Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
I've had this happen to me a few times after either switching sessions or returning from jobs. It's usually just a few hundred dollars, but at one point I lost about 8k. I haven't been getting robbed or spending large amounts of money, and I always deposit my money in as soon as possible. My guess is that the game is just failing to save between sessions. Has anyone else noticed this happening?
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No Longer a Noob
Nov 14, 2008
Yeah i robbed two stores for over 3k for some reason my money was on 0 after roughly 6 deaths IMG_20131002_165609_0.jpg


  • IMG_20131002_165609_0.jpg
    411 KB · Views: 65


I'm funny damnit!
Sep 5, 2003
I lost all my money that was IN THE BANK. 9k in there and just vanished. I'm just glad I'm not one of those who pay real money for in game money. Imagine if you just bought it and lost it.


A Clockwork Dux
May 5, 2001
You lose money straight out of your bank account after every death. I'm not sure of the exact amount, but by the time i noticed what was happening, i had at least $10,000 and i felt like i was losing several hundred dollars on each death. Now with over $80,000 i'm almost positive i'm losing at least $1,000 on every death.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
I know it's costing for each death in free roam, but is this also happening when you die in jobs? I've been doing a lot of mbk races, and it's pretty easy to get wiped out in those.


Sep 27, 2013
Yeah, I go to do a couple of jobs and I come back and I'm usually 2,000 short of what I had. It's quite agrivating. I feel like I've lost tens of thousands of dollars. Makes it extremely difficult to by things.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
I'm pushing 300k right now, but I'm still noticing small amounts of money vanishing. Maybe we can't even avoid taxes in videogames [face_thinking]


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
I decided to watch out for this during motorcycle races and survival games, I'm definitely losing a good 1500 per death. That cost is understandable in free roam, but why have it in jobs when you're pretty much guaranteed to die?


No Longer a Noob
Sep 26, 2001


No Longer a Noob
Sep 26, 2001
I decided to watch out for this during motorcycle races and survival games, I'm definitely losing a good 1500 per death. That cost is understandable in free roam, but why have it in jobs when you're pretty much guaranteed to die?

I do think there is something I've seen in the bank statement about paying entree fees for races and revives. $1500 seems high, though. Also if you have a garage the mechanic will take money for delivering cars.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
I decided to watch out for this during motorcycle races and survival games, I'm definitely losing a good 1500 per death. That cost is understandable in free roam, but why have it in jobs when you're pretty much guaranteed to die?

I do think there is something I've seen in the bank statement about paying entree fees for races and revives. $1500 seems high, though. Also if you have a garage the mechanic will take money for delivering cars.

I completely forgot that we could look at bank statements. It still sucks that there is any money loss at all for doing jobs. The whole point of most of them is to make money.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
I decided to watch out for this during motorcycle races and survival games, I'm definitely losing a good 1500 per death. That cost is understandable in free roam, but why have it in jobs when you're pretty much guaranteed to die?

I do think there is something I've seen in the bank statement about paying entree fees for races and revives. $1500 seems high, though. Also if you have a garage the mechanic will take money for delivering cars.

I completely forgot that we could look at bank statements. It still sucks that there is any money loss at all for doing jobs. The whole point of most of them is to make money.

I just looked at my statement after doing a survival, I lost 2k for dying once.
Oct 5, 2013
I've had this happen to me a few times after either switching sessions or returning from jobs. It's usually just a few hundred dollars, but at one point I lost about 8k. I haven't been getting robbed or spending large amounts of money, and I always deposit my money in as soon as possible. My guess is that the game is just failing to save between sessions. Has anyone else noticed this happening?

i was on 72k and when i came online the next day i had 4k, whats all that about


Jan 17, 2014
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Jul 25, 2001
Hmmm, I have been losing money the last 2 days. A little here and there. Today I could have sworn I had 1.4 mill and when I logged on it was 1.25 mill. It has been not adding sales of stolen cars, banked money isn't there the next time I log on, etc.


Almost Not a Noob
May 17, 2004
who cares....i still got a garage full of fully modded cars and i got pegasus on speed dial muahahahaha!!!!


May 9, 2014
I had over 100 grand and I left for two weeks to go to my moms house and I come back to 600 dollars in the bank... I didn't cheat, saved every chance I got, and I was trying to buy a nice house for... Well that's not important but I got robbed of months worth of money (it takes me a while because I get 4 days a month to play and that's it)


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
I had over 100 grand and I left for two weeks to go to my moms house and I come back to 600 dollars in the bank... I didn't cheat, saved every chance I got, and I was trying to buy a nice house for... Well that's not important but I got robbed of months worth of money (it takes me a while because I get 4 days a month to play and that's it)

Holy crap guys! It's... it's a girl [face_shock]


No Longer a Noob
Sep 3, 2010
I had over 100 grand and I left for two weeks to go to my moms house and I come back to 600 dollars in the bank... I didn't cheat, saved every chance I got, and I was trying to buy a nice house for... Well that's not important but I got robbed of months worth of money (it takes me a while because I get 4 days a month to play and that's it)

Holy crap guys! It's... it's a girl [face_shock]

pay "her" no mind. everyone knows there are no females on the internetz. :)


Mar 13, 2015
Can Someone Help Me? With the new heists update i have completed my first heist! (the fleeca job) I split the cut 50-50 with my friend and at the end of the heist i got 57G and with the added 100G for first heist bonus, in total i earned 157G in my pocket. When i left the job i lost connection before i got into the game so i restarted the game (because i couldn't get into online afterwards). After it restarted, i joined online and all the money was gone and i had the same amount of money i had before i started the heist! This wasn't much of a big deal considering i thought the entire heist didn't save so i could replay it but no, i got a call from Lester with congratulations on getting away with the heist! after this i was furious and i really need help to be reassured that it only happened to ME!


Jul 25, 2001
Same thing happened this morning to me, same job. But I didn't get disconnected, just came out of my garage after putting my own car away and no big payout to put away! Had some 15K on me from selling a street car and doing a couple gang fights before doing the heist. Hmmmm. And they just had some quick patch last night. Guess it screwed more up than it fixed...


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 26, 2013
Can Someone Help Me? With the new heists update i have completed my first heist! (the fleeca job) I split the cut 50-50 with my friend and at the end of the heist i got 57G and with the added 100G for first heist bonus, in total i earned 157G in my pocket. When i left the job i lost connection before i got into the game so i restarted the game (because i couldn't get into online afterwards). After it restarted, i joined online and all the money was gone and i had the same amount of money i had before i started the heist! This wasn't much of a big deal considering i thought the entire heist didn't save so i could replay it but no, i got a call from Lester with congratulations on getting away with the heist! after this i was furious and i really need help to be reassured that it only happened to ME!
Well the money goes straight into your bank account rather than pocketed, even with the setup missions. Awfully big payout to lose to some random who happens to come along as you spawn.
Btw, kudos to you for using the search function :D
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Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2013
Chicago suburb
Well the money goes straight into your bank account rather than pocketed, even with the setup missions. Awfully big payout to lose to some random who happens to come along as you spawn.
Btw, kudos to you for using the search function :D

That screws things up for me. Me and my wife each have a character on a shared account. Unless we take money/deposit out every time we play, things get messed up.
Worse yet, they don't let you withdraw all your money at one time. You STILL have to take out increments and it takes a long time. Can't believe they haven't fixed that yet.


Veritas ~ Aequitas
Dec 24, 2004
Me and my wife each have a character on a shared account. Unless we take money/deposit out every time we play, things get messed up.
Worse yet, they don't let you withdraw all your money at one time. You STILL have to take out increments and it takes a long time. Can't believe they haven't fixed that yet.
i can understand spouses complaining about shared bank accounts in real life, but becoming an issue in a video game.... thats a first!


Shut up about the damn bills!
Jan 1, 2005
Is that the max you can drop? Even if carrying $4M?
Old post but still. You only drop 500 even when killed by other players? That kinda ruins the whole "deposit your cash or get fucked" deal.
Yes. Even if you have $10 million in your pocket, it's only $500 that you drop, and it's always been that way despite Rockstar saying "Deposit your cash or you'll drop half of it when you die."


Veritas ~ Aequitas
Dec 24, 2004
Old post but still. You only drop 500 even when killed by other players? That kinda ruins the whole "deposit your cash or get fucked" deal.
Yes. Even if you have $10 million in your pocket, it's only $500 that you drop, and it's always been that way despite Rockstar saying "Deposit your cash or you'll drop half of it when you die."
well actually rockstar stated it right (if you have only have $1000 cash)[face_tongue]
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Apr 3, 2018
Medical costs, utilities, assistant salaries. They add up to several K each GTA day.

It adds up fast.

And that's why I refuse to put real money into the game. When I can't win enough money to keep going I find another game.


Jul 25, 2001
My current daily fees are around 6 grand a day, and that's with my businesses that I can shut down closed. Nothing in warehouses, nothing at import/export, all items sold off and closed in biker businesses as well. Bunker and hanger stopped and empty too. So that's just my mechanics, assistant, maid service and utilities at 6 K. But then I do own 1 yacht, 1 penthouse, 1 stilt home, 4 10 car apartments, office with 3 garages and mod shop, import garage, 5 large warehouses, all 5 biker businesses, biker clubhouse, bunker with all upgrades, hanger with all upgrades, facility with all upgrades. With each character. So that is a lot of things to get fees applied to.