Feb 24, 2013
So as of tonight I was running some very hard tacos with another random team, upon that we encounter the random event known as darkers den. We encountered every darker boss there, and a rare form of zash (the free ruins explore boss). Took me and the team bout 55 minutes to complete it since we had to play cautiously because we had 3 hunters and 1 fighter. (Thank goodness I had force sub for healing).

Anyways we pulled a lot of rare items. In the end I received two 10 stars and total from the group was 5.

Now my clone is out there somewhere :D after the Falz Hunar and clones boss fight.
Lots of fun, lots of exp, lots of boss, and best of all.............fighting my own clone!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 24, 2013
You have only 1hr to get through like 4 darker bosses: in order--gwanda, wolg, ragne, zash, along with 2 ARKs mutated ship, falz with 4 clones.
Feb 24, 2013
Max is 5, but you can find more from explosive boxes around the area but they are hard to find and are time consuming with the 1hr limit you have. Also all monsters there are at Very Hard levels and are not any easy going kills besides the small mobs but every thing hurts.

There is no way to increase the limit, only other chose is to buy a scape doll with AC.