Jul 9, 2021
Should it have been a major crime to tamper with a loftwing? If so what do you think the charges should be so other students won't get the idea to mess with other Loftwings to cheat or worse?

I'm thinking along the lines like how it is illegal to tamper with US Federal Mail or robbing a post office is a federal crime so to mess with a Loftwing is messing with their lively hoods since Hylians supposedly have this spiritual bond with them as their 'familiar' or something along those lines. I am not exactly sure how their relationship with the loftwing works so I'm just going based on how Harry has bonded with his Owl and in many fanfics there is mentions of crime when Dumbledore tampers with Harry's owl in some of the stories where he (Harry) finds out.

So like that I think Loftwings are not just birds and should be treated more seriously when things go wrong.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2019
Yes, it should be a illegal. We're talking about a city in the sky for Christ's sake. Link could have fallen off and died because of what Groose did. LOL.