
Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
Been building up my Fighter class the past couple of days. At first it was a little tricky to get used to, but holy cow, I'm loving it now. And I'm pretty sure it's one of the best classes for a lot of the bosses like Rockbear and Vol Dragon. I'll be really happy once I get it to the level my Hunter class is at.

Any tips? @strikerhunter, I'm looking at you here, lol.
Feb 24, 2013
Hahahaha lol. Tips? Well what you want to know?

Building tips on skill tree:
Get gears for Double Saber and Twin Daggers to increase dps output, knuckles are optional but they don't do as much damage as DS and TD nor are they good at most bosses or chasing mobs.
Invest into buffing up both wise and brave stance, invest more skill points to improve the stance you would rather prefer.

Invest into both Brave and wise stance (bout 5 or 10 points each) because they increase damage based on the position where you hit them.

As for weapons:

Knuckles: Goods: Front-to-Front fighting style, fast attacks once you have gear, good damage. Bads: Very low range.
Note: Primarily use on mobs, very hard to use on most bosses because of the being up close and chasing around.

Double Saber :Goods: Powerful, Close-range, good number of useful PAs, stronger with gears. Bads: Blocking is a counter so must be timed, slowest of the 3 weapon class for fighter.
Notes: Is your standard weapon against ground mobs and bosses or when aiming for lower parts of a boss.

Twin Daggers: Goods: A powerful weapon against nearly all bosses in the game, can go airborne, fast attack rate, increase in damage depending on how high you are once you get gears, good number of useful PAs, can counter a hit to negate damage (spam shift), great chasing ability from air-to-ground.
Bads: attack range is short (can be easily solve with several PAs in the arsenal), not at its full potential when on the ground.
Notes: Full potential is when you are airborne, you are able to reach spots on bosses which all other melee weapons (except for GL) can't, can easily avoid attacks (but you still have to be aware of attacks that can still reach/hit you.)

Think that's about it @PloCoon

Other Notes: Fighter is great sub class for all of the other classes because of the stances increase damage base on position.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
OK, cool. Do you also recommend upping the STR like on the Hunter?

Yeah, I've noticed the good thing about the Twin Daggers is that you can just spam the attack button. With others, I'm used to waiting for the Just Attack opportunity because that's the best time. With the TDs, you can go so fast you don't need to wait.

I currently like using the Knuckles for quickly taking down single non-boss foes. I really want a good chance to try out the really powerful PA it has (forget the name); might try it next time I fight Rockbear.


Fuwa Fuwa Time!!
Aug 9, 2001
fighter is one of my next classes to focus on, once my hunter hits v.hard...which is done inbetween my force hitting 50..techer reaching v.hard..and getting my gunner caught up to my ranger.

Every now and then, I almost regret having 3 characters..
Feb 24, 2013
hahahahhahaha I know that feeling Quatre, I find hard to play my two lower level characters.

And @PloCoon: Yes stack up S-ATK so that you can increase raw damage and be able to equip stronger weapons.
As for daggers, better to pace the attacks for JA because it's more worth it for the extra damage, better DPS, and PP return. But because TDs are fast attackers, pacing for JAs are easy or just be done second nature.

(my current Gunner/Hunter build is targeting for 600 R-ATK and close to 600 S-ATK)
Feb 24, 2013
fighter is one of my next classes to focus on, once my hunter hits v.hard...which is done inbetween my force hitting 50..techer reaching v.hard..and getting my gunner caught up to my ranger.

Every now and then, I almost regret having 3 characters..
The only reason I make another character is because I try to keep (although I can't) one or 2 certain build to one character but it becomes rather tedious to start over and sometimes you'll regret it like I do. Look at it, my main have 2 lvl 50+ class and the rest are 30+ whereas one of my alts is hardly touched and another is finally being worked on but still in his mid-20s.


Acculturating Laowai
Jan 4, 2004
Luoyang, Henan Province, China
OK, I'm functioning well at the moment without using special stances, so I'll focus on the S-ATK mostly.

I'd love to make two more chars - one for ranged, and one for techniques. Maybe I'll do a third with the new species and class later. But my current one is fine for the moment.

On a multi-class character, how do you guys negotiate armor setups for classes that are different levels? Is there a way to save an armor setup so you can access it easily in storage, or do you just sift through stuff and remember which is which? I can imagine you don't keep it on your person in order to pick up more items, right?


No Longer a Noob
Aug 25, 2000
New GMA threads managed to survive into the year 2013? I guess there's no killing them.