
Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2004
Like the title says, the DVD is out in Japan, and there's a sub available. Anyone seen it yet? I just started it but when I saw the "movie adaptation" of the events during the series. There's references to SEED, CCA, and even Gurren Lagann. And then of course you find out what the world thinks the Gundam pilots actually look like. The whole thing was pretty hilarious.


Well I'll have to say that the story is kind of iffy but the action is pretty crazy and over the top. I was worried that the animation would be the same as the series, since the TV series was in HD and all, but the final battle is sure a sight to behold. Its like if all the mobile suits were Freedoms (with the Federation having the originals, and Celestial Being having Strike Freedoms) and there are still too many enemies for them to beam spam through.


Jan 19, 2007
After 3 attempts and almost two weeks of waiting, finally watched it and regret it. What were they thinking, this was an insult to the Gundam universe. I mean I knew there was supposed to have something to do with aliens but that was pretty ridiculous. As a movie it was okay, but as part of the Gundam universe, it was a failure in my book. I officially discredit this movie as part of the Gundam universe.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2004
Its inclusion of aliens is kind of cliche, with the whole "it was just a misunderstanding" deal. I know he gets a lot of flack now for his stances on gay marriage but the same thing happens with the aliens in Ender's Game (which I'm sure most everyone has read).

The quality of the film, just from skimming, unfortunately isn't anything above and beyond the regular series, its just more of it. With a lack of more substantial threat than just some kind of alien swarm, the battles are all just laser spams (though that'll be fine, since so many people seem to like the Strike Freedom). For comparison, the Haruhi movie was also made available recently and that just was everything a movie based on a show should be, everything was an improvement, including the animation, storytelling, and even the music. The 00 movie was just a really long episode of the show.

That said, it's enjoyable on a basic level as a kind of guilty pleasure.


Still not Kojima
Mar 16, 2007
thotrott said:
Do they know when they will dub the movie yet? Also has Gundam Unicorn been dubbed yet?
The 00 movie will be released no doubt dubbed at point early this year.

Both episodes of Unicorn have been dubbed for quite a while. (it's actually turning out to be one of Gundam's better dubs)


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
Probably because Unicorn is one of the better Gundam series to come out in a while. Though I didn't know there was a dub. I can only find the sub version and even that was a pain in the ass to get a hold of. Well episode two anyway.


Still not Kojima
Mar 16, 2007
Link64Gogetta said:
Probably because Unicorn is one of the better Gundam series to come out in a while.
00 is the counterpoint, a decent series mired by an awful dub. Who the hell decided to cast Swaile as the protagonist again lol?

That being said i am fond of Naraku Bushido.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
Honestly I stopped watching the dub after a while. My work schedule makes trying to watch televised Anime damn near impossible. I really which Sci-Fi would stream their Anime like there own show so I could keep up like I do with Stargate.


Oct 5, 2010
Sweet I am gonna go ahead and watch unicorn then. I don't have anything against readying subs though its just if there was a dub i watch while with gundam 00 i got used to the dub and its kinda late switching to subs for just the movie. The dub agreeably is not very good in 00 but I think the side characters did a good job but the meisters did a really lame job besides Lockon. My problem was with Tierria? how ever you spell since its Athrun's voice actor and I thought he tried harder in Seed.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2004
Link64Gogetta said:
Probably because Unicorn is one of the better Gundam series to come out in a while. Though I didn't know there was a dub. I can only find the sub version and even that was a pain in the ass to get a hold of. Well episode two anyway.
Actually I thought Unicorn gets a simultaneous release in both Japan and the US, with the US version including an English dub. They also have Misty from Pokemon as Micott.

And also instead of the 8 months between the first and second episodes, the third Unicorn will come out pretty soon (by comparison) in March.

So back to 00

Graham's Brave Squadron was pretty cool with their coordination and everything, I highly enjoyed all of their scenes, though its weapons seem pretty crazy, as a fast hit and run type unit, with the ability to shoot behind it, and also giant laser. In fact, pretty much every Gundam now also has a big laser blast type weapon and the ability to perform 360 degrees attacks.

Also that scene when Setsuna initiates contact with the ELS was pretty spectacular after rewatching it. Its the only section of the entire movie that's higher quality than the show, visually anyway.


Oct 5, 2010
Why does it take so long for each Unicorn episode? The animation is amazing but it still seems to be a long time. How many episodes of Unicorn are there going to be? The mobile suits look awesome in Unicorn but I thought the biggest improvement was in the people. 00 had nice looking gundam animation but the people looked not nearly as well done in comparison to the gundams. I thought the characters from seed looked better although they had the stereotypical anime look. Unicorn how ever actually has some pretty realistic features to their characters. I only watched a little but it had bad sound quality. Any good links where I can watch it?


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
What your seeing there is not unique to Unicorn but the Universal Century as a whole. For more information please see The Mobile Suit Gundam Movie Trilogy, 08th MS Team, 0080, 0083, Zeta Gundam, ZZ Gundam (just um... ignore the first half), Char Counter Attack, F91 (Then immediately read Crossbone Gundam), and Victory Gundam.
Though Victory may require anti-depressants at some parts and I can't honestly say I recommend 0083 but that's my opinion.

Most AU try to match what UC is but usually far short if not out right fail. G Gundam is its own species and is fun but a far cry from Gundam. Not bad, just not really Gundam. Wing is ok and just gets a bad rap because GW fan who arn't fans of any other Gundam series have a really bad habit of annoying the hell out of UC guys. X is good but has a rushed ending do to an unwarranted cancellation.

Turn A Gundam is ****ing art! It set an unreachable bar for AU Gundam and should be greeted with our awe and respect. Bow to Turn A Gundam!

SEED is sub-par but ok in that it at least tried and we got the Astray Manga as a result an I like the first two of those. Destiny is ABSOLUTE CRAP! It is an insult to Gundam, it is an insult to Anime, hell its an insult to writing!

As for 00, 00 tries really really hard to respect UC while still keeping some of the trends from W, X, and SEED that make them marketable. It falls just a bit short though. It has some character moment, mainly with both Lockon's and there relationships. The end of the first season also had some heart a little wrenching with the bridge crew but that it. The main character falls short of drawing sympathy is interest. The side character draw is in a bit but its not enough. Plus they forgot one important factor, its not the Mobile Suits its the pilots.

Sorry if you are an UC fan and I just ranted for nothing, but being as the only activity here recently has been from that Destiny Warrior game I assume everyone I don't recognize is a Wing/SEED/00 only guy.

Oh as for why it take so long, its an OVA those are usually released seasonally. Though the second episode did take twice as long as most and I don't know exactly why. My guess is either the movie quality animation is taking them longer to do, or they're not use to the logistics of the international release. As for the episode count, wiki say 6 but I don't know where their getting that from.


Jan 19, 2007
I personally feel that the 00 movie was more of an insult to Gundam than Destiny was. I admit that Destiny was a bit repetitious but at least it was still Gundam flavored. Even G Gundam was more Gundam flavored than the 00 movie.

I would consider myself a well rounded Gundam fan and have a hard time saying I didn't like something in the Gundam universe. In my opinion War in the Pocket was pretty boring and the same goes for Victory and Turn A, and these two weren't even very coherent in my opinion. I still prefer them to the 00 movie though, it just really didn't belong. G Gundam was just a different method for controlling suits, very enhanced people, and some pretty amazing technology, but this was all in the realm of possibility in the Gundam Universe as a whole. In the 00 movie though, aliens and warping and going into deep space, it's more of a stretch in my opinion.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
Ok I finally got around to watching it, unfortunately the translation I had was horrible. The grammar wasn't corrected properly, the timing was off, some parts were obviously mistranslated, and they even forgot to capitalize properly. Also the post credits epilogue was cut off. Yeah so never watch anything by Hadena.

For what I could gather though, it was Macross but with Newtypes instead of Pop Idols. Which isn't bad I guess but odd for Gundam. Gundam is always about mankinds endless cycle of war. Any for of evolution of ideal that seems will end it, ever does. 00 on the other hand seems to want to go for a more optimistic view. We knew this from the second season though so it should be a surprise that it came to fruition in the movie.

Still I'll have to reserve me greater judgment until it gets it US release to see a proper translation.
Apr 3, 2011
I've already watched the movie and it's one of the best gundam movie ever. It's a great way to end the 00 series. I'm just a little disappointed at the 00 Qan[T] for almost not fighting back at all.




Oct 5, 2010
I hated the movie but to be fair i can see why other people liked it but I hated the villian...alien metal aint my thing. Plus im still mad at the characters they kill off. Like all my favourites.