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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Green Day: Worst to Best[/link]
by Finn White

Green Day fans have been eagerly anticipating the band's eighth studio album, 21st Century Breakdown. On the eve of its release, IGN Music takes a look back at everything that has come before and ranks Green Day's albums, from worst to best.
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Jun 11, 2008
As odd as it is, Warning is my favorite Green Day album. I love Warning, Deadbeat Holiday, Minority, Waiting, and Macy's Day Parade.

I guess I am the Minority, though.
May 4, 2009
I have heard most of their new album (thank you Live 105) and it sounds almost to soft. Not that thats a bad thing but I miss the real punk.


Prime Member
Dec 30, 2008
I disagree with most of the order. #8 Insomniac - there are no songs of true worth, it sounds too generic and too rushed. And given this was the follow up album to their major label debut, it was incredibly disappointing with forgettable songs #7 21st Century breakdown - GD is my favorite band, and it hurts to say it, but this album is just too generic and entirely too political (which is their right, but not what I have been waiting for). There are few songs that stand alone in the album. Clearly GD wanted the album to be listened to as a whole. (still worth picking up for the hardcore devote GD fan, such as myself) #6 Nimrod - Good Riddance and a few others, but not many. #5 1039 - great harmonics, overall it sounds like a garage album, #4 Kerplunk - more refined, catchier music, including the original Welcome to Paradise. Now to the difficult part... #3 Warning - their first album to push the boundaries and do the music they wanted to make. #2 Dookie - this was their major label debut and it was great, one of the albums that will eventually become "classic" for the 90's. #1 - American Idiot (and Bullet in a Bible) - these two, I think, brought GD back so much so that they even created a new following of Green Day rockers that had never even heard of them before! That in and of itself entitles this album to #1 status This was also the first album where they deviated from the norm and created a "rock opera"... the songs were not just intended to be enjoyed individually, but also summarily.. enjoyed as a whole. This is by far my favorite album to just sit and listen to in its entirety from start to finish.
Anyone care to challenge my list? ;)
Nov 17, 2007
Is Green Day really that popular that ign would do an article on them? I don't want to offend anyone but Green Day is not that great at all. Oh well.
Sep 24, 2007
i HATED amercian idiot. The band tried to do more emo/hardcore music and it bought them quite a bit of publicity, but i much preffered dookie and international superhits to they're new stuff. Although the new song "kniow your enemy" is pretty good hopefully the whole album will stick to they're old style.


Apr 13, 2009
bands grow up, like you kids in puberty. lol Everyone says they hated American Idiot but they just got older, theyre still those "snotty punks" but theyve grown up thats all.
Dec 18, 2006
green day was a band for teens and theyve gone past their prime. they may have grownup, but the fanbase knew them as an angsty band for an angsty age. they shouldve retired before american idiot, which betrayed a lot of fans.


il be dere soon....
Jun 5, 2008
I usually respect an editor's picks, but this makes absolutely no sense. This list would work if you were judging them on how well they did commercially rather than judging them on their merits.

Anyone [older than 13] that likes Green Day will tell you that American Idiot was not a great album, and an incoherent "story". Their new single reminds me of songs from American Idiot, so it looks like they are stuck in this awful pop-rock mode.


Prime Member
Jun 27, 2002
My first CD I ever bought when I was 9 was Dookie when it released, and I have to say I mostly agree with this list. I would have bumped Kerplunk a little lower and put insomniac as #3, but to say American Idiot wasn't a musical achievement - especially for a band that seemed to be fading away - is just ridiculous. That album was exactly what the band needed. Unfortunately I am a little worried that American Idiot and Dookie were their peaks and cannot be topped, I still am very happy to see them still putting out albums after all of these years, it is better than them giving up.
Dec 26, 2008
OMG American Idiot #2??? WARNING #7??????? WHAAAAAATT???? dude sometimes i strongly disagree with this IGN picks, seriously, do you get paid for things like this or what??
Oct 2, 2005
My two cents:

7. Warning
6. 39/Smooth
5. Kerplunk
4. American Idiot
3. Insomniac
2. Dookie
1. Nimrod

Why the hate for Nimrod? It contains my single favorite song by them, "Prosthetic Head."

I also think it's funny how different people's tastes are regarding Green Day.
Oct 2, 2005
Green Day is so lame now. A lot of band's are lame now. Some bands need more appreciation for their back catalog, instead of blind fans believing everything that band does is great. Green Day is punk rock for dummies and the junior high scene.


Dec 9, 2008
- Green Day is so lame now.

I agree, Green Day sucks ass now. They've gone all "U2" and started making songs wear they pretend to care about Africa and "world-issues". LAME.

American Idiot sucks balls. Listening to it now, it's just irritating and WAY too mainstream.
Apr 13, 2009
Why do people read this article just to bash on Green Day ? I kind of agree with this post, but Nimrod could definitely could be higher maybe #3, but you can't rank their albums because they've all had different success. They've also sounded different, they are always exploring new sounds and expanding their music "horizon" if you will. People are always saying Green Day isn't the same anymore, those dumbasses need to realize that these guys are adults now, nobody likes an immature adult, its just embarrassing. Good thing their not like Johnny Rotten of The Sex Pistols, who still goes by "Johnny Rotten" even though he is like what, 100 years old ? Green Day is one of the rare bands that survived the 90's and I bet if a lot of the bands that were around then would sound different now too. Their new album "21st Century Breakdown" actually might be the best album they’ve put out yet and if you read the lyrics on Green Day's albums, even though the sound has changed, those guys are still "Punks" at heart, their lyrics still have angst.
Oct 3, 2005
I've never heard Kerplunk! or 39/Smooth, so I'll disregard them.

5. Insomniac
4. American Idiot
3. Nimrod
2. Warning:
1. Dookie

Why all the hate for Warning:? They went in a different direction with it, and I love it.
Jan 16, 2008
Insomniac only at number 4? Brain Stew and Geek Stink Breath alone vault it ahead of American Idiot in my opinion. I think that album is given way more political relevance than it deserves. Maybe I'm just nostalgic. Dookie is the obvious number 1, though. I would have put Insomniac at number 2.
Aug 21, 2001
American idiot only had a couple of good songs, definately not number 2 IMO. From hearing the new song greenday have released i would say their new album is definately going to be their worst.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 1, 2000
Probably go:

7. Kerplunk
6. 1039 SOSH
Bit of a gap then
5. Warning (only because it contains 11 tracks)
4. Nimrod
3. Insomniac
2. Dookie
1. American Idiot!!
Apr 28, 2007

8. 21st Century Breakdown.

Really disappointed with this. They've just changed from guitar to piano, but use the same song structure as American Idiot. Some interesting ideas, but they've stolen far too many riffs and vocal patterns.

7. 1039/slappy.

Great album, and is only so low because the rest are so good. Going to pasalacqua is still one of their best ever songs.

6. American Idiot.

Loved Jesus of Suburbia first time I ever heard it, and thought it was an interesting direction that would've worked for one album only. Letterbomb stood out, but by the time they released Wake me up when September ends, I had already lost interest.

5. Warning.

This album is a nice change of pace. Blood, sex and booze, church on sunday and castaway are class, waiting is one of those songs I didn't like at the time, but can appreciate now. Misery is far more interesting than anything of AI and 21st CB.

4. Nimrod.

Diverse, fast, slow, punk, acoustic...this album has it. Starts and ends brilliantly; the wealth of songs shows it was a creative time.

3. Insomniac.

There's not a breath between songs, and I love the lyrics on this album. You can tell Billie was pissed off with everything in his life, and drugs were taking it's toll. This is probably my favourite album, though, not their best.

2. Kerplunk.

The first Green Day record I ever heard, and 2,000 light years away is still their best intro to an album. A huge leap from their first album, and songs like 80, android, who wrote holden caulfield and Christie Road are absolute classics.

1. Dookie.

Obvious choice, but it needs to be. Their greatest moment, so many classics - there's no need to say anymore - except F.O.D. is their best finishing song on an album.



Dec 2, 2002
TheTrippleThreat1 said:
Why do people read this article just to bash on Green Day ? I kind of agree with this post, but Nimrod could definitely could be higher maybe #3, but you can't rank their albums because they've all had different success. They've also sounded different, they are always exploring new sounds and expanding their music "horizon" if you will. People are always saying Green Day isn't the same anymore, those dumbasses need to realize that these guys are adults now, nobody likes an immature adult, its just embarrassing. Good thing their not like Johnny Rotten of The Sex Pistols, who still goes by "Johnny Rotten" even though he is like what, 100 years old ? Green Day is one of the rare bands that survived the 90's and I bet if a lot of the bands that were around then would sound different now too. Their new album "21st Century Breakdown" actually might be the best album they’ve put out yet and if you read the lyrics on Green Day's albums, even though the sound has changed, those guys are still "Punks" at heart, their lyrics still have angst.

while john lydon sucks, i havent seen him going as johnny rotten in anything for a while.

green day was always pretty lame. the only reason anyone still likes them, as far as i can tell is nostalgia for their younger days, which is a fine reason.


Mar 28, 2006
Pretty much everything after Nimrod sucks ass. They just got way too commercial after that. Anyone who's a real Green Day fan probably hates all the **** they've released in the last 10 years. They've lost that punk edge they had back in the day and that's what made them great. They've pretty much turned into punks version(if that's even what you would consider them these days) of Nickelback. Just catchy bull**** songs and ballads that will sell records cause the people that buy them have no sense of what good music sounds like. And unfortunately there are alot of those people so their records still sell.

Fully censor profanity.
Sep 14, 2004
I really turned on american idiot after a while. Warning, while a poor seller, was a good step thematically. It sounded like a bunch of 30 year olds reflecting on life. American Idiot sounds like an album by a bunch of teenagers whining about their problems. It had a few decent mature moments toard the end. Havn't heard the new record yet but I expect a similar deal.
Jan 21, 2009
You would think that for a "real" Green Day fan, you wouldn't be bitching about all their works and calling them ****.

Fully censor profanity.


Dec 2, 2002
littleislandboy said:
You would think that for a "real" Green Day fan, you wouldn't be bitching about all their works and calling them ****.

yo stop cursing that isnt cool on the punk board, you jerk

Edit quoted profanity.


May 12, 2009
Even though it's not a studio album, I have to say, "Shenanigans" is one of my favorite albums ever, not just Green Day albums. It's a compilation of B-sides and rarities. It was printed in 2002 and encompasses their whole career to that point.

Feb 1, 2005
Too bad Green Day didn't even write the songs on American Idiot. Kind of ironic really, considering most people think they did.


Aug 25, 2004
If I wanted to see a list of Green Day albums in order from least record sales to most I could have just Googled it and saved myself some jibber jabber...


Apr 15, 2005
Warning is better than Nimrod and Insomniac. Their indie label stuff doesn't even compare to their major label stuff. Way to pretend to be cool, IGN.


Sep 6, 2005
American Idiot was trash and it shows what happens to good punk bands when they try to please dumbass teenyboppers. thanks to the exploits of green day, avril, blink, and good charlotte, the last raw music form was shot, raped, and thrown in the gutter with a parental advisory sticker.


Whistling in the Dark
Jun 2, 2008
Green Day isn't really a punk band...
Lmfao. American Idiot- "brought back their moshpit energy"


Jun 3, 2008
Brzac is completely right. what was once a really great band like it was with dookie has been exploited and juiced to the very last drop until they turned into complete and utter garbage. i hope that with this new album they go back to how they were because i cant take this "american idiot" crap anymore. Wow, you criticized america, how ***ing original!!!.....bravo, idiots.... and trust me when i say this.... i loved green day but american idiot was just a stupid way for something as great as green day to lose all its heart just to make some cash. its like what happened to the spider man films. the first two were pretty good but the third one was just a prostitucion of the success the movies were having. thats the same thing that happened with green day and American idiot. well i guess thats the end of what could have been a long lasting great band. instead what will happen is either one :they brake up over money or two: they relese this album and about a year later they will be forgotten and left to rott

Gay-bashing is against TOS, as is profanity that isn't fully censored. This is your warning.


May 11, 2009
Green Day sucks. They're not punk, nor have they ever been a punk band. They're a bunch of poseurs whos carrier was in shambles until they saw they could jump on the "I hate President Bush" bandwagon to give them a jump start. They have been in decline since the beginning. I have to admit i was slightly into Dookie at the time of its release but was soon sick of it. They want to be punk, but they will never be the bands that NOFX, Bad Religion, Propagandhi, Lagwagon(just to name a few)are and they never will be. Look at those fools with their make up and leather. Psst! Billy Joe, Tre and Mike. Make up is for woman! get a clue losers.


Dec 11, 2005
green day was and is punk
they dont sound like it anymore, but they are still punk. they sing about stuff that pisses them off, and they dont care what anyone has to say. thats punk rock.


Dec 2, 2002
sokhead93 said:
green day was and is punk
they dont sound like it anymore, but they are still punk. they sing about stuff that pisses them off, and they dont care what anyone has to say. thats punk rock.

this post should just be the new name for this board. it represents the quality really well.


May 11, 2009
"green day was and is punk
they dont sound like it anymore, but they are still punk. they sing about stuff that pisses them off, and they dont care what anyone has to say. thats punk rock."

Singing about stuff that pisses you off doesnt make you punk, it makes a you a whiny baby who needs a good kick in the ass and told to man up. Sex Pistols are punk, Bad Religion is punk, Guttermouth is punk. Green Day are poseurs.
Apr 13, 2009

Flaming, uncensored profanity, and derogatory use of gay slang is all against TOS. Post deleted and you've been warned.
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