
Jul 25, 2001
OK, just got it yesterday, took forever to dl some update before the game even installed. Bought the 10 buck more copy to get a bunch of extras from the start, 1 mill credits, 8 cars, etc. Also dl'ed the free scenery upgrade. One of the items is a chrome helmet, but when I look for it in game I can't find it. So here come the stupid questions. Feel free to add any.

Where is my chrome helmet? (careful how you answer... [face_shame_on_you])

No exhaust upgrades?

No online races? Why is this locked in the full game?

Why is everything in career mode pretty much another license test with cars blocking us and lousy hard tires sliding all over the place?

Why is it all tiny tracks have over powered cars that go too fast for the sharp corners and also have hard ass slippery tires?

How many license tests are there? Did all beginners, mid way through intermediate...

2/3rds through with tests and thumbs killing me. (yes, old school x and triangle for gas and brake, left and right on d-pad) Guess I better switch to joysticks and shoulder buttons. [face_tongue] (quarter way through missions so far)

Shooting for all golds

Trying NOT to buy any cars yet, unlocking everything I can from tests, missions and arcade modes, have 24 cars so far and haven't had to spend any credits on them.

Livery tool is nice, still getting the hang of it. [face_fedora]

What is baffling you so far in GT Sport? [face_thinking]


Jul 25, 2001
OK, answered one of my own questions, just needed to look at the race etiquette vids to unlock sport mode races.

Still more questions...

No body mods? Wings, spoilers, body kits, lightening cars, etc?

How often can we unlock things like new wheels, colors, etc?


The Irresponsible Captain Typo
Apr 23, 2007
Black Lizard Planet
lol, you're ahead of me, I've only jus' finished Intermediate, though I've been gunning for gold the whole way. I also jus' got the first car I bought, a Cayman GT4, my favourite in the game. Interesting how controlling drive traction is so much harder in this game than in GT6, but then again, that could just be me, I haven't played GT in a long time, but I'm so much faster with TC on for like the first time ever.

So on topic

Why are all the full lap tests on new tracks?

//guesses for fans to become familiar with them


Jul 25, 2001
Love that about tests, drive a new car we never drove on tracks we aren't familiar with yet, thanks!

I too find it hard to get traction, tires have NO grip in corner, slide wide way too easy without any lean, tire squealing, just bye! Plus they are always on hard, I want soft tires or even super softs. We aren't doing a long race in tests to need hard tires.

Brakes in GT have always sucked, never bite, ride them forever. I find a lot of times it's better to pump the brake quickly in this game rather than just stand or ride the brake. Another reason i use the old school control buttons.

This is odd but I noticed I don't see brake markers on the tracks like I'm used to in old GT games, making knowing where to brake a challenge to figure out and be consistent at. Instead there are way points here and there, but I thought those were sector markers?
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Jul 25, 2001
Can someone tell me where the driving music is? I find the music library in my library, but it only has the softer background music files, where are the hard driving tunes they play in test and races??? Some re irritating as hell and I want to mute them. Nothing worse than being frustrated with a lousy car, lousy tires, on a tight track and some stupid crap comes on that makes me want to crush the controller in my hands.

In mission full races now but they are forcing me to use their cars instead of mine, no tuning allowed, no stickier tires, no kind of power adders, can't go up a category in cars to out gun them. Very frustrating trying to pass guys in the same car and power and I can't put any down cause I am sliding off track or spinning out. Where's my arsenal from GTA when I need it?

BTW, can I change tunes on the fly while driving? Then I could kill the irritation without losing a beat.

And while driving, can I turn my lights on or off? Was in a race and had my right turn signal flashing the whole time! [face_tongue]


Jul 25, 2001
Can people in charge of the servers tell time or what day it is?????? Had 2 notifications stating they will do maintenance on wednesdays and that this weeks will take an extra hour. No problem, it was tuesday and I was working on a livery of a new prize car. All of a sudden just before I was finished and could save I get all kinds of error messages. Jump out to the PS menu and find there is an update for gt sport, go to dl it and install and it errors out, psn decides they was to slam me with and update for my ps4 as well. get thru them both and go back to game to see if my livery is lost forever and the game is offline due to maintenance, A day EARLY. it wasn't supposed to be till late wednesday evening (near midnight) And instead they hit me before midnight on tuesday night. Would have been nice to know before hand so I wouldn't lose a complicated livery...


Jul 25, 2001
What is up with the achievements? The day counter is at 9 days, the first ring to award anything is 7 days, yet it is still telling me I almost filled this achievement. I am 2 days past it and it still won't cough up the bonus points. WTF????


Jul 25, 2001
For the love of god, why do we still have a randomizer for prize cars? Time after time I see great cars in the spinning turnstile and it gives me the crappy one. And it repeats itself! 5 times I have gotten duplicate cars, and can't sell them for credits because they are prize cars. Why do I need duplicates????????????????


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2006
When I buy a new color with mileage points, how do I use that / put it on one of my cars?


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2006
I'm struggling on the Mission Challenge - Stage 6 - Event 8 - the 30 lap challenge. Best I've been able to manage is 8th and about 1 min 40 secs behind the lead. Any tips or suggestions? I did it once and had 4 pits, finished 9th. Did it again and messed with the fuel map and had 3 puts, finished 8th. I was only about 30 seconds quicker...


Jul 25, 2001
Is that the Porsche 911 gr3 car? Best I have got is 4th. I tried running softer tires and fuel mileage be damned, max attack, can't find the top 3 cars. Tried using hardest tires, and leaning the fuel back to 5 so I can do many more laps, even triple stinted the tires. (never changed them in any of my pit stops) Still couldn't run down the top 3, was able to get a glimpse of them after last pit but they just drove away from me like I was in the next grade slower car or something. Couldn't put fuel back to max attack, then I would end up having to pit again instead of finishing race without another pit. That one is eluding me how to win.

I just have that and the under 7 minute lap at Nurburgring in circuit challenges and I will have ALL gold in all campaign modes. (keep getting 7.10's when I need 6.57)

Just need to do the new endurance race in the dlc we got today and that will be all golds.

Sucks the new Jaguar and Ferrari old race cars are 20 million EACH!!!! I am at 18 mill even after buying the other 8 new cars. (made up half a mill with the new races they added so far) Still, if I buy one of the 20 mill cars I am flat broke again, and they seem to have fixed any glitches to make money faster. They even blocked or ghost you back onto tracks to cut out short cuts in races, not that we need them for these new races, they are pretty easy to beat.

Meanwhile, here's a carbon fiber and diamond plate VW bus to cheer you up.



Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2006
Yes, that's the one...the 911 cr. 3 30 lap endurance race. I managed all golds on the license tests and have all gold on the other mission test except that one; I still have stage 8 to do. I was able to get 8th so I got the silver, but I'm losing by about a 1:30. Heck, even if I didn't pit at all and still managed similar pace, I still wouldn't win! I don't think a pit stop is costing my 30 secs. I'll give it another try or two; gonna try medium tires running on 2 on the fuel map see if I can pit about every 8 laps and see if that helps me any.

Glad to see some new cars and events; some of the car prices are outrageous though. Still surprised Monza wasn't in the game from the beginning. Also, surprised about some of the cars still not in the game...GT500, GT350, ZL1 Camaro, ZR1 Corvette, the new Ford GT, Challenger etc.


Jul 25, 2001
Bunch of tracks missing too. Laguna, Sears point, Daytona, Le Mans, Pikes peak, Top Gear track, couple different versions of Tokyo, Trail mountain and all the original old tracks, etc. As for cars missing, I am surprised we didn't get the Dodge Demon, they even show it on the dealership page in the channel section.

The not able to save any more liveries is getting me mad too. I came up with 3 new paint jobs and still can't save any of them, it keeps failing during the save. I have dumped some older liveries, photos and even replays to make room and the game still won't save any more liveries.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2006
Didn't even notice Laguna wasn't in the game or Trail Mountain. Hopefully we get regular car and track updates.

Are we able to save the game during Endurance Races? I think we could in a previous game so that we didn't have to got for hours straight...
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Jul 25, 2001
I am able to save progress with races, just having issues with paint jobs (liveries)


Jul 25, 2001
Just won the 30 lapper! Fuel at 6 on hard tires, pitted once around lap 19 I believe. Didn't have to swap tires, only a fifth worn, but didn't want to chance last lap just spinning in turns instead of driving. had just got first when I pitted, fell to forth coming back on track. Jacked fuel setting down to 4 to help try running down other 3 cars. First two no problem, but first place kept a 3 to 5 second lead on me. 4 laps to go and fuel began to look iffy. turned fuel setting back to 6. Still was able to get to around 2 seconds of leader. He pits with 2 laps to go but i have to get thru the 2 tightest turns while he pits. He comes out 6 seconds behind me and I am stuck with my fuel setting at max save to try and stretch it to the finish without another pit. Nail biting my way thru the back markers and trying desperately not to screw up and let him catch me I fight thru the last 2 laps and finish with a .7 lead on the bastard breathing down my neck. Had to block the line last several turns so he couldn't get a run on me.


Jul 25, 2001
Nailed it! Was at 7:10 for full lap at Nurburgring, got her down to 7:06, 7:00, 6:58, 6:59, 6:56 That is now ALL golds in ALL categories, licenses, missions, circuits. As well as all golds in those single player races they have been adding since Christmas time.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2006
Nailed it! Was at 7:10 for full lap at Nurburgring, got her down to 7:06, 7:00, 6:58, 6:59, 6:56 That is now ALL golds in ALL categories, licenses, missions, circuits. As well as all golds in those single player races they have been adding since Christmas time.

Congrats!!! I managed to get all gold in the licenses. I have three silvers in the missions...the 30 lap, the 30 min (think its level 8 mission 7) and then the last one the 4 laps at Nurburgring. I'm close on the 4 laps at the 'Ring. Finished 2nd today, 3 seconds behind the leader. Did have one mistake that cost me a few seconds and think I can cut back on the fuel a little to save pit stop time. I'm working through the Circuits now.

Two things...is it possible to transfer music from an Ipod to the PS4 and then change a setting in GTS to listen to my music in the game? I believe I did this in GT6.

Also, when looking at other players Liveries it seems like I can save them, but where do they go and how can I put them on my cars?


Jul 25, 2001
When looking at your car selected in your garage, go to change livery, you will find different settings. upper right corner, says my library. Click on it and select collection, that will show any other peoples liveries you saved for that same car.

As for the music, I don't know. A friend says just shut off GT's music and listen to something else using something but I can't remember what. I wish they would let us edit the music list and change what use it has. I remember doing that with older GT games, kill songs I hate, make songs work during races and not just background music when not racing. IE, I made the classical music play during races instead of all the fast busy nervous music. Was very different racing to easy calm music.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2006
How come in races the car gets a number on it? In the garage, there isn't a number on the car, but when I'm racing it does. Any way to not have a number or pick the number?


Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
How come in races the car gets a number on it? In the garage, there isn't a number on the car, but when I'm racing it does. Any way to not have a number or pick the number?
The racing number is picked based on your DR ranking in the race. There is no way to not have it or pick your own for Sport Mode races.


Jul 25, 2001
Damn! Where'd leech come from ol buddy??? Friend me on ps4, we'll race.

Anyway, I need desperate help. I have all over the web for the past month since my livery builder took a crap and won't save new liveries. All I get is re9nstall your game which screwed up where my picture files are and lost all my replays. I tried running down support thru the game and it connects me with Polyphpny and then Sony, but Sony in Japan. Problem with that is they only deal with issues with ps4 users in Japan. I go to Sony in the U.S. and I get lost and can't find anyone to contact. Does anyone know who to contact at Sony to get to complain about a problem with GT sport? Why isn't there a Polyphony US office to contact?

Problem is compounding itself. It started the day after update 1.11 when we got the Monza track and 10 cars. I bought the 8 that weren't 20 million credits each, did liveries on 6 of them and decided to get my credits up to buy one of those 20 mill cars. The others dropped my bank to 17.6 mill. So I race a bunch of races and get back to 20 mill the next day, buy a Jag xj13 and go to make a livery for it. After I am happy with my creation I go to save it and it fails the save. I have not been able to save a new livery since. Sometimes I can revise old liveries and it will save but not anything new. On cars I never made a livery for I am screwed. I sold off any duplicate cars because the daily prize cars tend to repeat themselves, no help but that gives me back about 10 mill. Now we are up to update 1.13, New tracks, 12 new cars. I buy them all, nothing costs over 1 million this time, try to make a livery for one of them, try saving and wham! Fail. All 12 of the new cars won;t let me make them a new livery. I want to make liveries. Its the one huge perk in the game I live for. Somehow I got locked out. I don't know if their screwy cheater crap somehow locked me out of this feature of the game or what, I am in the dark. As I said, I reinstalled the game, twice, and all it did was screw up locations of files and lose other files. I am at level 48 and a half almost at the final stage of 50. I have all gold in license, mission and circuit experience. My first 2 lines of accomplishments and the 4 are done except the 190 days. I own all the cars. I don't want to start the game over from scratch, that's 5 months of pounding on it to accomplish everything I have so far. I have dumped a bunch of saves, old liveries, pictures etc. to try and free room up in the game, I have checked my systems storage usage and there way more than half available. I have dumped the temp cashe in the game while playing. Nothing unlocks my ability to save a new livery. I need to dump this in the game makers lap and let them figure it out. Or tell me if they somehow screwed up and banned me from saving liveries. At this point I am pissed off that my favorite thing to do in the game is broken.

So, who do I contact with a problem????????????????????


Jul 25, 2001
OK, update screwed up more stuff... [face_rolling_eyes] Instead of just adding new tracks and configurations to arcade single races and circuit experience, they thru out all my wins at single races. So Instead of a few tracks I have to do all of them on the hardest setting again (gives you all 3 wins then at that track) I have to do 52 tracks counting all the variations of each track. And in circuit experience 5 segments and a full lap to do dropped me from 100% complete to 94%, just for the one track addition. On a positive note, did a bunch of the new races in GT League and they are fairly easy to win. Got the F1 races and the new endurance 30 lapper to finish yet. The positive note was the Aventador kicks the La Ferrari's ass easily. Much more comfortable and predictable, blew thru the new professional races in premium lounge with ease. I actual put all but the 2nd and 3rd place cars 2 laps down at Monza. (2nd and 3rd were 1 lap down)


Jul 25, 2001
UGH! How the hell are you supposed to win with the F! cars? They are soooooooooooo equal I was only able to run down 3 cars. Of course they start you dead last and put you on an annoying track that every time you hit the gas you are on the brakes 5 times as much. (brands hatch)

I'll go do the 30 lap enduro with the 911 instead...


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 30, 2006
How come in races the car gets a number on it? In the garage, there isn't a number on the car, but when I'm racing it does. Any way to not have a number or pick the number?
The racing number is picked based on your DR ranking in the race. There is no way to not have it or pick your own for Sport Mode races.

What about Campaign Races? I just don't like the big number on the car, especially on ones with nice liveries.

Sorry to hear about your livery issues Vyto. I haven't had the same experiences and don't know who to contact.


Jul 25, 2001
I basically need someone else I can trust to do a nice job to create them for me and then I can grab their made livery and apply it to my cars. Know any really good artists? I have screen grabs of designs I wasn't able to save that I could give to anyone on my friends list as reference for them to recreate my designs.


Another State of Mind
Sep 2, 2006
How come in races the car gets a number on it? In the garage, there isn't a number on the car, but when I'm racing it does. Any way to not have a number or pick the number?
The racing number is picked based on your DR ranking in the race. There is no way to not have it or pick your own for Sport Mode races.

What about Campaign Races? I just don't like the big number on the car, especially on ones with nice liveries.

Sorry to hear about your livery issues Vyto. I haven't had the same experiences and don't know who to contact.
Those might be preselected by the game but I'm not 100% on that.