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Prime Member
Oct 5, 2011
I am putting together a script to copy over "followers" from the old boards. It will copy all followers that I can match up by username into both MyIGN and these boards. Boards and MyIGN have separate lists which I hope to synch up.*

You should see your old followers come up later today. If you have been _unfollowing_ people in the beta boards, you might see them come back. I can't tell the difference between that and someone you never followed in the first place. I'm making the optimistic assumption that if you liked them on the old boards you still like them now.


Prime Member
Oct 5, 2011
I updated the "Follow" links on the boards and MyIGN. Starting today, if you follow someone on MyIGN and we can find both you and them on the boards, then you are following them on boards too. If you follow someone on boards, it will link you up on MyIGN. The same goes for unfollowing.
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