
Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Here are at the end of one of the most interesting years ever for games. What did you play, what did you love, and what's your game of the year?

1. What was the best game released in 2023 that you played?

2. What was the best new-to-you game that you played this year, meaning a game you played for the first time in 2023, but that came out earlier?

3. What replay did you enjoy most in 2023?


A Dimple in Draco
Jul 23, 2012
Ioannina, Greece
1. Baldur's Gate 3, favorite game ever. Lots of this year's releases that I played have been awesome too: Everspace 2, Age of Wonders 4, Halls of Torment, Phantom Liberty, Dave the Diver.

2. Tough choice. There have been several games that I really liked or loved, like Shadows over Loathing, Tyranny, Dungeon of Nahelebeuk, Pentiment, Cult of the Lamb, but I have to say Hades on this category. It's simply an amazing game.

3. Tricky one. When I first thought about it I immediately came up with Cyberpunk 2077, but the real reason I replayed it was Phantom Liberty - not the core game. I think I'd say Wasteland 3 (which I also played with expansions) as I was really itching for a replay of it, and it kept me really engaged from start to finish. Individual quality, Phantom Liberty is above that, but I see it mostly as a new game.

Write-up category: Disappointment of the year.
4. The most "meh" game I played this year was Far Cry 6, but it's practically impossible to get disappointed by such a game. Also, in its current state Starfield isn't running properly for me, and the few hours I saw of it felt pretty boring. But: there is no way I'd judge it based on those few hours, so I'll wait till I can run it properly. No, no, I wrote this category to just say Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Such a mediocre experience, it's a much, much poorer version of Assault on Dragon's Keep which was a DLC in the first place.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I can’t decide. It’s between Hogwarts, FM and Alan Wake 2. Probably Hogwarts.

My GotY is probably one of those but I really like Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s such a well paced well polished game but more interesting is the best character development in terms of story in any game I have ever played.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
I need to play Spiderman 2 before the year is up. That will probably be my GoTY. Otherwise, if I had to pick now, it would be Remnant 2.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I need to play Spiderman 2 before the year is up. That will probably be my GoTY. Otherwise, if I had to pick now, it would be Remnant 2.
Yeah I can’t decide until I play insomniacs game one day. It’ll be a while though.


Nov 10, 2013
I liked Lies of P a lot. That came out of nowhere pretty much and was surprisingly polished.

The Tiny Tina Assault on Dragon Keep standalone dlc was new to me and I really liked it. I also liked Midnight Suns a lot which was technically a last year release.

I am not sure what my biggest disappointment was. But I finally burned out on Madden. I haven’t played in a few months.
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Prime Member
Jun 3, 2010
I always enjoy this end of year thread by DevilDancer. For my answers, I'm keeping it to games I either completed or played a significant enough portion to provide enough of an opinion.

1. "What was the best game released in 2023 that you played?"
Oxenfree II: Lost Signals

This was the one 2023 release that I made a point to complete, as it was the game I was most anticipating at the beginning of the year. Though I certainly thought it was a worthy sequel, I have to say liked the original Oxenfree quite a bit more. That's not at all to say that Oxenfree II was in any way a disappointment, like I said, it was a worthy sequel....but the original had a cool atmosphere and was much more layered, adding to a replay value that actually fit in with the actual story....while the sequel is more of a one-and-done affair. Most players will likely get what's considered the best ending on their first play-through as long as they play as a somewhat decent character, and judging by after-game statistics from my playthrough around launch, that's what the large majority of people did. After getting said best ending, which is pretty standard, there really isn't a reason to revisit, unless you're purposefully gone for achievements and collectables. The reason being, the sequel seems to give full closure, not just for it's story, but for the Oxenfree series as a whole. I guess that's a good thing, better than living threads hanging. Like I said, I liked it and it's a worthy enough sequel that wraps up the story and setting nicely, but I also felt it didn't have the same magic as the original that had me coming back to it and enjoying multiple playthroughs with the characters. Like I said, it was pretty much the only 2023 release that I made a point to complete to give a proper final opinion on it.

2. "What was the best new-to-you game that you played this year, meaning a game you played for the first time in 2023, but that came out earlier?"
Life Is Strange: Before the Storm (from 2017)

This was the first game I played of the year, and it hit me hard emotionally for a game. I actually enjoyed it more than the original Life Is Strange, which is saying something, 'cause I loved LIS and consider it a milestone classic in the Adventure genre. With Before the Storm, Deck Nine have proven themselves to be perfect custodians for the series, having taken over from original developers Dontnod.

3. "What replay did you enjoy most in 2023?"
Black Mesa: Definitive Edition....hands down.

This is what I played recently to re-live Half-Life for its 25 Anniversary, and it was such a fun experience. I actually first played it when it was released as a mod way back in 2012 (when it didn't yet have Xen portion). 8 years later and they finally released the full complete package, including the new and revamped Xen, with some additional tweaks, as the "Definitive Edition" in 2020.
I consider Black Mesa, particularly the Definitive Edition, to be one of the best game remakes of all time....right up there with REmake and RE2 remake, and many gaming publications and sites have felt the same.
Black Mesa is honestly the best way to experience the original Half-Life's story today, and if you didn't know it was a fan-creation, you'd swear it was an internally developed Valve product, in fact, you'd think it was one of the better outputs. Granted, the graphics of this game won't match the effects of todays ray-traced comtemporaries (Black Mesa is remake of Half-Life from 1998 that looks and plays the way you can imagine Valve would have made it if they had released it in 2013)....that said, it still holds up well and this is hands down one of the most amazing fan-made dedications ever made, that I personally would rank it above a chunk of Valve's own releases - Dare I say it, I'd personally even rank this above HL2 and it's Episodes in terms of playability today. Rather than being the low point of the 1998 original.....Xen in this version is actually interesting, which each Xen chapter having it's own unique feel. The Gonarch boss fight in this version is one of the most thrilling I've experienced in a shooter in awhile. The Xen portion of the game (which released in 2020) really pushes the old Source Engine (I believe they used L4D branch of the source engine) it terms of the visuals it puts out, matching the visual output of the modified version of the source engine 2016's Titanfall 2 displayed, in some ways, more so.
This is a game that any Half-Life fan would be crazy not to play.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Mine is Diablo 4. Couch co-op’ing that with my friend in early access was a blast, and we played the game too much. I knew it wouldn’t last, but for a few weeks last June it was a lot of fun and I think they did a great job with Diablo 4

If I was voting Alan Wake 2.

Best replay was Castlevenia SotN. It’s still a really fun game.

Lots of games deserve mentioning. So many we could have a runner up or extended category thread. My biggest surprise was Robocop. I think that felt like my first truly current gen game. I’ll never see reflections in a game the same again. It also happens to be a really fun, if not terribly deep, FPS.

Bombrush Cyberfunk was also a big surprise and one of those cult classics that comes along once or twice a decade.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 12, 2014
I feel like I have all these nitpicks about Baldur’s Gate 3 and yet I keep playing it so much. It like mostly comes down to I wish this wasn’t a Baldur’s Gate game and I prefer crunchier rpg rules like 3E or Pathfinder’s where there’s just amazing and complex roll playing going on with the role playing.

All that misses the forest from the trees that it’s an amazing game. It’s full of amazing characters and full of a lot of enjoyable choices and there are lots of really fun tools to play with.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 25, 2023
Kinda surprised Starfield didn't win a damn thing. Light No Fire is the only new reveal that interested besides GTA VI in general


Not the boss
Sep 27, 2001
North America
Here I go.

1. What was the best game released in 2023 that you played?

In a way I feel unqualified to answer this because I haven't played Baldur's Gate 3 or Alan Wake 2 yet. But that's the way the year shook out, and I won't get to either before the end of December. I'm skeptical that either would be GOTY contenders for me anyway. I've been lukewarm on D&D based games in the past, and I was really hot and cold on DoS2, so BG3 might not be my thing. And I liked but didn't love Alan Wake 1.

I did get to some good ones. Remnant 2 was a nice surprise. The System Shock remake was solid. I liked a lot of the things Starfield did, though the story and characters were a let down. But the game that I kept returning to, the game I found excuses to play more of, was The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. That's my game of the year.

ToTK, like its predecessor, captured the sense of exploration and discovery that I loved about the original, and that I think the series has really lacked since then. The overworld map was recycled, if refreshed for a new game, but Nintendo smartly added the Depths and the Sky Islands to ensure that the game had some unique elements. Throw in the excellent building mechanic, and it all came together.

2. What was the best new-to-you game that you played this year, meaning a game you played for the first time in 2023, but that came out earlier?

Looking at the list of games I played this year, I don't have a stand-out winner for this category. Almost by default I'll go with Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. I think I liked it more when I was actually playing it than I do in hindsight. As I mentioned above, I just don't like the D&D ruleset all that much in video game form. But even if the mechanics were uneven and the story was just alright, it featured one of my favorite video game characters that I encountered this year: Wenduag the sycophant Mongrelman. It was a nice change of pace having the video game equivalent of Stephen Miller constantly telling me how awesome I am.

Runners up include Power Wash Simulator and Phantasy Star IV, which almost won just based on the amazing start screen song.

3. What replay did you enjoy most in 2023?

Have to go with Retro Bowl here. I played an absolute ton of that game on my phone throughout the year.

Runner up: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge, which I had a great time replaying with my kid.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I got Armored Core 6 and RE 4 Remake. Don’t think I can finish either by the end of the year. I really enjoy both so far, a few hours into each, so who knows but I don’t see either as GotY material. I really like AC too and it’s more arcade than modern action, so it’s a good thing it won GotY for action. It plays like you want AC to play. There’s nothing remotely souls like about it.

RE 4 is fun too, but no way this deserved a nomination. It looks great but Robocop and Alan Wake look better with more responsive control. I hope Alan Wake 2 has some DLC or extra modes with more combat because they did the RE control and combat better than RE.

I might get BG 3 soon but I would not be able to start it this year anyway.

And I’m annoyed with MS for acting like Starfield was snubbed. I’ve played all but one contender this year and they all shot higher than SF. SF didn’t even give us a 60fps mode or RT. We loved it, it’s a really fun game, but they did not deliver on current gen and don’t deserve a GotY acknowledgement.

Sony’s flagship delivered on current gen promises, MS didn’t. I love series X, glad I got it over Ps5 this year, but they dropped the ball on making SF GotY material. Forza rocked. That said, my friend who got an Xbox loves Starfield and that’s what he’s been playing so far. He’s a completionist so it’s gonna be one game at a time.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
And I haven’t played Street fighter because the trailers look so awful to me, and MK 1 is so good. It’s a deep fighter and I love the animation. Ashara is a new to me fighter and my favorite. Mastery takes a long time (in game progression too) and I’m cool with that.

I don’t know if SF 6 is a great game or not but it looks awful to me. I don’t like the art or fighter design or presentation and MK 1 nails all that.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
1. What was the best game released in 2023 that you played?

I'm over halfway done with the Spiderman 2 campaign. Will probably finish it this month. I've played it enough to give it my GOTY. Pretty much everything about it is better than the first one. The story, the combat, the pacing, the web slinging, the side missions and activities, etc.

The first Spiderman is currently sitting at #14 on my all-time list. It's too early to say, but this new one might make it into my top 10. At the least, it will take over the #14 slot.

2. What was the best new-to-you game that you played this year, meaning a game you played for the first time in 2023, but that came out earlier?

Resident Evil 2 Remake, released in 2019. Also haven't finished this one yet, but it's pretty good. Gotta pick it back up.

3. What replay did you enjoy most in 2023?

WWE 2K Battlegrounds. I played the game a bit in the past, but restarted it this year and did a 100% achievement playthrough. Had a good time with it.


Sep 6, 2000
I did a Game of The Year thread over on the PC board, but my responses here will be a bit different

1. What was the best game released in 2023 that you played?
It was a busy year with a lot of fantastic titles, but Lies of P stands out more than all of the others.
I love basically everything about the game, from the level design to the combat encounters to the world to the weapons, and even the downtime in-between.

2. What was the best new-to-you game that you played this year, meaning a game you played for the first time in 2023, but that came out earlier?

While my favorite game I *beat* in 2023 that was released in 2022 was Tunic, I did *start* that back in 2022, but bounced off mid-way (before going at it with more determination this year) so it doesn't count for this description. Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair would be a strong contender, but I had played a few levels of it in previous years to try it out, without making a focused effort until this year. Divinity Original Sin 2 was another game that I focused on to completion this year, but I had dabbled in it previously.

So with that out of the way, I think that it has to be Solas 128. I just had a heck of a fun time with that one. It was originally from 2021, and for me, it was a sale pickup from last year's Steam winter sale.
*cough*I know I finished it in January, but even that might have been "started" in December of 2022... No, I don't know how to look that up to know for sure*cough*

3. What replay did you enjoy most in 2023?

Chop Goblins.
It also released in 2023, but after having a lot of fun with the initial playthrough (and the game being extremely short), I went right into a replay, and it was a blast. Those goblins didn't even know what hit them.

Ok, but that "replay" was really just an extension of my first-time playthrough experience. God damn, this is getting difficult. Does Link's Awakening count? I have strong memories of playing it as a kid (and what I went through to be able to afford it) so it was a strong nostalgia pick... but I never actually *beat it* until this year. I got stuck somewhere into the story when I was a kid, and replays from both the remake as well as digital releases of the original version were stopped before I saw the end.

//I don't want to be boring and say Elden Ring or Bloodborne, since they are *objectively* better than Chop Goblins, but I replay those so much that they're old hat. But then I go through the *49* games I beat this year, and the older ones that were replays, I either didn't stick through all the way to the finish when I replayed them this year (Castlevania: SotN, Nier: Automata, Radiant Historia, Metroid Prime, Baldur's Gate 1, Tomb Raider 1996, Mario & Luigi Super Star Saga) or I didn't beat originally (Link's Awakening, Mario RPG, Klonoa 1/2, Divinity Original Sin 2, Tunic, Blue Fire)

Man, when I go through the criteria, and define replay as "game not from 2023 that I beat in a year prior to 2023 and beat again this year" Elden Ring and Bloodborne are the only choices. Bloodborne, I guess.

//Maybe this is just me being too pedantic about the definition of replay
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Almost Not a Noob
Nov 15, 2023
It’s close but I will give the edge for GotY to Baldur’s Gate 3 over Octopath Traveler 2. BG3 just had so many different creative ways to solve each quest. I appreciate the devs giving us both a sandbox and a quality rpg. I did prefer the characters themselves in Octopath 2 however. You get to know them and their stories intimately and actually care about them. Octopath 2 is a masterpiece in its own right, it’s just not a 100+ hour AAA rpg. It is a 80+ hour AA+ jrpg though, and worth playing.

Best new to me game: Star Ocean The Second Story R is excellent on switch. It’s a remake of a PS1 classic so it qualifies. I swear there are more non-combat professions in this than in wow. There is sooo much to do. Story is consistently good, until halfway through the game where it suddenly becomes amazing. Very pleasant surprise, almost didn’t even try this game since I found the First star ocean a bit boring.

Best replay: Metroid Prime Remastered. Super Mario RPG was a close second but I just had more fun with Metroid this year.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
Here are at the end of one of the most interesting years ever for games. What did you play, what did you love, and what's your game of the year?

1. What was the best game released in 2023 that you played?

2. What was the best new-to-you game that you played this year, meaning a game you played for the first time in 2023, but that came out earlier?

3. What replay did you enjoy most in 2023?

For me, the big names are pretty easy to focus on. I loved all of the following:
  • Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  • Cyberpunk 2077: PL
  • Starfield (GP 122)
  • Mario: LSD
As for DL's questions, that is a bit harder. Do you count PL as a game released this year? It is tricky.

1. What was the best game released in 2023 that you played?
Zelda: TotK. The physics engine was great. The gameplay was great. I genuinely enjoyed Zelda's storyline. This one just grabbed me from start to finish. I think it is number 1 for me.

Close follow up is CP: PL. CP is one of my favorite games of all time. TotK is also one of the best. PL is just a continuation of a great game that is already there. It feels a little weird giving it GotY. Also, it wouldn't be GotY without the base game as part of it. It would still be great. It is a strong contender, but it is the entire package. The entire package wasn't released this year. Hence, TotK wins.

2. What was the best new-to-you game that you played this year, meaning a game you played for the first time in 2023, but that came out earlier?

Nothing super incredible comes to mind.

3. What replay did you enjoy most in 2023?

CP: PL, I suppose qualifies.

Final thoughts: I loved all four of the above. If any of them was my game of the year, it would still be a good year for gaming. 2023 really was a great year for gaming. It doesn't matter what genre you loved, this year was incredible.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Changing my vote. So many gems last year I loved so to have a fucking Ubisoft game kill it is crazy.

Its voice acting and dialog flat out suck. The story is meh, mainly because of the voice acting and dialog. The main mission design and focus on stealth (which you can ignore a lot) can be frustrating and straight un-fun. But what it does well, it does so well, it’s reminiscent of the good old days when a game would release and really blow you away.

You can’t play visuals but in Avatar you can. You’ll forget that the traversal and control is masterful too because moving through this world is a reward unto itself.

It may not be in my top 10 list, while other games from this year are, but Avatar is GotY. Deserves it. It’s an actual technical achievement and what they pull off on consoles raised the bar.
If you have cared about the technology of real time rendering, and some gamers do, it’s a must play.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
The Rockefeller Christmas Tree is still up so I figure this response is still on time:

1. What was the best game released in 2023 that you played?
Starfield. I'm a space nerd so there really wasn't any other choice. Several lifelong dreams I've always wanted to play in a space game since Asteroids were achieved in this game:
  1. Discovering a secret deep within the mines of Mars like in Mars Saga? Check
  2. Boarding a ship with RED ALERT! klaxons blaring because of me? Check
  3. Playing several quests that make me feel like I'm starring in a great episode of a sci-fi show? Check
  4. Gorgeous vistas? Check
  5. Jetpacks? Check
  6. Starship design? Check
  7. Goofy space discos? Check
  8. More potential crewmembers than there are slots on my ship so I actually have to *choose* my crew? Check
  9. Visiting dozens of bars on as many planets to find those crew members? Check
  10. And many, many more
It's not perfect by a long shot but man did I have a good time playing Starfield this year. From perks to the crew to the gunplay and spaceships Starfield provided an exceptional role-play experience for me this year and is everything I want out of a Bethesda game.

2. What was the best new-to-you game that you played this year, meaning a game you played for the first time in 2023, but that came out earlier?
Superliminal. This game was a pleasant surprise. I tend to be leery of Portal-style clones but Superliminal turned out to be a real treat.

3. What replay did you enjoy most in 2023?
Microsoft Flight Simulator. Not a replay so much as continued play but this game has been consistently entertaining since its release in 2021 on Xbox. The addition of some of my favorite planes such as the FG-4U Corsair and the ATR 72 make this game very rewarding.