Feb 23, 2010
Hey Guys & Gals,

Just wondering if I'm the only one who's having this problem.
Here's what I encountered in detail this weekend (Saturday 06/25/2011)...

Rainbow Six: Vegas 1 & 2
Single Player Campaign

From the very moment you take command of your squad, they begin receiving phantom commands to move up (A button on the 360). I was NOT giving these commands to my squad, yet they insisted that I was. Okay...

So I thought it might be a problem with my controller. I pop out the rechargeable battery pack, and pop it into one of my two backup controllers. Exact same problem again. Controller #3 perhaps? Nope! Same thing again.

And to clarify, I confirmed that it really wasn't me just being stupid. I literally set my controller down, walked out of the room to make myself some lunch, and listened to the repeated acknowledgements from my squad to the commands that I was definitely NOT giving them. "Roger that, moving up, in position, etc." about every 10-seconds or so.

Awesome! Way to go Ubisoft!
Jan 10, 2009
Nice to see you trouble shot before posting. Sorry this is happening, wish I could help.

Sucks, cause I just bought the game and havn't played yet. Kind of concerns me.