Nov 6, 2012
Played Mario Kart 8 most of the day Friday on the game pad with no issues. Started it up this morning and, without pushing the B button, my wheels started spinning like I was going to do a U turn. I let go of everything and then I started going backwards.

Anybody else experience something similar? I called Nintendo and they said I can get my game pad "fixed" for $100 (includes shipping and tax). But since it's just Mario Kart, I swapping to the Wiimote + 'chuck combo and will just leave it until it becomes a bigger issue.
Nov 6, 2012
Remembered what Jose said in the live stream. My right stick has always been a little glitchy. Sure enough, you can use the right stick as gas and brake. Good thing I switched to the Wii mote + 'chuck set up.