Mar 7, 2011
Im aware that many of you may like this game, but i find the number occult/paganism references overwhelming. I am a christian and to have this being shoved down my throat is ridiculous. I cannot remember a game in recent memory that has offended me so. I dont understand why this is entertainment to you all, i finished the second chapter when i had to completely stop playing it. The game forces me to pick between a witch and a village of murderers, gluttoners, and adulterers. I feel that the latter is better than a witch but to force me to choose between those two had a heavy toll on my conscious for days. I dont condone murder, but to go against the occult/witchcraft is always going to be my priority.
Mar 7, 2011
it may be a game but the developers put all this stuff in the game to DIRECTLY influence your mind. whether you want to be a sheep or not is up to you, i am truly awake.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 5, 2007
I'd say being truly awake is distinguishing fantasy from reality. It's a work of fiction, nothing more. Nobody is "forcing" you to play it, and I would question why you would even play a game titled "The Witcher" if things like witches and magic are offensive to you.


Solitary Roamer
Apr 19, 2010
~o) What 'flavour' of Christian are you? I don't mean that in an 'insulting' way. I happen to belong to the Catholic faith for instance.
If you are strong in your faith, a fantasy game could not possibly 'influence' you. It seems a little paranoid to imagine that game developers are trying to target you don't you think?
I have had people tell me I should not wear butterfly pendants, as they are new age and devil worship symbols. Oh really? One of God's most beautiful creations?
I play games for fun, and even so mostly find myself making 'moral' choices without thinking about it. That said, I find the Witcher enthralling, interesting and one of the most visually beautiful games I have ever seen.


Sep 18, 2010
You do understand that most paganism and occultism isn't evil right? You say whether or not we want to be led like sheep yet you are Christian and Jesus is your Shepherd right? So what are you but his flock/sheep. Give me a break. Get off your high horse. It's a game and the fact that you take it to this level show your maturity. Grow up.


Mar 3, 2011
If this game offends you don't play it. And if you find it to be influencing you, you are weak in your faith my dear friend.

In fact, your name says something different...talking about cults and witchcraft. You have the ALL SEEING EYE as your icon. This must be a joke. And then the number 999 upside down is 666, you are trying to get people to look to far into this game. You are the witch. lol
Dec 14, 2008
A bunch of dirty, superstitious villagers burning a woman alive for witchcraft is about as christian as you can get. The majority of christian history was established in the middle ages and these sorts of scenarios cropped up every once and a while. I don't understand why as a christian you would be offended by something that was very much a part of your religion for many years.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 27, 2004
Sometimes I wonder who the sheep are, the ones who are paranoid or the ones who can separate fantasy from reality. Christians these days, you guys are something else


Jul 17, 2011
Im aware that many of you may like this game, but i find the number occult/paganism references overwhelming. I am a christian and to have this being shoved down my throat is ridiculous. I cannot remember a game in recent memory that has offended me so. I dont understand why this is entertainment to you all, i finished the second chapter when i had to completely stop playing it. The game forces me to pick between a witch and a village of murderers, gluttoners, and adulterers. I feel that the latter is better than a witch but to force me to choose between those two had a heavy toll on my conscious for days. I dont condone murder, but to go against the occult/witchcraft is always going to be my priority.

Then don't play it ..........simple
Dec 25, 2012
Im aware that many of you may like this game, but i find the number occult/paganism references overwhelming. I am a christian and to have this being shoved down my throat is ridiculous. I cannot remember a game in recent memory that has offended me so. I dont understand why this is entertainment to you all, i finished the second chapter when i had to completely stop playing it. The game forces me to pick between a witch and a village of murderers, gluttoners, and adulterers. I feel that the latter is better than a witch but to force me to choose between those two had a heavy toll on my conscious for days. I dont condone murder, but to go against the occult/witchcraft is always going to be my priority.

How is it being "Shoved down your throat." You choose to play it you choose to buy it. You're just another dickhead trying to stir up shit. I believe in god but personally i think the Devil has more style. DO you think God is gonna send me to hell for sayin that por for playoing the witcher? NO! Cuz god isnt a douchebag. He's.... God... plain and simple. WHy so serious?
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Mar 10, 2014
Topicstarter is right, this game is definitely pushing the witch/occultist agenda.

Let me explain a little, because this is my area of expertise.
I just bought this game and played through it, cause I like to analyze stuff like this.

Firstly, I hate fake ass rebels, those wannabe different folk. The biggest fake rebels are people who listen to rock and metal (and any sub scene, nowadays even in electronic music like dubstep and jungle/drum&bass, psytrance/goa).

Definitely #1 fakes.

They deem themselves better than regular (square) folk, but they've been fooled worse by the very same elite which has been fooling squares throughout history.

And these are the type of people who made this game, you can tell by the way they depict the knights as bad guys who are corrupted, while the witches are the good guys. It's fiction, yes, but the underlying message is clear as crystal to me, having spent a good 15 years learning about witchcraft, satanism and other occult practices.

The writer is a Polak, many rock/metal pagans and wannabe rebels in Poland who hate the Catholic church and attribute conspiracies and evil to it. If they had any sense they'd do more research into how the Catholic church was created and who created it. It's very simple, Christians believe the Romans killed Jesus. These Romans killed many Christians, yet somehow the Vatican was created in Rome. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that those SAME Romans, who were killing Christians in their Colloseum, decided to adapt to Christianity, create an organisation and put themselves at the top, declaring themselves the representatives of Christianity, God and Jesus.

Simple logic. So who are these Romans who created the Vatican, if not true Christians?
Well.. THEY are the actual pagans and witches, Witches and pagans are responsible for creating the dark ages of Christianity and burning innocent women as witches. They are the ones creating wars, it's been the witches and pagans all along. They turned a lot of pagan/witch holidays into Christian holidays, masking the origins. Why do Christians go to church on sunday? Because its SUN-day, they are worshipping the sun, who is helios/ao/apollo the sungod aka the antichrist (son of zeus, chief of the Greco-Roman pantheon). Easter is a masked pagan fertility holiday and Christmas is also pagan.

Ye so once again. this game was created by a bunch of shits, who I spit on, cause you're fake and don't know shit about the world, corrupting the minds with your false sense of justice.

Your end is neigh.
Dec 25, 2012
Topicstarter is right, this game is definitely pushing the witch/occultist agenda.

Let me explain a little, because this is my area of expertise.
I just bought this game and played through it, cause I like to analyze stuff like this.

Firstly, I hate fake ass rebels, those wannabe different folk. The biggest fake rebels are people who listen to rock and metal (and any sub scene, nowadays even in electronic music like dubstep and jungle/drum&bass, psytrance/goa).

Definitely #1 fakes.

They deem themselves better than regular (square) folk, but they've been fooled worse by the very same elite which has been fooling squares throughout history.

And these are the type of people who made this game, you can tell by the way they depict the knights as bad guys who are corrupted, while the witches are the good guys. It's fiction, yes, but the underlying message is clear as crystal to me, having spent a good 15 years learning about witchcraft, satanism and other occult practices.

The writer is a Polak, many rock/metal pagans and wannabe rebels in Poland who hate the Catholic church and attribute conspiracies and evil to it. If they had any sense they'd do more research into how the Catholic church was created and who created it. It's very simple, Christians believe the Romans killed Jesus. These Romans killed many Christians, yet somehow the Vatican was created in Rome. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that those SAME Romans, who were killing Christians in their Colloseum, decided to adapt to Christianity, create an organisation and put themselves at the top, declaring themselves the representatives of Christianity, God and Jesus.

Simple logic. So who are these Romans who created the Vatican, if not true Christians?
Well.. THEY are the actual pagans and witches, Witches and pagans are responsible for creating the dark ages of Christianity and burning innocent women as witches. They are the ones creating wars, it's been the witches and pagans all along. They turned a lot of pagan/witch holidays into Christian holidays, masking the origins. Why do Christians go to church on sunday? Because its SUN-day, they are worshipping the sun, who is helios/ao/apollo the sungod aka the antichrist (son of zeus, chief of the Greco-Roman pantheon). Easter is a masked pagan fertility holiday and Christmas is also pagan.

Ye so once again. this game was created by a bunch of shits, who I spit on, cause you're fake and don't know shit about the world, corrupting the minds with your false sense of justice.

Your end is neigh.
You're so dumb. I just cant forgive you right now.
Mar 10, 2014
Topicstarter is right, this game is definitely pushing the witch/occultist agenda.

Let me explain a little, because this is my area of expertise.
I just bought this game and played through it, cause I like to analyze stuff like this.

Firstly, I hate fake ass rebels, those wannabe different folk. The biggest fake rebels are people who listen to rock and metal (and any sub scene, nowadays even in electronic music like dubstep and jungle/drum&bass, psytrance/goa).

Definitely #1 fakes.

They deem themselves better than regular (square) folk, but they've been fooled worse by the very same elite which has been fooling squares throughout history.

And these are the type of people who made this game, you can tell by the way they depict the knights as bad guys who are corrupted, while the witches are the good guys. It's fiction, yes, but the underlying message is clear as crystal to me, having spent a good 15 years learning about witchcraft, satanism and other occult practices.

The writer is a Polak, many rock/metal pagans and wannabe rebels in Poland who hate the Catholic church and attribute conspiracies and evil to it. If they had any sense they'd do more research into how the Catholic church was created and who created it. It's very simple, Christians believe the Romans killed Jesus. These Romans killed many Christians, yet somehow the Vatican was created in Rome. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that those SAME Romans, who were killing Christians in their Colloseum, decided to adapt to Christianity, create an organisation and put themselves at the top, declaring themselves the representatives of Christianity, God and Jesus.

Simple logic. So who are these Romans who created the Vatican, if not true Christians?
Well.. THEY are the actual pagans and witches, Witches and pagans are responsible for creating the dark ages of Christianity and burning innocent women as witches. They are the ones creating wars, it's been the witches and pagans all along. They turned a lot of pagan/witch holidays into Christian holidays, masking the origins. Why do Christians go to church on sunday? Because its SUN-day, they are worshipping the sun, who is helios/ao/apollo the sungod aka the antichrist (son of zeus, chief of the Greco-Roman pantheon). Easter is a masked pagan fertility holiday and Christmas is also pagan.

Ye so once again. this game was created by a bunch of shits, who I spit on, cause you're fake and don't know shit about the world, corrupting the minds with your false sense of justice.

Your end is neigh.
You're so dumb. I just cant forgive you right now.

I'm smarter and more knowledgable than you'll ever be. I don't want your forgiveness. Fact. ;)


The Beast of the North
Nov 28, 2001
Topicstarter is right, this game is definitely pushing the witch/occultist agenda.

Let me explain a little, because this is my area of expertise.
I just bought this game and played through it, cause I like to analyze stuff like this.

Firstly, I hate fake ass rebels, those wannabe different folk. The biggest fake rebels are people who listen to rock and metal (and any sub scene, nowadays even in electronic music like dubstep and jungle/drum&bass, psytrance/goa).

Definitely #1 fakes.

They deem themselves better than regular (square) folk, but they've been fooled worse by the very same elite which has been fooling squares throughout history.

And these are the type of people who made this game, you can tell by the way they depict the knights as bad guys who are corrupted, while the witches are the good guys. It's fiction, yes, but the underlying message is clear as crystal to me, having spent a good 15 years learning about witchcraft, satanism and other occult practices.

The writer is a Polak, many rock/metal pagans and wannabe rebels in Poland who hate the Catholic church and attribute conspiracies and evil to it. If they had any sense they'd do more research into how the Catholic church was created and who created it. It's very simple, Christians believe the Romans killed Jesus. These Romans killed many Christians, yet somehow the Vatican was created in Rome. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that those SAME Romans, who were killing Christians in their Colloseum, decided to adapt to Christianity, create an organisation and put themselves at the top, declaring themselves the representatives of Christianity, God and Jesus.

Simple logic. So who are these Romans who created the Vatican, if not true Christians?
Well.. THEY are the actual pagans and witches, Witches and pagans are responsible for creating the dark ages of Christianity and burning innocent women as witches. They are the ones creating wars, it's been the witches and pagans all along. They turned a lot of pagan/witch holidays into Christian holidays, masking the origins. Why do Christians go to church on sunday? Because its SUN-day, they are worshipping the sun, who is helios/ao/apollo the sungod aka the antichrist (son of zeus, chief of the Greco-Roman pantheon). Easter is a masked pagan fertility holiday and Christmas is also pagan.

Ye so once again. this game was created by a bunch of shits, who I spit on, cause you're fake and don't know shit about the world, corrupting the minds with your false sense of justice.

Your end is neigh.
You're so dumb. I just cant forgive you right now.

I'm smarter and more knowledgable than you'll ever be. I don't want your forgiveness. Fact. ;)
Well at least you know that most Christian holidays and traditions were stolen from other religions. The rest of your rant is just garbage. Christianity co-opted pagan traditions in order to woo them towards christianity. It was not some secret plot by pagans to take over the religion. I'd also like to know what a true christian is?
Mar 10, 2014
omg omg omg... fake rebel talking

rest of my rant is garbage? you're a fool if you can't deduce that the Vatican is an attempt by the Roman pagans and witches to keep the power centralized in Rome.

as i said. ure fooled worse than those squares. TOOL

by the way im not talking here as a religious person, nor am I a Christian for that matter...
Mar 10, 2014
what else was garbage?

You want to say i was wrong by the picture being painted by this game?
the order of the eternal fire (or however theyre called) is selling children off, the witch in the village is good and only wishes to help?

The Eternal Fire is selling children off for what? abuse? like the Roman Catholic church perhaps?

or is it more like the continuation of the ancient Greek and Roman Polytheistic PAGAN WITCH ways, where it was common for males to have young boy "toys"? Paedophilia being a Greek word even. In fact, celibacy was probably created for this very reason, for priests to faulter.. knowing some of their handywork which is intricate. Not that you'd know (obviously) ;)

This game using actual occult symbolism then... was that garbage too?
You people are so simplistic, really,the line of thought behind it for example. Let me know if I'm wrong here.

"if religion is responsible for wars, then we shall emulate the opposite of what it represents"
meaning witchcraft, association with satanism combined with the music.

Don't even get me started on subliminal messaging, especially with older rock/metal.

your whole rebellion revolves more around shocking regular folk, of which the vast majority is just being fooled like you. The elite is laughing their ass off. Lot of you say f*** the system, but you don't know what the system is and how it works.

I can be politically correct and say there are good people everywhere, I know that. But you a worse corruption than those regular folk, let me tell ya. Rock & Roll was a lie, rotten from the start. You don't build a house on a rotten foundation, but the house got build.

Well I'm here to tell ya that your house is going down, unless you get wise to this stuff, you'll go down with it too.
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Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
Pagan References? Do you even know what Paganism is? it's not worshipping Satan FFS!

So, OP what part of the game offended you? The Duck Blood Soup? or the Succubus sex scene?

Imagine a Christian being offended by a game set on a completely DIFFERENT PLANET AND CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT EXIST!!!!

Seriously if a game offends you? Don't play it, and don't shove your beliefs down other's throats.
Nov 23, 2017
Pagan References? Do you even know what Paganism is? it's not worshipping Satan FFS!

So, OP what part of the game offended you? The Duck Blood Soup? or the Succubus sex scene?

Imagine a Christian being offended by a game set on a completely DIFFERENT PLANET AND CHRISTIANITY DOES NOT EXIST!!!!

Seriously if a game offends you? Don't play it, and don't shove your beliefs down other's throats.

It sounds like you are the angry and aggressive one trying to shove your beliefs that Christians are wimpy and that you should be rude to them. I'd like to see you talk like this to an extreme muslim - of course you don't have the guts. You only say this behind a computer and all you can do is play demonic games all day cus you don't have a life.

You obviously have no clue what Paganism is either. I see so many people like you talking Exactly like this the moment someone says they are Christian. I just want to ask: do you have a mind of your own? Or do you never think with your own mind? Why do you guys all sound exactly the same? Brainwash much.

Yeah no one should shove anything down anyone's throat. In this case, occult C RAP is shoved down everyone's throat. And people like you speech-police anyone who speaks with a clear conscience. Shame on you!
Nov 23, 2017
I'd say being truly awake is distinguishing fantasy from reality. It's a work of fiction, nothing more. Nobody is "forcing" you to play it, and I would question why you would even play a game titled "The Witcher" if things like witches and magic are offensive to you.

You need to travel to india and China and see how these things are real or not. Americans need to learn more before speaking. No wonder everyone's always surprised when their friend or family is depressed, or have suicidal thoughts or suddenly just do some obscene crazy stuff that shocks the world. Fiction is made of ideas and messages that actual human beings think up. They contain values and information that your mind either accepts or rejects. Of course whether you reject or accept have an impact.

Lies are fiction, but they can cause the fall of a country. What you say is just typical you repeat from hearing others. Let's have a clue and humble ourselves to LISTEN for a second.
Nov 23, 2017
Christians stop complaining and QUIT playing these games. You are complaining because your conscience is telling you this is not for you. It is of the opposer. And getting advice and support from those who are in deeper than you into this stuff is useless. They will not argue the point and aggress towards you. Why ask them at all? Do they have answers? They are the manipulated and you have no idea how loyal the abused are to the abuser. Know who your friends are - they are at Church. As for others - you need to go to seminary first. We are not dealing with normal people in our generation anymore. People are addicts and enslaved by Satan. You want to warn others you better get 100% out and into God's arms first.

By the way, stop letting people play the Roman Catholic card anymore. We are not RC and have nothing to do with that. But I'll tell they very people that mock you are doing stuff behind doors for sure. Don't let them shame you. Stand strong in Christ.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
I'm a devout christian too, and I got no problem with the game. And why? Because its a fantasy game.
-bit like I got no issue with fantasy books that have wizards or whatnots in them. Narnia books, for example (which were written by devout christian, btw...). Theyre fantasy, make belief.

Having said that, I do have issue with games that glorify the worship of spirits or paganism or blood cults. Games where you have to be on the side of the evil, or have to accept evil practices.

But Witcher games are not like that. In Witchers, you are on the side of the good, and if you see evil, you have the power to put the evil doers to sword. I like that very much.

Many missions in witchers are like police work. You find out what really happened by interviewing and gathering evidence, then you decide what the judgement is. You get to solve murders and worse, and get to see that the guilty are punished severely for their crimes. You are the highest force of good in the land.