
Jul 25, 2001
Just made it to 49% complete. Been pounding away for just 3 days. Some nice surprises, but also some issues.

First, some awesome new tracks, thanks for those additions. Graphics just get better with every game, can't wait to see how the next game looks on PS4. Some new cars that I was disappointed weren't in the last game made it this time, again, thank you.

Now for some issues. I know they revamped the physics engine for the cars, but still needs some tweaking. Cars don't spin on their center axis just from touching a blade of grass, if you maintain your speed and direction you usually can drive out of grass, not spin out just because you touched it.

And why are the brake zones popping up late? Some of the new tracks I am not familiar with and even ones I do know, are popping up brake zones after I already am deep into them. Would be nice if they lit up BEFORE I got to them.

Payout I thought were supposed to be increased with the 1.02 update, but I am half way thru the game and most of them suck.

All of a sudden in the national A section, I don't seem to be getting as many prize cars, WTF happened? I finished the last championship in that series and got nothing, no car. That's the 3rd level set of races.

This was weird, a few cars that I bought mods for, (expensive as hell considering the lousy payouts on wins) and I lowered them. All of a sudden those cars handle like crap. Seems I thought I lowered them maybe 10-12 clicks. Well checked against the B and C settings and it lowered the cars 40-45 clicks! they were bottoming out and squirrely as hell every time I lifted or touched the brake... in a straight line no less. It would just turn sideways on the spot. Changed the hieght and all is a bit better.

Why can't I use race tires yet? We are at race tracks, anyone who ever went knows to use race tires, not street tires!

Whoever selected all the music for this game, has NO TASTE. ALL the music sucks. Period.

This newest issue is baffling me. Doing the mission races in international B level, got golds on 3 so far. Went to do the rally one. The car was moving at the start, but as soon as I brake and try to get back on the gas, the car won't get going, it is bogged down and taking forever to get going again. And it isn't just the car I am driving, the AI cars are doing the same thing. They slow to make a corner and can't get moving coming out of the corner. (didn't mess with any settings either)

Speaking of AI, when are they going to get it right? They are worse than ever. They don't acknowledge you are on the track or next to them. They just ram right in the driving line. This is incredibly frustrating during license tests and mission races, because their stupid contact disqualifies you!

Not crazy about them mixing the specialty races into the regular levels. For instance, the second round of carts is insane, their is no control of the carts on the small tracks and if you slow to maintain control, you can't get better than 4th.

Kind of sad I am half way. Normally it takes me a month to complete the game, then another month chasing after cars for my collection. Hope they release B-spec soon, that will double up the amount of races.


The Irresponsible Captain Typo
Apr 23, 2007
Black Lizard Planet
I'm a bit over halfway, got the IA license and have gone a bit beyond.

I haven't found the greatly reduced grip when you get a wheel on the grass to particularly be an issue, it only really spins out if the majority of the load of the car is there and I've got my gas pedal all the way in, that's realistic to me.

I'm not sure about brake zones, is this with the driving line on? 'cos that was the first thing I turned off. I thought the payout has been good so far, I've bought 2 McLaren F1s, a Senna race suit, a 2000 Ford Falcon XR8 along with many other bits and bobs. I remember getting a prize car after every race in early GTs, lol, prizes have changed a lot since then.

That thing with the suspension has been there since GT5, though perhaps it's more pronounced now, I've long came to the conclusion that it was due to reduced downforce when a car is lowered too much, though bottoming out is certainly another issue.

That rally one is probably because of traction control, I would think, it's been default to 5 since GT5.

I'll have to agree on the AI, they were definitely much better in GT5, at least since one of the updates in that game, the AI doesn't really mean much to me in GT but it is a thorn in the side in GT6, along with 90% rolling starts, those are getting really old now.

PD reckons there'll be more to do when new content is released for the game.


Jul 25, 2001
Up to 52% this morning. Odd, I don't see IA tests in the IB level. Where do you find them? The IA level is still locked and I'm more than half way thru the IB levels. There are no IA tests anywhere in my IB level.


Jul 25, 2001
Had to knock traction control down to 1 to get the car to accelerate in the rally stage. Tried 0 but car just plows into walls, so 1 seems to work best.

Sad I have to adjust, so far have been using default settings on cars. Only had to mod 3 cars so far to make enough power to compete. No more overpowered cars to beat the AI to death with. They really evened the odds out there.


Aug 21, 2006
You can use some really slow cars and still compete with fast cars, because the AI slows down to let you win. I used my fully modified Fit and beat Aventadors and Huayras.

There's also a bug where if you install custom wheels, all 4 wheels and tires become the width of the front wheels. That's why a lot of cars with wider rear tires handle like crap after installing custom wheels.


The Irresponsible Captain Typo
Apr 23, 2007
Black Lizard Planet
Wow, that wheel bug sucks, at least the McLaren F1 uses exactly the same wheel size in all four corners unlike most (all?) other hypercars.

But lol, yeah, I managed to beat an LFA with my 15th Anniversary Toyota 86 and the only mod I did was Sport Soft tyres, although my laps times were pretty similar to the LFA before the 2nd last lap (of 5).

Up to 52% this morning. Odd, I don't see IA tests in the IB level. Where do you find them? The IA level is still locked and I'm more than half way thru the IB levels. There are no IA tests anywhere in my IB level.
Do the GT Championship in the bottom-right where the licenses normally are, once you've finished that the IA license will appear on that spot instead.


Jul 25, 2001
Hmmm, more bugs. I noticed the rubberbanding at some races. They had a 10-12 second lead and I just reeled them in no problem. So did I screw up my Aventador by putting custom rims on it? I was wondering why it was being a bit twitchy... Found the IA license tests, just needed to do the last championship in IB and it popped up.


The Irresponsible Captain Typo
Apr 23, 2007
Black Lizard Planet
Wow, that wheel bug sucks, at least the McLaren F1 uses exactly the same wheel size in all four corners unlike most (all?) other hypercars.

Wikipedia says the McLaren F1 uses 235 front and 315 rear.
I guess I confused something Gordon Murray said once about road cars with wider rear tires.

//double checked the specs on a Road & Track review


Aug 21, 2006
Hmmm, more bugs. I noticed the rubberbanding at some races. They had a 10-12 second lead and I just reeled them in no problem. So did I screw up my Aventador by putting custom rims on it? I was wondering why it was being a bit twitchy... Found the IA license tests, just needed to do the last championship in IB and it popped up.

The Aventador is one of the most affected cars, because it has one of the largest differences between front and rear tire widths.



Aug 21, 2006
Hmmm, more bugs. I noticed the rubberbanding at some races. They had a 10-12 second lead and I just reeled them in no problem. So did I screw up my Aventador by putting custom rims on it? I was wondering why it was being a bit twitchy... Found the IA license tests, just needed to do the last championship in IB and it popped up.

Also, I beat the last championship in IB with my Fit, lol. I think the fastest car was an FXX for me.


Jul 25, 2001
Thank god for that! [face_tongue]

WOW! They have RUINED rally. The cars just flat out suck. I thought maybe it was just that one mission race that was screwed up, but no, they messed up all of rally. Just did that series in the IB set of races. The cars won't move with just 2 on the traction control. But using 1 on the setting and the car sits scratching at the ground and nearly coming to a full stop and then creeps away to get back up to speed. 0 and the cars just slam the walls, no matter how early and hard you stand on the gas counter steering. It's even worse using the e-brake. The car just stalls. No flying around in rally any more, now it's the senior citizen walking chair races. I managed to get all golds, but it was down right painful.

Seriously, the snow and ice tracks were faster in GT5. Now they made it so you get 0 traction.
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The Irresponsible Captain Typo
Apr 23, 2007
Black Lizard Planet
GT5 (Seb Loeb) taught me to minimise drifting in rally stages, I've been going no traction control all the way and it feels pretty similar to GT5 to me, I think. I haven't done much dirt stuff really, I left most of that to my bro because I didn't buy GT6 to rally.
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Jul 25, 2001
Maybe it's just my game that acts like shit when I rally? I have played rally in all the other GT's and none of them felt so choked like this one. Not that rally is my favorite of the game, but at least make it function without having to take an engineering course to figure out what they screwed up.

Speaking of favs, wow, I am in love with the CTSV coupe. I just beat races cars, in the rain, with slicks on!!! And she beat the crap out of the Japanese race cars in another series, sweet. (in IA races now) She is geared just right, first is a little slow but just enough so that you don't spin out standing on the gas coming out of corners. And the brakes are amazing!!!! Every car in the game should brake like this. They grab, I can brake late in the brake zones, and for less time and the car just handle like it's on rails!


Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
I'm not sure how you are rallying, but it helps if you don't chuck it through every corner as fast as possible.


Aug 21, 2006
I have no problems winning the rally stuff. I just don't think it feels good. I don't know if this is how it's supposed to be in real life, since I haven't really had much experience driving on dirt, but actual rally games like WRC3 and every other rally game I've ever played feels completely different and much more satisfying.


Jul 25, 2001
I'm not sure how you are rallying, but it helps if you don't chuck it through every corner as fast as possible.

Look at my sig, now look at my age... I know how to drive sonny! [face_tongue] (yes, I actually use brakes)

So what are you all doing for fast money? Did the seasonal special that I could but they are a one time deal on payouts, unlike GT5. The last 3 that say they are open till 1/1 aren't, they locked 12/18. But then they are cheap payouts any way.

I am in IA level races and am doing the like the wind races. I like the middle one at SSR7, single lap, shorter than the test track, no 5 laps like Indy. At 200% for logging for 5 days straight, it pays out 136K a race.


Aug 21, 2006
I did the money glitch when it was still possible before 1.02. I have every car I want and 40 million credits.


Jul 25, 2001
OK, I missed that opportunity... I got the 1.02 patch the day I started this game. (I just started last Monday) But how do you have 40 mill? I thought the game maxes out at 20 mill? I see they are not giving out cars, which sucks. I usually win races to get the prize cars to use in the next race, and so on. But now I am having to buy the cars, it uses up money I would use for modding the cars. I have earned some 18 mill, spent about 6 of it on cars and most of the rest on mods. It takes nearly 300K to mod a single car so the money goes quick. No way I am coughing up 50 bucks to buy 7.5 mill in credits. Some cars cost 20 mill. I am not throwing real money away to buy cars. No way Sony, you got my 60 bucks for the game, that's all you get.


Aug 21, 2006
While I was doing the glitch, I stocked up on a couple dozen Ford GT40 Mk. IVs that I can sell for 6 mil each. Then I waited 5 days until I had my 200% sign in bonus before I did the new seasonals and got another 6 mil.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 20, 2009
Behind you...
Maybe it's just my game that acts like shit when I rally? I have played rally in all the other GT's and none of them felt so choked like this one. Not that rally is my favorite of the game, but at least make it function without having to take an engineering course to figure out what they screwed up.

Speaking of favs, wow, I am in love with the CTSV coupe. I just beat races cars, in the rain, with slicks on!!! And she beat the crap out of the Japanese race cars in another series, sweet. (in IA races now) She is geared just right, first is a little slow but just enough so that you don't spin out standing on the gas coming out of corners. And the brakes are amazing!!!! Every car in the game should brake like this. They grab, I can brake late in the brake zones, and for less time and the car just handle like it's on rails!

I think your rally issue is just you. I just tested it and GT5 dirt races feel almost identical to GT6. But more importantly, TCS reacts the same between both games as well. I'm willing to bet that it's all in your head due to changes in your driving style.
Jun 13, 2001
Just made it to 49% complete. Been pounding away for just 3 days. Some nice surprises, but also some issues.

First, some awesome new tracks, thanks for those additions. Graphics just get better with every game, can't wait to see how the next game looks on PS4. Some new cars that I was disappointed weren't in the last game made it this time, again, thank you.

Now for some issues. I know they revamped the physics engine for the cars, but still needs some tweaking. Cars don't spin on their center axis just from touching a blade of grass, if you maintain your speed and direction you usually can drive out of grass, not spin out just because you touched it.

And why are the brake zones popping up late? Some of the new tracks I am not familiar with and even ones I do know, are popping up brake zones after I already am deep into them. Would be nice if they lit up BEFORE I got to them.

Payout I thought were supposed to be increased with the 1.02 update, but I am half way thru the game and most of them suck.

All of a sudden in the national A section, I don't seem to be getting as many prize cars, WTF happened? I finished the last championship in that series and got nothing, no car. That's the 3rd level set of races.

This was weird, a few cars that I bought mods for, (expensive as hell considering the lousy payouts on wins) and I lowered them. All of a sudden those cars handle like crap. Seems I thought I lowered them maybe 10-12 clicks. Well checked against the B and C settings and it lowered the cars 40-45 clicks! they were bottoming out and squirrely as hell every time I lifted or touched the brake... in a straight line no less. It would just turn sideways on the spot. Changed the hieght and all is a bit better.

Why can't I use race tires yet? We are at race tracks, anyone who ever went knows to use race tires, not street tires!

Whoever selected all the music for this game, has NO TASTE. ALL the music sucks. Period.

This newest issue is baffling me. Doing the mission races in international B level, got golds on 3 so far. Went to do the rally one. The car was moving at the start, but as soon as I brake and try to get back on the gas, the car won't get going, it is bogged down and taking forever to get going again. And it isn't just the car I am driving, the AI cars are doing the same thing. They slow to make a corner and can't get moving coming out of the corner. (didn't mess with any settings either)

Speaking of AI, when are they going to get it right? They are worse than ever. They don't acknowledge you are on the track or next to them. They just ram right in the driving line. This is incredibly frustrating during license tests and mission races, because their stupid contact disqualifies you!

Not crazy about them mixing the specialty races into the regular levels. For instance, the second round of carts is insane, their is no control of the carts on the small tracks and if you slow to maintain control, you can't get better than 4th.

Kind of sad I am half way. Normally it takes me a month to complete the game, then another month chasing after cars for my collection. Hope they release B-spec soon, that will double up the amount of races.

As someone who doesn't bother with his own soundtracks, this was easily the worst soundtrack except maybe 1 and 2 in the series.

The AI I doubt will ever get fixed unless they do outside consulting on car racing and how it truly works. They've had 4 games over two systems that featured games with proper racing AI. Some will say its a driving simulator, but why include races and then suck at making them feel like races with proper AI.

Good review.


Jul 25, 2001
Sorry, I just realized I misunderstood your question. The cap is 20 mil in 1.00, but is increased to 50 mil from 1.01 onward.

Sweet! Didn't know they raised the cap on how much we can earn, good to know!

Missed a day of racing, back to only 100% of earnings, not 200%. Will have to play 5 days straight to get it back up there. Holidays wrecking havoc on my gaming time... [face_tongue]


Aug 21, 2006
Missed a day of racing, back to only 100% of earnings, not 200%. Will have to play 5 days straight to get it back up there. Holidays wrecking havoc on my gaming time... [face_tongue]

That's a glitch some people have reported. Missing a day should only drop one level. I missed a day Friday and I only dropped from 200% back to 170%.


Jul 25, 2001
Yup, just noticed that the other day. Missed yesterday so I will see if I slip back another day.
Jun 13, 2001
Just taking another look at the OST, it just seems like they cheaped out on the licensing and went for alot more of the Daiki Kasho music. Some of it is ok but ueah, just feels cheap. I still maintain this only feels like GT5.5


Jul 25, 2001
Me too, feels like half a game. Wish there were more prize cars, levels were longer. Don't really miss half the license tests, they give us mission races, they play like the tests with no contact or off road. And they give a prize car if you can get golds. Missing the enduro's and b-spec really shortened this game.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 20, 2009
Behind you...
Of course it's 'half a game'. Didn't we already establish that it is better waiting for several more years? Besides, the constant addition of (obviously free) content updates will keep you interested for much longer than otherwise. Why does it have to be a bad thing? A lot of games are doing this nowadays, and it works really well. Playing games is becoming an evolving experience. This isn't any more of 'half a game' then GT5 was at launch. Or did we all forget that already.

And as far as the soundtrack goes, I'd say it's second worst. GT5 had a much more severe lack of good racing music. The music isn't bad, and the idea of someone who enjoys it having no taste is ludicrous. I personally really love what music is in the game (it's high quality music), I just wish there was more diversity in the non-lounge tunes.

I also know I'm in the minority, but I miss having many challenging License Tests. I also really don't mind the lack of prize cars. I don't need a car for every series I complete; it's just a distraction. All that proves to me is that these things are opinion. The inclusion or exclusion of them doesn't simply make the game genuinely higher or lower quality.


The Irresponsible Captain Typo
Apr 23, 2007
Black Lizard Planet
I miss when License tests were hard to get gold in because I actually wanted to get faster from practicing them despite how frustrating they can be. I never woulda thought that dropping into the karussel. rather than just driving straight into it was faster before that F40 test in GT5.


Jul 25, 2001
I didn't say if it was good or bad, just shorter. I have about 6 license tests that aren't gold yet to strive for, and the cart races, just can't get into them right now. Have about 8 mission races that need golds. I also haven't touched the Vettle series of races. Do I need the Vettle series to get 100%? I will shoot for all golds eventually, that's just a standard I always try to reach.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 20, 2009
Behind you...
I'd assume that the only things needed for 100% are the things that came at launch. Changing it for new content could screw with Trophies.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2006
I agree that the music sucks, but you can play your personal music you have saved on your system by selecting you "Personal BGM" folder in the options menu.

The prize money seems to be low (I'm just about finish with N-B). I've made most of my money through the Seasonal Events. While you only get paid once, that would be if you get Gold. If you get Bronze you can still make more money. What I've started doing is I'll do my first lap (or few) making sure I get Bronze. Then quit the race and get the money. Then restart and try again. If you get Gold your done, but if you get Silver, do the same thing, quit the race, get the money then restart.

I don't know if I've won any cars from the various career events...maybe when I got the first license, but I can't think of any others. Does this change as I progress?
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Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
I agree that the music sucks, but you can play your personal music you have saved on your system by selecting you "Personal BGM" folder in the options menu.

The prize money seems to be low (I'm just about finish with N-B). I've made most of my money through the Seasonal Events. While you only get paid once, that would be if you get Gold. If you get Bronze you can still make more money. What I've started doing is I'll do my first lap (or few) making sure I get Bronze. Then quit the race and get the money. Then restart and try again. If you get Gold your done, but if you get Silver, do the same thing, quit the race, get the money then restart.

I don't know if I've won any cars from the various career events...maybe when I got the first license, but I can't think of any others. Does this change as I progress?

If you get gold, you get the silver and bronze money with it.

You get cars for licenses, gold license, half stars in each group and full stars. Plus, each grouping of Goodwood gives a car.


Jul 25, 2001
Don't forget prize cars for golds in mission races...

They could use an update. Getting bored doing like the wind to make money to build garage. Did the seasonal races so can't make any more money off of them.


Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
Don't forget prize cars for golds in mission races...

They could use an update. Getting bored doing like the wind to make money to build garage. Did the seasonal races so can't make any more money off of them.

Switch to the Motegi NASCAR race. It pays better in a shorter amount of time.


Jul 25, 2001
Who'd of thunk it? 5 laps quicker than 1? SSR7, top end around 257 mph. lap time 4:02's... Montegi 5 laps, top end around 170 mph, all 5 laps 3:11's.... and 33K more! 136K vs. 169K Thanks for the tip!