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Aug 14, 2011
Alright. Are you tired of getting scammed by those other phonies? I AM! lol! Just Email me at with your Neopets username and password and I will actually give it to you. I am quitting Neopets and I have over 1,000,000,000NP. I can give you ANYTHING. Just give me your Neopets username and password and I wont be the one to scam you. I WILL GIVE IT TO YOU. Dont ever give those other people your username and password because their just going to take your account. Just Email me your Neopets username and password and WHATEVER you want. I can give you 10billion NP max and any item and however many of that item you want. Basically anything! I am actually the owner of Neopets. My name is Adam Powell. I founded Neopets in 1999 and ever since that it has been great. I want to give others free NP so just Email me at and I will give
you anything you want. But hurry, Im running out of NP! Hurry!
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