
Oct 7, 2011
After defeating the heavily armored Havel on the platform outside of the tower (below the busted portion of the staircase wall) I dropped down to claim his/her ring but fell off the cliff in the process. Upon my return the Item was gone! :(

Has this type of tragedy happened to anyone? Is there any way to find the Ring again from here?


Oct 7, 2011
Yes, I did return to the area where Havel was murdered - nothing there.

What am I missing out on with this ring anyway? Can I live without it?


Oct 7, 2011
That sounds like an awesome asset to have - Do all 'dropped' Items disappear permanently if you die before you can retrieve them?
Jun 9, 2011
There is the Ring of Favor and Protection. Which Boosts HP, stamina and equip load by 20%,but it breaks when you take it off.
Oct 14, 2004
It's a pretty useful ring. Helps me roll like crazy since it gets my equip load under 25%. Look on the ledge under where it might have fallen if you can.
Jul 1, 2009
What I do is quit my game and then start it up again. I spawn right back where I was and the item is close by.

Worked with the Golden (Bronze?) armor guy that I can't remember the name of.


Oct 12, 2011
Well at least you fell off. In my game, HE was the one who fell off and i have to pay for his stupidity...

Can anyone help? Turning the game off and back on didn't do me any good. I'm using a physical character so i really need it.
Oct 10, 2011
That really sucks. The Havel ring is by far my favorite ring and I keep it and the Ring of Favor and Protection on at almost all times. Lets me stay in Theif Boots and Armor with Dark Steel Gauntlets and Helm and stay under 25%. The exact same thing happened to a buddy of mine, he was super pissed about it. Apparently Havel tripped off the stairway outside of the Tower and fell to his death.
May 2, 2006
Dark wood grain ring is much better. Not only does it give a greater equipment load than havels ring, you can do flips instead of rolls


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 5, 2005
After defeating the heavily armored Havel on the platform outside of the tower (below the busted portion of the staircase wall) I dropped down to claim his/her ring but fell off the cliff in the process. Upon my return the Item was gone! :(

Has this type of tragedy happened to anyone? Is there any way to find the Ring again from here?

Actually, I just had the same thing happen to me. That hulking fool was chasing me down the steps. He swung, missed, and I struck him. He backed up and fell right off. He landed on the small ledge right beneath the stairs. I said, "Awesome. I'll cheese him with some arrows and killed him. My dilemma was making the jump to that same ledge. I figured if I make the jump...I'll pick up the loot and just kill myself. I'll reclaim my souls, which would be on the stairs when I reload. No such luck. I searched all over and tried all the suggestions. No such luck. Then a thought hit me. How about if I just reload my cloud save from the PSN network. I'll lose the levels..5 or 6 and have to redo things, but at least Havel will be back and I'll have a shot at the ring again. Guess what...worked like a charm. I'll have to redo some stuff, but no biggie. Hope this helps. 5 years ago, when this was posted..we didn't have online saves, but our asses in a game like Dark Souls. LOL