Nov 11, 2011
Well I'm at work and was searching for something and found an old thread on google and saw Fist of the Mimir. Wow, haven't seen or thought about this game in at least 6 years. The search result was completely off topic for what I was looking for but I was overcome with nostalgia. So I logged into my old VN Board account. I see my user name somehow changed to Teld was Banned? I'm curious to know if anyone on here is from the game back in those days. I was the original Grishnor (Healer) and Teldorn (Berserker). Started in Reckoning, then Demize, Infensus, and spent the longest amount of time in Fist of the Mimir. Any of those guys still around? Or anyone know how to get in touch with them?
Nov 11, 2011
That was the Hib/guin name. When they came to Mid/guin it was Fist of the Mimir. Same core players; Vacca, Iior/raldi, Jeriah, etc.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 12, 2003
Wow i randomly get on VN and see grish posting...... sup grish this is sayra not sure if you remember me but you gave me your accounts like mad years ago i still have your healer(i think) but i sold the teld account like 6 years ago... most of the fotm peeps quit along time ago last i saw vacca got married and works on cars alot or something he retired from the corn biz lol.. haven't heard anything else from the other dudes.
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Nov 13, 2011
Sup Grish?! Laaze/Haldise/Salidry here. I have no idea how google brought me to this post, wtf lol. Last guy i spoke to was Jeriah but that was yeaaaaaaars ago, with the exception of seeing Sayra on the Orgins/Genesis server for awhile. Was cool playing in OF again but that server has many problems. Gam is also still around, was actually in vent with him when i stumbled upon this post


Jul 8, 2003
First time logging into IGN in who knows how long and of course I look at the daoc boards. Crazy it's been over a decade.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 16, 2003
Old hib/guin here, I was just reading an article and the author used the word "coruscating" which lead me to think of coruscating mines...which lead me to look at old DAoC videos on youtube... which has lead to me logging on to VN boards and downloading the DAoC client for the first time in probably a decade. Strange how many names here still seem familiar.


Jul 8, 2002
Thats has to be very long time ago because i remeber fighting such a Group and getting pretty pissed Always getting ganked in Emain.
Nov 11, 2011
Ohh snap, thread got replies lol. Damn, I haven't touched an mmo since DAoC until now. Bored got me playing FF14. But I ran into a guy there that used to play on Mordred and he remembered hearing about all the great guilds on Guin. He also told me that creator of Mythic has new funding and is playing on bringing back DAoC. Release date is tentatively December 2015. That peak anyone's interest? And it's good to see familiar names, hey everyone :)


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 12, 2003
Ohh snap, thread got replies lol. Damn, I haven't touched an mmo since DAoC until now. Bored got me playing FF14. But I ran into a guy there that used to play on Mordred and he remembered hearing about all the great guilds on Guin. He also told me that creator of Mythic has new funding and is playing on bringing back DAoC. Release date is tentatively December 2015. That peak anyone's interest? And it's good to see familiar names, hey everyone :)

Uh oh you're playing FF14 incoming King Klops aka King of Final Fantasy..... as for the daoc2 thing not sure if its going to be good until I see some game play or something. Games can be hyped up and then they flop hard as fk on release but I hope its something worth playing.
Nov 11, 2011
Hah, Sayra yeah I remember. I wish I hadnt just given them up like that. But I swore I would never play again so figured it wasn't gonna hurt me any. Hope you guys kicked some ass after I left. By any chance do you remember how high in RP Grishnor and Teldorn got?


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 12, 2003
Hah, Sayra yeah I remember. I wish I hadnt just given them up like that. But I swore I would never play again so figured it wasn't gonna hurt me any. Hope you guys kicked some ass after I left. By any chance do you remember how high in RP Grishnor and Teldorn got?

Ya we fked up everyone, shit was free we went to bros for a bit then we when to classic and played hib then mid for awhile then fotm broke up after mid classic server was dead i think. As for Teldorn I think I sold him at 11l3 and grish I didnt play much I think he was 10l2 or something.... ill pm you Grish's info I think I remember it.


Apr 6, 2003
i still have "reckless fanboi" tattoo'd on my forehead

... seemed like a good idea at the time...


Nov 13, 2011
Jesus, it's been so long. I leveled up from scratch with jeriah's Eld when he switched from mid to hib with my ex wife...bard/warden duo.



Almost Not a Noob
Oct 3, 2005
wow lol I remember gathering the mid zergs up and having Grish take over to try to take relics