
Prime Member
May 17, 2012
It’s on GP so many of us will try it and we have a few gear heads. And this game deserves its own thread. So…

Yeah it’s a lot of fun. A++ on presentation. They nailed it. That’s the first big bonus. No annoying announcers or stupid festivals. No promises of bromantic evenings online. Just cars and racing. That’s my first major thought.


Nov 10, 2013
I'm not getting it early, but I look forward to playing it for sure. I am getting close to finishing Starfield I think, and will probably play this next.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I think it’ll be a great GP game for many of the regulars. Just right. Something to enjoy and respect but not something many would buy just because it’s not a favorite genre.

Because it isn’t always dramatic, it’s a sim and can be contemplative and a bit slow. But the controls with a pad are so damn good it’s are pleasure.
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Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I don't like racers, but I will play it at least a little to play with eye candy and the new card that is supposed to be delivered on Tuesday.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Fingers crossed PC performance is good. But it’s got a full blown RT mode at 60fps.

It looks so good it won’t blow your mind. Until you’re in a pack of cars on a track with changing weather conditions and time of day. Then it will.

Doesn’t drop a frame.

*Or until you see the reflection of Maple Valley on the hood of a black Ford Sierra Cosworth. Holy shit.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Got home late and was up all night racing. It’s really, really good. Great control. No on/off driving like I was having in GT 7; still to this day. It’s all subtle, but at least with a control pad, it’s the best. All the cars feel great.

Presentation is almost Sega like but just minimalist and classy. It’s the female announcers voice. Very simple and to the point. No track music. Simple menu music. It’s perfect though.

Dynamic track conditions (especially fog), time of day cycles, AI drivers, performance, all deliver. It hits the promised performance of this gen.

It exceeds my expectations by a lot. It takes some hours to sink just how good it looks and plays. A truly great game. I also love the new progression. You actually have to think about upgrades and can’t just Souls game it to death.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Don’t know which day of the week god made Forza Motorsport on, but does it matter?

CP 2077 is a complex, bloated, brilliant masterpiece. FM is minimalism brilliance.

No track music. It was just: is this good racing? How does it handle? Yes and hell yes. Hands down the best, and in a surprisingly brilliant act of minimalism, most ground breaking game in the genre since GT 2 on PlayStation.

But the way the cars handle with a control is easily the best I’ve ever played. Getting a new car, or that car you always wanted, never has meant so much in any other game I’ve played.

Things like the insane dynamic weather and RT reflections are all just a bonus.


Nov 10, 2013
Dowloading the PC version now to test the eye candy since I am home sick from work. But not sure how much time I can actually play it.


Nov 10, 2013
I ran it and tweaked a few settings in benchmark mode, and so far it seems I can run it in ultra with ray tracing at 60 fps on PC. I am running a 1440p monitor so it is not 4k resolution. Looks very good, especially when it is raining.

As for the actual gameplay, it is what you might expect, tight!


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
FM is by a pretty wide margin the best GT/Sim out there. I don’t like the sims that turn it into a chore and call it realistic.

You people have driven a car before. It’s not that hard, is it? I hate sims that make it feel like an alien encounter.

Love the feel of the different cars here too. You hop into an M3 and you feel it, and can see why it’s a legend. One of the best games I’ve played this year. Really it only has to tip it’s hat to CP but as far as executing on what the game is, nobody has done better.

It just feels more natural than any other sim. Less on/off. I feel like I have more control with a pad than ever before and it crushes the PS4 Pro experience I had with GT 7. I’m positive a PS5 wouldn’t change that by when I get a PS5 my first install will be GT7. Out of curiosity. Because the racing, weather and track conditions of Forza, are on a level no GT has ever even attempted. And that has been my gripe with GT since GT 3.

When a foggy morning turns into a sunny day, it’s sublime. And yes, superficially it’s what you’d expect. But all the little things that make it so, so good, come slowly until they’ve all piled up and it’s a mind blowing game. Really for fans of the genre though. Been playing these GT style sims for 25 years or so? I noticed.
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Nov 10, 2013
There are a lot of sliders and settings which affect the sim vs. arcade factor on the driving. But it's pretty much a pick up and play experience and should in no way scare casual gamers.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
You people have driven a car before. It’s not that hard, is it? I hate sims that make it feel like an alien encounter.
This. I've always hated picking a Subaru or some other car I've actually driven on a track and struggled to keep it out of the grass in some racing games.

Dipped a toe into Forza. Made a dum-dum mistake by picking the Mustang (shoulda gone for the Subaru). However the Ford Focus is much more where it's at so maybe the Mustang can redeem itself by improving my manufacturer affinity. I thought I would get a chance to pick the other cars too like in Horizon 5 but no dice. So far that's the only thing I wish carried over from Horizon 5, just give players all three starter cars for free.

Great handling, will take some adjusting from Horizon but definitely the best feel I've played on controller in a sim type racer. Cars feel real but controllable without being too taxing on attention.

I like the focus on getting to know your car's specific handling rather than tuning everything to max PI for the class. Track and environment detail is SICK; seeing a race transition from dusk to night is really special. Forza Motorsport looks good but it plays better than it looks.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I just think many people find this pure racing on real tracks boring. I definitely get off on it.

The Xbox analog triggers are really shining with this game. The way I’m using them feels so… simulation.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I got the Subaru as the starter car. It seems like a solid first choice to me.
Same. But that’s just the builders cup. I haven’t really gone back to a car yet but I haven’t taken a 1st place in a series yet either.

I turned all driving options to full sim and put the difficulty slider at 60%. I have taken a few podiums and finished second and third in a few series, but I enjoy battling it out in a difficult, more realistic sim.

Game rewards you for it too. You don’t have to finish in a certain position to complete the series. But I’ll be revisiting these going for top spots. I’ve also been doing rivals.

Damage model is sweet too. Hit the tire wall because I couldn’t see in the fog and damaged my suspension on the front right and it felt very real fighting my way to the pit.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
I haven't got to it yet but I'm definitely looking forward to playing this one. Might be the best racing game ever? Trying to not get my hype up.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I haven't got to it yet but I'm definitely looking forward to playing this one. Might be the best racing game ever? Trying to not get my hype up.
For fans of the genre. It’s precisely what I wanted. There isn’t even a soundtrack. There is some menu music but that’s it.

It’s purely a racing game with simple menus and minimal voice work. And yeah, I think for me it might be the GOAT. But no frills or side activities.

You got Rivals (lap times and I love doing this) and races. That’s it.


Nov 10, 2013
I think I prefer the exploratory aspect of Horizons to Motorsport, but if you are into racing, yeah this is probably the pinnacle of the genre right here, right now.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Progression is what I wanted too. It’s been ages since you didn’t just spam every car up. I had to force myself not to in other games. But this makes you play a car up and knowing how your car is handling and using points to suit your driving is important. At least with higher difficulty settings.

Love that.


Nov 10, 2013
I haven't played much because I am still under the weather, but from what I have seen, it is definitely harder than Horizons, and definitely a game where a second place finish is something to be happy about much of the time. I need to get better at racing to be competitive in this one, which is a good thing. It will push players, but not so much that you will throw a controller or something--at least I don't THINK so LOL.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Horizons 5 has my least favorite handling (not by a lot) of the series. Mainly because I’ve been so disappointed with sims and GT, Horizons became my go to racing game period. It had just enough sim to make that work. Horizons 2 was still probably my favorite but now that FM nailed it, and it’s my go to, things have changed.

Now that I have FM, Horizons is just about right on. As a package, the two together make the Xbox the superior console for me.


Mod in a blue hat
Jun 6, 2012
I am not a racing fan. Installed the new video card and tried it out, though. Really nice eye candy. I will probably uninstall it pretty soon. I am glad the racing fans love it.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Played some yesterday. Feels really solid. The racing and AI seem great. The graphics didn’t blow me away but I think that’s because I’m already used to them from Horizon. The reflections were nice.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Played some yesterday. Feels really solid. The racing and AI seem great. The graphics didn’t blow me away but I think that’s because I’m already used to them from Horizon. The reflections were nice.
I think they don’t blow you away because it looks like a bunch of cars on a track. Its visual brilliance is hidden away in details that don’t really sink in at once. All the little things pile up.

Horizons 5 doesn’t look near this good. Now, as I go around the tracks, I know there is no going back. Includes GT7. It doesn’t have the track detail down but that includes what you see on the horizon; the stands; the side of the track. Or in a pack in the rain at night with cars trading paint and it doesn’t drop a frame.

More than that this just drives so much better and feels so much more natural with far superior upgrade system. It’s a huge leap over what we have had.

There is one glaring problem that I think will get fixed and even if it doesn’t, it won’t change how I feel. No Nurbergring full circuit. Just the GP and Sprint. And I don’t even care really. That’s how good the game is.


Super User
May 17, 2012
Brooklyn, N.Y.
There is one glaring problem that I think will get fixed and even if it doesn’t, it won’t change how I feel. No Nurbergring full circuit. Just the GP and Sprint. And I don’t even care really. That’s how good the game is.
They’ve got to add the Nordschleife at some point, I can’t imagine that not happening. With this driving model it would be a crime not to. I’m really enjoying working through how to drive fast in this game. I’m still braking way too late and surprised at the lack of grip but nailing a turn feels very satisfying. Having to mind fuel and tire wear is also great. I do wish it looked nicer but that will come in time.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
Over all speed and breaking feel very,
Very accurate to me. And with ABS off pumping the breaks is very effective. I also notice breaking upgrades in this more than any other game. Much more accurate than other games. GT7 still had bumper car action. Upgrade those tires ASAP. Tires are the most important upgrade.

Several series I’ve now won I focused on breaks and suspension rather than the Clarkson approach and it paid off.

I am perfectly happy with the route they chose which was performance and effective mirrors and all that. I warned about first it looked plain but I got over it faster than you guys. Lighting conditions dynamically changing is race altering. The dynamic fog is crazy too.

Control is so good no bumper cars and some real door to door turns.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
They always seemed pretty boring to me, but maybe in their current state they'd be more interesting to me.
I’d be surprised but I suppose you never know. It is what it is. And this is just super refined. A lot for those of us who have done 10,000 laps of Leguna over various video games to appreciate though.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I didn’t read the Car and Driver reviews or anything but the gaming journalist/influencer coverage of this has been inept. It hasn’t been bad but damn they’re dumb. I like a couple of them and they’re nice guys, don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.


Sep 30, 2010
Oregon, not Portland
I didn’t read the Car and Driver reviews or anything but the gaming journalist/influencer coverage of this has been inept. It hasn’t been bad but damn they’re dumb. I like a couple of them and they’re nice guys, don’t have a clue what they’re talking about.

"Move over ridge racer and pole position, there's a new car game on the block."


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I had more fun racing last night than I’ve had online in 15 or 16 years. I finished qualification races with an S safety rating and that matches you with people close to your rating. Maybe that’s why the racing is so good? I’ve been hit once but he couldn’t stop me from making the pass. There have been a few fenders but only once so far has someone deliberately hit me. I have seen some scuffles ahead of me.

But the control is so tight for the first time ever in a racing game I’ve stayed in huge packs for lap after lap and been able to avoid contact. It’s crazy.

CP 2077 PL is the best game out there but my GotY is probably FM. Beat out Hogwarts pretty handily and I love that game too.
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Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
I won't say it disappointed me, as my expectations were fairly low. That being said, it hasn't really done much for me. I'd really like to know what I don't see that everyone else does. Physics model is improved, but it seems like the same game that I played on Xbone, except with less cars and a new level-up system for each car. That's not a bad thing, as it frees up credits for buying cars. It's not a bad game, but I don't plan on buying it if it doesn't stay on GamePass. Though, that's a weak statement, as it will likely stay on GamePass until it's successor is released.

I am going to play through the whole single-player campaign before I would dismiss it and move on. They did include the 2018 BMW M5, so I have my staple car.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
I feel that the previous games have been so good that the only thing left for racing games to do is improve the graphics and physics. So that is all I expect from a new iteration. Or maybe somehow make the career modes more interesting, but ultimately it comes down to the racing.

I might prefer the F1 games over Forza, even though Forza is probably technically superior. I just like the feel of driving F1.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I just think they nailed physics like no other game has. In GT7 you still wanted to get in the pipe and that was on off. This I feel track conditions and tires start to lose grip, and there is so much finesse and situational awareness for each turn on each lap.

It just feels right. And the online racing is legendary. GT7 never ever got this good. Again, once you were in the pipe it was on off and only one line was best. In Forza, the list of cars at the top is diverse there are multiple viable lines because the conditions are so dynamic and the control pad analog triggers so spot on.

It’s brilliant. And no ghosts. You race you get a safety rating; you get penalties; you gotta race. The strategy on a Forza track feels so real as you size up the other drivers; make split second decisions; as you wait to make a move. It’s cerebral …. And the controls and players are so good I wish I could post replays. I had moved up 4 spots and took 5th the other day on a real nail biter and that was a huge win even though there was no podium. But there were 4 of us bumper to bumper practically for 7 full laps. I felt tired when we were done.
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Prime Member
May 17, 2012
The feeling of my AWD Golf R under steering and over steering in respective situations is insane. How did they do that? I just have a control pad and it’s like you feel the AWD grip kick in… at the wrong time for you. Very real.


Sleep enthusiast
Jan 26, 2003
Mt. Perdition, Gallifrey
The feeling of my AWD Golf R under steering and over steering in respective situations is insane. How did they do that? I just have a control pad and it’s like you feel the AWD grip kick in… at the wrong time for you. Very real.
What blows my mind is that you're already beyond level 100. It's some kind of role reversal, as I was leveling like mad on the Horizons. I'm impressed.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
The fog is my favorite because it will change and each lap the track will literally have different visibility conditions. And it will hang in los areas. Fog at night with the headlights is very real feeling.


Prime Member
May 17, 2012
I looked into a wheel and the set up I’d want is like 1400$. Any of you using a wheel?

1400$. That’s a well built PC if I do it myself. That’s a ps5 and a horde of games. That’s a banging new TV. That’s money to put into savings that might accumulate.

But I really want a wheel for this game.

*And I’m getting a blistering ass kicking trying to keep up with top times. Do I need a wheel to compete? Starting to worry me.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
There are often people selling their fancy driving rigs in my local area. Some really good deals, at times. I wonder if it’s because I live near the home of NASCAR. Lots of racing enthusiasts here.