight-enchanter (because frankly it is a waaaaay easier quest line and I've already completed it) or rift mage, I have already invested so much time into this.
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Oct 11, 2011
Here. This video solved all of my problems. Certain other individuals have other locations marked that are incorrect. particularly the storm's solitude location. That is, the map on the guide section of this site is somewhat off. Use this.