
Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
"Marcus! Are you listening to me?!"

I groaned deeply, reaching for my alarm clock. A relieved smile came across me as I found the power button, and a DJ's morning announcement drowned her out. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up in my bed, trying to shake the need for more sleep. I couldn't afford to be late, my parents and coach made that plenty clear to me. Before I could even get out of my bed, my door burst open.

"Hey, listen to your mother okay? Now she's bugging me."

"Yeah dad."

"I'll tell her you'll be down in five. Don't make me a liar."

My father closed the door behind him, and I groaned as I stood up and stretched out my back. I shuffled over to my dresser, grabbing my standby black sweats and Churchill shirt. It was Wednesday, hump day, and I had no intentions of looking pretty today. I lowered myself down the stairs tenderly; Friday's exploits still lingering in my hip. As I approached the dining room table, I could tell my mother wanted to start my morning with a quick and swift lecture, but her face softened as she saw her baby walking gingerly; one of the few saving graces of getting speared to the ground a few times.

"Hurry up and eat your breakfast." Her snippy comment was her small way of exacting some form of punishment towards me.

"Still sore?"

"Yes sir."

My father only nodded his head. "Way to be tough. Just be sure to tell coach if it gets bad. I'm sure he wouldn't be to pleased to lose his new star running back."

"I'm icing it, I'll be good."

"Okay, grab that toast to go. Or else we'll both be late."

Another sharp honk stirred me from my daydreaming as I sat back up in my seat. I lazily looked up just in time to see the driver in front of us flip us off as he sped down the road, leaving the honk and us as a distant memory.

"Sorry Marcus, did I wake you?"

"I wasn't sleeping Gina, just thinking."

Gina was actually Miss Gina; she was informal like that towards most people she met. She had grown up in Florida, but after living in Maryland for twenty years that southern accent was long gone from her words, but that southern hospitality still stuck with her. I guess after all the shit the universe put me through in the past two years, having Miss Gina was a way of apologizing to me. But it'd take more than a caring woman for me to say thank you to the universe, it still had a long way to go to make it up to me. The car swung left off of Route 1 and with it all the signs for College Park; instead those billboards were quickly replaced by rows and rows of neatly tucked away houses. A stark difference from the houses we had driven past not just two minutes ago.

"Don't be nervous Marcus. We're only a few minutes out now."

"Marcus, are you okay sweetheart?"

"What? Of course he's okay. Aren't you son?"

"Yes sir!"

I laughed as my father picked me up, throwing me onto his shoulders, letting me see the entire world. My helmet slipped on my head and came tumbling off, but my father easily caught it with his hands and let it dangle on his fingertips. I was going to ask for it back, but decided I was okay with him holding onto it.

"He made four kids cry. Do you now how many mothers gave me dirty looks today John? I'm so embarrassed." My mother hissed.

"Oh hush. Football is football; I don't care if the kid is eight or thirty. Right squirt?"


"That's right! One day you are going to be a very good football player. You don't listen to anyone, you keep doing what you're doing, okay?"

I imagined running right next to him, my eyes glowing. "Like Jamal Lewis?"

"Even better son." He grabbed my waist and hoisted me off his broad shoulders and into the van. He quickly started undoing my straps and helping me get my shoulder pads off. "You going to be good for your mother tonight?" I nodded my head furiously, beaming a smile at him. "There's my boy. I'll be back by bedtime, okay?"

My mother walked around to our side of the car after packing away their chairs and my helmet in the trunk. She wrapped her arms around his waist, sighing heavily.

"You be safe, yeah?"

"Always am. Don't be nervous sweetheart, I'll be home probably without even doing anything."

My mother chuckled before giving my father a quick kiss. "Who said I was nervous?"

"I'm not."

"Of course you aren't."

I watched as Gina fidgeted in her seat, waiting for the GPS to recalculate after she turned to early. When it was just the two of us, she knew it was okay to seem unsure and worried. Being together for two years gave me the luxury of seeing her as she was behind the curtain. But when we walked through that front door, her skills and experience would take over and she would cruise right through the meeting. She knew how important it was for me, but I think this time she was putting a lot of pressure on herself.

"It'll be fine Gina."

She just nodded her head, not bothering to answer me as we pulled onto the final street. The GPS was eagerly chirping that the destination was now mere feet away. Gina rolled the car to a stop on the street just outside of the house, not wanting to pull into their small driveway.

"Look at this Marcus. This is the one, I'm sure of it."

"Looks just like the last one, garage included."

Gina wrapped her large arm around my shoulders, hugging me close to her. "It won't be like that, I promise. These are old friends, you said so yourself."

"Meeting them at the fire department picnic a few times doesn't qualify as old friends. Or at the funeral."

I sat silently among a row of strangers. Strangers to me, brothers to my father, and in a way I suppose they felt like uncles to me. But as I kept my head lowered, eyes closed, each reassuring touch continued to feel cold and unwelcome. These men were not my family. My family was dead. My grandparents died when I was ten, and my uncle had died overseas. And my parents? My parents were being lowered into the ground mere inches from each other, and years away from me. The heavy weight of eyes finally left me, and I looked up to see the people that had stayed for the burial had begun to walk by each coffin and say a silent prayer. Each one made a point to walk by me afterwards, offering their condolences before they left my sight, back to their own life, their own family.

"Marcus?" I looked up at the stranger that had sat right next to me. "Just know that..." I saw his teeth clenched. "I am sorry. For everything."

I clutched the worthless flowers in my hand as I watch him drop his own into the pit. His wife came to his side, rubbing his back delicately as she led him away, consoling him. A boy about my age lingered behind them; he turned his head to me and only smiled as he continued to keep pace with his parents. I stood up from my seat, only a few people were had stayed behind; frozen, watching. I watched as each flower in my hands fell to join the others. When they finally stopped falling, it offered me little comfort and I fell to one knee, wondering if the cold slab of stones would. Tonight I would spend one final night in my home, my childhood home, and then in the morning my life would change.

The front door opened before we even reached the steps, and the same man from that fateful day stepped outside into the sun.

"Marcus. It's good to see you again." He led us both inside, closing the door behind us. "We still have some paperwork to iron out, right?"

"Yes we do."

"Should he- should he be with us while we do it? I'm not really sure on the protocol about all of this?"

Gina just patted me on the back. "He can sit in, he's been through enough of these. As long as you are okay with that?"

"Oh, I'm fine with it. In that case, welcome to your new home Marcus."


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
What's this trash, Carlos?!

I expect a speedy(in your sense of the word) RTG this go around, you know I'll be watching!


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
thanks for the early replies/commitments. im fully confident in my ability to have this move faster and actually reach college in a timely manner. only because ive actually written updates ahead of time. pretty sure im already done with junior year (of hs). plus, i have like 4 days of no classes, essentially.

the next one should be posted around wednesday/thursday. dont want to throw out a bunch of them just because theyre done, bit overwhelming id imagine.


Super Star
May 30, 2006
It was hard to follow at some points, but I think that's just because I'm craving for more of this kid's background and don't have anything to piece it together with yet. Solid start with some good scenes already, Future.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
DaaaaaBears said:
It was hard to follow at some points, but I think that's just because I'm craving for more of this kid's background and don't have anything to piece it together with yet. Solid start with some good scenes already, Future.
i think thats going to be half the fun for me/you guys. but dont worry, not every update is going to have so many flip-flops in the timeline.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
I smiled politely as he welcomed me into his house... my house now too. We walked into the kitchen, a woman already sitting there, who was fidgeting nervously like Gina was a few minutes ago.

"Hi." She quickly sprouted out of her seat at our arrival. "I'm wife- Jessica. Bryan's wife."

The three of them shared a chuckle at her outburst, but I remained silent and sat down across from my future foster parents. Given Jessica's outburst, and Gina hiding her worries, it seemed that only Bryan and I were going to be the calm ones during this final meeting of paperwork. Gina pulled out the chair next to me, and immediately started digging in her bag and pulling out papers and folders. While the table continued to be littered, I took the time to look around and get used to my surroundings.

"Here are all the forms and papers you've been filling out, in addition to some final ones. So just to review, before we go any further. You both acknowledge that this is not an adoption, but you will be caring for Marcus as foster parents."

"Yes." They both said in the unison.

Gina put her hand over mine, "I'm terribly sorry, could you excuse the two of us for just a moment?"

Gina tugged at my hand and led me away from the table and back out into the hallway. In her hurry to pull me away from the kitchen, I almost knocked over a vase tucked away in a small alcove. She didn't stop until we reached the front door, grabbing the banisters for the grand staircase that clung to the wall and spiraled upstairs.

"What's the matter? I thought these two were the one?"

She waved her hands at me, "They are." She took a deep breath, muttering to herself. "I know they are because they're old friends and they were very open to the idea when I called them last month."

"So what's the problem? Lets get this over with so I can move my stuff, again."

A smile was her only response. "That's why I wanted to talk with you one last time before we finalized this. I wanted to make sure that this is what you want to do. I know how hard its been on you, getting pushed and pulled all over the place since being removed from your last house."

"Don't call it that." My voice sharp.

She kept her smile, looking me dead in the eye. "But, I truly believe that this is going to be your last stop. And, I'm just throwing it out there, you can still opt out instead of waiting a year."

"17 and on the streets? If I recall, I'll be running with a gang and homeless." My hand scratching my chin as I recalled the statistics thrown at me when I first put in the system.

"I think we both know you love defying the numbers." She nudged me with her last comment, trying to pick up my spirits.

"I appreciate the offer Gina, but no thanks. If I didn't want to age out from my last foster home, I doubt this one will make me change my mind. I mean... have you seen it?" I chuckled, flashing her my own smile.

She pulled me in against my will for a smothering hug. "The Lord has blessed you with strength I wish I had Marcus, don't lose that."

"Okay, okay. Calm down, lets just go and finish this."

We walked in on Jessica and Bryan muttering amongst themselves, hands intertwined, and they both smiled at our return. Gina quickly finished spilling out papers all over the table, shuffling them into an order that was only known to her. Jessica and Bryan's facial expressions seemed to express shock by the sheer amount of papers that had accumulated over the weeks, but when Jessica caught me staring she flashed me a brilliant smile. I averted my eyes and instead started wandering around the kitchen. To say that this family was well off was probably the biggest understatement of my life; they had the nicest house by far on a street full of nice houses.

The hallway I just traveled through had a lavish rug strewn across their hardwood floors, taking away from the main staircase that led upstairs. The entrance to the house was nice enough, but the kitchen put the cherry on top. Two doors just behind Jessica and Bryan, more glass than wood, showed off their fenced off porch and backyard that was enhanced by two giant oak trees. Their kitchen, well, it looked like something straight out of a magazine and made me feel extremely out of place. I hadn't been inside a house like this, ever, and I still hadn't seen all the rooms.

"This part however," Gina tapped me on my shoulder, "will have to continue without you."

"You can go sit down in the living room if you want Marcus, it's the room right next to the front door."

I stood up, thanking Bryan as I strode out of the kitchen. I was allowed to sit in for the boring parts of this process, the reviewing of the paperwork and double-checking. But when it came down to the important things, the ones that would affect me the most- that was when I was asked to leave. How much the two of them would be paid to shelter me, not that they probably needed that much. And the most important part of this final meeting, all of the things they should do to make me feel most at home, and what not to do. Well, I had faith in Gina to put into words what I needed, but considering I was 17, I felt cheated.

"Marcus?" I turned when I heard my name called. It wasn't until I heard a creak that I saw someone on the stairs. "It is you. Wow, when my parents told me they were adopting someone, never thought it would've been you!"

"They aren't adopting me." I stood at the base of the stairs, waiting for him to come down.

"Whatever. Wow man, I haven't seen you in forever. How you been?"

"I've been good Zach."

He reached the bottom of the stairs shaking his head. "Just good? Bullshit man. Come on, haven't talked to you in like two years. You stopped emailing me back."

"Yeah, sorry. Things just got hectic for me, you know?"

"That's understandable. Hey, you want to sit down instead of standing here? Yeah, of course you do."

He gave me a firm pat on the back as he brushed by me, heading into the living room. I followed him inside and just shook my head; was there any room in this house that wasn't extravagant? Two plush couches and two recliners sat neatly in front of a grand cabinet that held a huge television and an assortment of black boxes in the shelves.

"Step up from your old house, huh?"

Zach just laughed as he flopped onto one of the couches. "A little."

"I think you undersold the house, just a little. I was expecting Alfred to come out any moment and serve me drinks."


"Honestly though, this is a nice house."

He just shrugged his shoulders. "No need to brag about it. I knew the situation you were in."

"You shouldn't have even worried about that. This is a nice house, I would've bragged."

"You? Please, you wouldn't be that mean. You're too nice, too soft. You're softer than me." He rubbed the couch, "You're softer than this couch. So honestly, what's been going on with you?"

I sat in one of the recliners, playing with my thumbs. "Honestly, not much. I was in a group home for a few weeks. And then, sometime that summer someone came and took me in. I ended up moving a few streets down from my old house, still went to Churchill. It was business as usual."

"Did your new house not have internet or something? I mean if you could email me from a group home, I think you'd be able to email from a foster home."

"He was old school."

"How was football though? Oh no, wait! What about Sarah? How is she doing? Wait- no... yeah."

I chuckled at Zach's changing train of thought. "Football was good. Started on varsity my sophomore year."

"No shit, I could've told you that man. They don't move up freshman for no reason."

"You know I only moved up 'cause Parker got injured. You can't go through a season with one back."

"What about Sarah though? She lose the braces? Was she heartbroken when I left?"

Zach and I shared a big laugh at that; Sarah absolutely hated his guts from day one. "I actually don't know. Sorry man."

"What? How could you not know, she was your biggest groupie."

"I was busy. School, football, homework."

"You didn't see her at school?"

"Hey!" I clapped my hands, "Enough about me man. How about you give me the low down?"

Voices started picking up in the hallway, and I knew Gina was on her way out the door. I followed her out to the car and helped take out my two suitcases. Over the years I had reduced my life to two bags, it made it easier to bounce around from place to place.

"These are good people Marcus." Gina reiterated.

"I know."

"Now, you know I love you but! I ain't trying to come home to find you on my doorstep, okay? 'Cause I've changed my locks!"

"Yes ma'am."

"There's my boy. But just know that you can still call me, for anything. And I'll still check in from time to time."


She gave me one last hug before waving to Bryan, who was lingering by the door. I pulled my two suitcases out of the street and into the grass, and watched as she climbed into her car slowly. When I heard the engine roar to life, I knocked on the window and watched as it quickly rolled down.

"What is it Marcus?"

"I just wanted to say thank you, for everything. I know you've done more for me than asked, and I appreciate it. Appreciate you."

"It's not a problem doll. You just stay out of trouble, you hear me?"

"Hey... you'll check on them right? I promised them."

"I'll try and go as often as I can."

"Thank you."

I stepped back and quickly scooped the two bags into my hands, making my way back to the front door. I brushed by Bryan, gently putting my two suitcases next to the staircase and took a deep breath. The door closed behind me, and just like that it was official.

"I can show you to your room now, if that's okay?"


I followed him upstairs, and he led me to the end of the hallway. He cracked open the door and let me walk in first.

"It's not much, I know. It was our guest room, and well... we usually don't have guests stay the night. But uh, standard room... you have your bed here, dresser, closet." Bryan walked over to the window and looked out. "It's not a street view, but you get a great view of our backyard. On the plus side, you have your own bathroom. But, the shower is in the bathroom down the hall. It can get hectic in the mornings, so I strongly suggest you shower before bed." Bryan chuckled, "Or wake up at four in the morning."


"Well, okay. You probably want to get settled. Uh, we'll be downstairs, probably watching some shows. Jess will probably start making dinner in like an hour, and that is it. So again, welcome home."

He closed the door behind him, giving my privacy to get settled in. I stared at my bags laying by the closed door and debated about unpacking, but opted to lay on the bed instead. I didn't even get a chance to untuck the sheets when my door burst open. I rolled my head lazily, knowing that the only person who would've barged in like that was Zach.

"What's up Zach?"

He remained quiet for a while, and I finally sat up. He was just staring at me, a half smile on his face.

"I'm really glad you're here man. I missed my best friend." His smile grew as he crossed his arms. "This is going to be fun."


Super Star
May 30, 2006
I like the subtleness of it all. Marcus seems like a good, lax kid, and I'm sure there's plenty of reasons in his past (other than the obvious one) for that which we'll find out.


Jan 30, 2010
Quality start Future, if a little confusing, especially the first update, which I'm sure is what was intended.

Looking forward to the rest of it.
Dec 2, 2010
FutureIsHere said:
"Hey... you'll check on them right? I promised them."

"I'll try and go as often as I can."

"Thank you."
Interested in who these people are that Marcus is so worried about. With Zack, I'm definitely quarterback...


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
BlackCaesar-THSLA said:
I bet Marcus is going to be an asshole, you could see it in his personality already.

spent the past few days chilling with my friends, and hit a club last night. ill post the next update in the morning, thanks for the replies. glad to see some of you guys picking out some things early.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2009
Marcus seems like a pretty cool dude so far. Let's just see if his past gives the same impression about him.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
The last light in the house was turned off nearly an hour ago, maybe more, I hadn't checked my phone in a while. This was my fifth night sleeping in this bed, but it still didn't feel like my own. Something in me wanted this to be different, but no bed was ever going to feel like my own. At my last house it took me a month before I got a good nights sleep, if I slept at all, and that was when I was living minutes away from my old house. No one in the house knew I was having trouble sleeping, and that was how I wanted it. If Bryan or Jessica found out, they would probably have a meltdown. Since I had gotten here every conversation was about how I was doing, was I okay, was I feeling well, was I adjusted, did I need anything, did I want anything? The questions were endless. And the fuss over me was growing to annoying proportions. Zach was my breath of fresh air, but even his conversation topics were starting to be recycled.

My eyes refused to close, so I pulled the covers off and grabbed my Dematha hoodie that was draped over my desk chair. As I zipped it up, my eyes roamed my room for the umpteenth time. It still felt empty despite our combined efforts to fill it. The new nightstand, desk, desk chair, TV, lamp, another dresser filled to the brim with new clothes, and my choice of any gaming console. I wanted to draw the line at the chair, but Jessica insisted that it was okay, that I should have everything I wanted. I slowly opened the door, pausing at the threshold and just looking out into the dark hallway. After seeing it was all clear, I closed my door as quietly as I could and started downstairs and towards the porch; I needed air.

I thought about laying down on their swing bench again, but opted for the padded chair. A night chill picked up and I threw my hood over my head gazing out at the two oak trees, then past them and not seeing a single light on in any home. I knew I was blessed at this moment, to find my way to this family and to have them accept me into their own so easily and seamlessly. Sure, I was beginning to grow tired of all the attention but I knew it went with only the best intentions; it was probably the reason that I never snapped at them. I had made friends at the group home, and I heard the worst and best stories from them with their foster parents. If only I could sit down and talk to them now, let them know that I was a part of that best story now; the kind of story that started with overbearing foster parents who spoiled you rotten and kept a close but loving eye on you. They wanted it to work, and were willing to put in the time to make the best of a bad situation. But each story ended, as the kids for one reason or another returned back to the group home and relied the story, believing that one day they would come back adopt them. I knew better. At this age, you had one shot and that was it.

"Can't sleep?" I hadn't turned my head when I heard the porch door open, or when Bryan sat down to join me. "Here's a Coke, if you're thirsty."


I opened the can in one swift motion, taking a small sip before putting it back on the table separating the two of us. Silence quickly took over and I found it hard to let my mind wander with him just sitting there, watching me. Instead, I sat there and slowly drank my Coke as I watched the bench gently rock with the August winds.

"You still don't talk much." I listened in the still air as he downed his own beverage. "Well, to anyone not named Zach. That was the one thing your father worried about with you. But he told me that once he got you going on something, it was impossible to shut you up." He quietly chuckled at his comment, probably replaying the conversation in his own mind. "I don't think he has anything to worry about, do you? Gina told me you made friends at the group home. And I've seen you and Zach talking, it reminds me of when you two were kids. You two were always talking a mile a minute. What was the one thing you two used to fight about? Some game... Yu-Gi-Oh?"

My hood hid my smile as I remembered the school playground. "Pokemon." Zach and I had been friends long before either of our fathers met.

"That was it! Pokemon..." The only sound after that was Bryan putting down his own drink, and then shifting in his chair. "So how come you've been out here every night since you got here?"

I didn't realize that he knew. "Can't sleep."

"I figured. Is it the house, or us?"


I heard him sigh; maybe he'd go back to bed now. When I was younger I always felt bad when people just gave up on me, now I just tried to figure out when it would happen.

"You know, it's okay to tell us if you feel uncomfortable or if you just need time to adjust. Or whatever it is that is bothering you. We'll understand. And I hope one day you'll let Jess and I get to know you like Zach has."

"Does Zach know what happened?"

"No, we didn't think it was necessary."

"Thanks." I downed another sip of my soda, appreciative of how smooth it went down. "What's different from then and now?"

I heard the soft clink of his bottle resting on the table. "Full disclosure? I didn't get to say what I wanted at the funeral. Do you remember when I said I was sorry?" My mouth remained shut as I replayed the short conversation. "I was sorry for a lot of reasons. Jess wanted to take you in that very day, bless her heart. But I couldn't. I didn't know if I could handle it, it all seemed too much. Your father had just died, my wife had a miscarriage, and my father had fallen ill." Bryan scoffed at the silence. "I'd been practicing that for years now. But actually hearing it come out of my mouth? I sound like a selfish jackass who can't put his own problems aside to care for his best friends son."

What would my father do in a situation like this, his best friend hurting inside? "My mom would say that everything happens for a reason, that God has a plan." That was something he always told me.

"Yeah? And what do you say about it?" The self-hate still in his words

I sat quietly for a few minutes. What did I have to say about this? "You had a lot of shit dumped in your lap in a short amount of time. I don't blame or resent you for not taking me in then. I doubt anyone could of made that hard choice."

"Your father would have. You would have. Your father raised you better."

"Maybe." I was afraid to turn and face Bryan, see the bottled up pain washed over his face. "What happened to me was one of those overlooked, rare occurrences. Honestly? I wonder what would've happened if I wasn't there, and I'm glad I was." I finished off my drink, thinking back on the past two years. "Is it okay if I ask if it was a boy or girl?"

I could instantly feel the mood change in the air. "A boy. If you just saw the way she glowed when we found out... But she put on a brave face when we got the news, she knew she needed to be strong for me. I just wish that I didn't have to put that pressure on her."

I finally lowered my hood and turned my chair around to face him. "I'm sure she didn't mind, that's a part of marriage right?" Bryan just nodded his head as he took another gulp of his early morning beer. "Is your father okay?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah. Three surgeries later, but he's in the clear."

"That's good. Maybe I'll meet him one of these days?"

"Yeah, of course. I bet he'd love to meet you, he was a running back himself back in the day." Bryan chugged back the last few drops of his bottle. "Listen, could you not tell Jess about this little late night chat? She didn't want you to know about the accident, but I felt you had to know why we- I couldn't be there for you in your time of need." His shoulders shrugged. "Or maybe I did it so I could clear my conscience, I don't know. But I promise, I'm here for you- we're here for you now."

"I understand. She's a good person."

"She is, heart of gold."

"Which is why I would feel bad if I told her to stop spending so much on me. But if you said something..."

Bryan laughed, nodding his head in understatement. "I tried telling her. But I'll talk to her in the morning."

"Hm. Morning..."

"Nervous about the first day of school?"

"I've never been to a private school before."

"Don't think of it as a private school, but just school. With some religion thrown in."

"Yeah, that doesn't make it any easier for me."

We both laughed at my uneasiness, settling back into the quiet night. I watched as Bryan leaned back, glancing back into the house.

"How about another round? We have a few hours before the other two are awake. I'll try my best to lay everything out for you."

"Sounds good."

He returned as promised with another Coke and a glass of water for himself.

"This is nice. Talking."

We both waved off Bryan and I stood next to Zach looking at the school that would be my second home for the next two years. Despite having ten minutes until the warning bell, the few people that were outside the building were hurrying inside.

"How inviting."

"Is it? I never noticed." Zach just laughed as we climbed the stairs and he started leading me to the front office. "So just go in there and grab your schedule and note that'll let you shadow me for the day. Then we got to jet to homeroom, so make it quick."

I walked up to the receptionist and gave her a polite smile. "Hi, I'm Marcus Valentine. I came in a few days, got my transfer and application papers approved?"

"Right, right. I remember you. Mr. McMahon is expecting you."

"Isn't homeroom about to start?"

"Yes. He is still expecting you."

I waved Zach off, who just shrugged before hiking up his bag and taking off. I thanked the receptionist and knocked on the ajar door.

"Come in!"

"Mr. McMahon? I'm Marcus Valentine."

He looked up from his computer screen to smile and direct me to a chair. His eyes flicked back to his computer, and his fingers flew across the keyboard.

"Sorry about that, first day of classes. Bit hectic."

"It's fine sir."

"So Mr. Valentine, how did you enjoy the tour you took last week?"

"It was great. Thank you again for letting me apply so late."

"It was our pleasure. Your academic records were outstanding, and considering the situation you found yourself in we were more than willing to bend our rules. I take it you will be joining our football team during your stay?"

"Yes sir. I met with the coach after the tour."

"That's good, we could always use talented players such as yourself. I hope, however, that this will not impact your studies here?"

"No sir."

"Our class work may be a bit more rigorous than what you were used to at your previous school. But we have plenty of tutors available, should you need them."

"Thank you sir."

A sharp bell went off in the office, and I knew that the warning bell had just gone off. "May I see your schedule?" I handed over the slip of paper and watched as he stared at it through his glasses. "I see you are on track for option five with math, very good. Hm... very good. Everything seems to be in order. You will find a young man outside waiting for you, Kyle Vincent. You will be shadowing him for the day and will begin your classes tomorrow as written."


"And Mr. Valentine? I trust we won't have any incidents with you?" He simply stared at me from behind his glasses. "Welcome to Dematha and best of luck to you son."

I thanked him one last time and headed back out into the hallway, where I spied a kid leaning against a row of lockers. His maroon blazer and khaki pants mirroring my own, and the hundreds in this school.


"Yup. You Marcus?"


"Cool. We're already late for homeroom so let's get going. Oh, and coach wanted me to give you this." I watched as he pulled a binder out of his backpack and handed it over to me; Dematha's name and logo stamped on the front of the white binder. "Playbook. He wants you to learn as much as you can before practice this afternoon."

"This is a lot thicker than my last one."

Kyle just laughed. "Yeah... and good luck trying to study in any period besides lunch and study hall. So, what position you play?"

"Running back. You?"

"Same. I can tell we're just going to be best buddies!" Kyle just grinned as he slapped my back and started walking down the hall.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 8, 2010
Might wanna check your last update for cursing man ;)

Anyways, he seems like too nice of a kid for right now. There's got to be something that we haven't seen yet, maybe he's a douche on the football field or something, but I just can't believe he's this nice.
Dec 2, 2010
kyle seems like a pretty nice kid, but i think that the position battle is gonna create a rift between him and marcus.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
well every team has that one dude. but we shall see. and im not to worried about the minor cussing, seeing as we have no mods. and more will soon be revealed about our new young star.

im going to reneg on the thought of doing homework tonight. so expect me to post another update.
Aug 8, 2010
Good stuff, really really well written, I see a bit of a bond between Bryan and Marcus. Also, is Marcus black? Sorry if that comes off as racist or anything, but I'm trying to paint the picture of this story in my head.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 8, 2010
FutureIsHere said:
well every team has that one dude. but we shall see. and im not to worried about the minor cussing, seeing as we have no mods. and more will soon be revealed about our new young star.

im going to reneg on the thought of doing homework tonight. so expect me to post another update.

Oh, I didn't know that there were no mods here. I just didn't wanna see you get banned for something stupid haha


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
No, its fine vortex. he's white. that was actually going to be addressed in like 2 updates, hah. and we technically have two mods. but they arent around often, usually just during the height of the game release.


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
I believe that young Marcus is the way he is because he doesn't want to end up in another group home or on the streets. Better to be safe that sorry.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
We walked into homeroom, interrupting a student standing at the podium giving out announcements. We walked to the back and handed the teacher our notes, and promptly took our seats. It didn't take long until I noticed that no one really seemed to care what the kid was saying, even he didn't seem that interested. So I grabbed the playbook out of my bag and flipped it open to the first page. It was filled with actual diagrams, not just hand written ones done during two-a-day meetings. But I quickly spotted the reason for the bulk; seeing that each play had a page dedicated to it, front and back. Different looks up front changed how the linemen blocked, and how I was supposed to read and react off of their blocks.

"Not overwhelmed are you?"

I glanced over at Kyle, who was fiddling with his tie. "No."

It seemed like a daunting task to grasp this playbook, but I soon found myself at home with the standard run plays and formations that I had been running for the past two years. The only difference I could see between this playbook and the one from Churchill was the fact that this team was thorough. Each play had four designed audibles, flipping the play either to the left or right, calling for a screen, or a bluff audible. All of these terms would most likely be the hardest part about memorizing the playbook. But it was when I came across the diagrams of draws and options that peaked my interest, a team confident to know that it had the talent to pull off and execute these plays. Something that Churchill never did.

"So, where did you play last season?"

Kyle drew my attention away from the playbook once again. "Churchill."

"Never heard of it, they any good?"


"How about you? Were you any good?"

"Still am."

"That's good, we need one."

"Aren't you good?" From all I heard about Dematha, it seemed weird to hear Kyle sound so relieved.

"Who me?" Kyle just chuckled. "Heck no. I'm more of a safety, but I play running back when we need it. Which, thankfully, isn't often. But this is the first year we don't really have a proven back. Seniors handled the load last year so it's just me, you and Edwin. I mean, Delonte is going to be our guy, but only me and Edwin showed any real skill as a relief rusher. So having you here is going to be great because coach loves to run. I much prefer delivering the blow than receiving it."

"You can still deliver the hit on offense."

"Oh, I get you. Bruiser huh? That's even better, Delonte is probably going to love you. Edwin probably won't."

"Who's Edwin?"

"Senior back. His mouth almost moves as fast as he does. He's a diva runner though, afraid to take a hit. Fast as hell, decent runner, but he's been a pain since my first year here."

"Hm." That was more like it, competition.

Kyle turned to lean over my own desk. "You going to want any help with that?"


His smiled soured. "Well when you do, just ask. I've been here three years so I know that playbook pretty well."

Like Kyle instructed me, I waited until lunch before really diving into the playbook. When Bryan told me Dematha was a twelve period day, I had a feeling of dread; but it was just like any other school. Most classes ran over into a second period, and the teachers were just like any teachers. The only real difference I saw was that they had high expectations for the classroom, where a Honors level class was considered taking it easy. But one of my classes was bugging me, and I finally decided to ask Kyle about it, after he finished devouring his bread.

"How come I have Christian Ethics as a class? I didn't sign up for it."

Kyle gulped down the last bite, and just glanced at my schedule. "It's mandatory here, they didn't tell you that? You religious?"

"Not in recent years."

"Well in that case, best advice I can give you is to just treat it like any other class. The material is just about religion. You still got to memorize stuff and write essays. I'm not Christian myself, but it's a class we all have to take if we want to graduate, so I just deal. You know we have retreats too, don't you?"

"Yeah, Bryan told me. Class bonding?"

Kyle just grinned as he started into his second piece of bread. "Class bonding... right. Maybe freshman year, but after that it's just time away from school for us. But I guess this being your first year it'll be a bonding experience. Hey! Did you transfer here knowing that it was an all boys school?"


Kyle just shrugged at me. "I didn't know. My parents just told me I was going to Dematha for high school and I was like whatever. Took me until lunch before I realized there wasn't a single girl here. I was so disappointed."

I smirked as I opened up my water bottle. Kyle was an interesting guy and fun to be around. "I bet. You do know we have a sister school right?" I added on, trying to add the conversation. Ever since homeroom Kyle had been talking less and less, and I knew it was probably because of my short answers.

"You getting smart with me transfer? Of course I did. Do." Kyle pulled back the sleeve of his dress shirt and eyeballed his watch. "And look at you, using "we" on the first day of school. I think you'll fit in just fine. Well, maybe if you talked more... but we should get going, bell is going to ring soon. Only two more hours until practice buddy!"

The manager hissed out one final message that I should hurry, then he disappeared out of the locker room and to the practice field. I smacked my back plate a few times, checking to make sure he had screwed it in properly and then dawned my second set of football pads. I glanced in the mirror, the blue practice jersey that felt all to familiar, with the exception of Dematha Football etched around it. It felt good to be back in pads again, despite leaving behind my friends since elementary and middle school. I continued to stare at myself in the mirror, reminding myself that this was my world now, my domain.

I snatched my squeaky clean helmet off the bench and jogged out of the locker room, heading towards the field that coach had shown me just days before. I heard the sound of a whistle and a smile crept on my face. I cleared the building and spotted a horde of blue jerseys, coaches pacing all around them. This was it, time for me to reprove what I could bring to the table.

"Son! Why are you late?"

I halted slipping on my helmet, staring back at the coach. "I had to get suited up coach."

"What's your name son?"

"Marcus Valentine."

The name jogged his memory and he nodded his head. "Ah right. Got everything you need?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay, go hop in a stretch line."

I saw a quick hand go up and jogged over to join him, grabbing a seat as the captains went through the lower body stretches.

"Must've ran out of numbers, huh?" Kyle muttered as they switched.

"Doesn't matter." It took me a second to realize he was referring to the large 35 on my back.

The team stretched for another five minutes before a sharp whistle brought the team together in a half circle, staring down a group of coaches. I lingered in the back with Kyle, grabbing a knee as coach McGregor eyed up the group before him. I looked him up the day after I met him, quickly realizing that he was an icon at Dematha and that he knew what he was doing. Nothing against Churchill, but I knew this man could get my name out there even more than it already was. The combination of him, this school and my skill was going to open doors for me that were still shut.

"Summer workouts are over men. Two-a-days are over. But if you are like me, you still know the sting of losing to Good Counsel in the championship game. But that does not matter men. What is in the past... is in the past, and we are here now to look to the future. If you are still dwelling on that game, my advice to you is to get over it. Football is about having a short memory, and that is exactly what we are going to have. Brand new season, brand new opportunities, brand new chance to start a new string of championships. You guys have been practicing hard the past month, so let's start this day off right. Team scrimmage!"

The team cheered as players popped up, two different groups of eleven huddling up and the rest of the team heading for the sidelines. I started heading for the sidelines when I felt a strong hand grab the back of my pads.

"Where you think you're going Valentine?"

"Uh, the sidelines coach."

"Coach King. And no you aren't. I've seen your tapes, you are staying right here with our first offense."

"Yes sir."

He pulled me behind the huddle as the quarterback started relaying the play to the huddle, slowly staggering to the line after they broke. Within seconds the ball was snapped and the collision of pads shocked the air, and I noticed a player with the number one on his jersey bounce it outside and outrun the linebacker to the sideline before cutting it upfield. That must have been Edwin, the diva.

"You get a chance to study the playbook today Valentine?"

"A little."

He leaned away from me and spit on the ground. "A little huh? Which play are you most comfortable with?"

The question caught me off guard as the offense lined up for their second play. "Iso."

"Time to earn those letters on your helmet son."

He walked over to another coach and muttered in his ear, the offense already rolling onto their third play. In the span of thirty seconds, they had already rolled off three plays. This was a crisp and precise team, and nothing I had ever seen before. Knowing that coach was about to send me in at any moment had me excited. But I was also feeling nerves in the pit of my stomach that I hadn't felt since my freshman year.

"Walters, out! Valentine, in!"

I couldn't hear the rest of the team but with the way the offensive huddle was buzzing, it was a sure bet that the entire team was likely asking the same question. No one in the huddle seemed particular confident about me when I replaced Walters' empty spot, and he voiced his opinions.

"Coach, are you serious? He wasn't here all summer and he's getting reps?"


The coach was cut off when the quarterback popped back in the huddle, seemingly unfazed by the new player that had joined his huddle. "Twins left. I-44 Iso. On one boys."

I took a deep breath, settling into a spot that was all to familiar to me. As the quarterback started his cadence, I looked over the defense, already trying to figure out all the possible scenarios that would unfold in the next two seconds. A sharp bark echoed out and I quickly side stepped right before charging forward, my arms already in a cradle. The ball made contact without any issues and I focused on the bulldozer in front of me; he cut left, so I went right. My left hand briefly touched his back as I wrapped the ball tightly against my body. A large body was coming from the right, so I planted my left foot and threw my right shoulder into his body and continued downfield. A safety was barreling down on me and as his arms found themselves wrapped around my waist, I shoved my left hand into his facemask and rudely dislodged his presence from my own.

The whistles blew the play dead and I jogged to a stop, turning around to face the team. I passed by the safety who was readjusting his helmet, glaring at me as I walked by and I gladly returned one of my own. As I continued back to my huddle I received similar stern looks from the defense. I kept a straight face and simply dropped the ball off at their feet and rejoined my huddle. Every player had a knowing grin on their faces, and I was glad to see they at least appreciated what just happened. I took two deep breaths and was happy to feel the butterflies had left.

"Play clock is ticking, lets go offense!" A coach barked out.

The quarterback popped back into the huddle, giving my helmet a quick slap. "Better look out Delonte!" The huddle broke out into chuckles as the quarterback refocused. "I like this kid. Same play, silent snap."

"You modest prick." Kyle stared at me blankly, a few dreads falling in front of his eyes. "I think the term "silent, but deadly" defines you perfectly."

"That so?"

Kyle scoffed, stretching his legs out down the stairs we were sitting on. "I'm just glad you always ran away from me. You were laying the wood out there."

"Walters didn't seem to happy in the locker room."

"Edwin?" Kyle flicked his wrist at nothing. "He's a diva, I told you. Thinks it's finally his turn to shine after sitting on the bench the past two seasons."

"F*** you Kyle." Edwin strode down the front steps past us, pausing just before he hit the sidewalk. "It is my time. I waited patiently, I practiced hard, I worked my ass off. No offense to you Valentine, but this is my year. Just like it is every year, Delonte is going to be the thunder and I'm going to be the lightning. Ain't no room for you in the backfield."

"Coach seems to think otherwise." I leaned forward, staring straight at Edwin.

"We'll see. Just keep your head down and let the seniors handle it this year, it can be all yours next season." A car rolled up, and Edwin looked over his shoulder. "See y'all tomorrow."

Neither of us responded to his farewell, and only watched as the car disappeared with him.

"As you can see, a real charmer."

I sighed as I leaned back against the stairs. "I can understand where he's coming from. It happened at my last school. Got moved up as a freshman, started over two seniors. Took a while before things cooled down."

"We're more interested in winning then picking sides. As long as you keep doing what you're doing, no one is going to care." Kyle grabbed a Powerade from his bag, spinning it in his hands. "So exactly what does "good" mean for you?"

"Does it matter?" My father's humbling words still lingering in my thoughts.

"Hell yeah it does. Don't make me Google you, it wouldn't be a good start to our friendship. I'd feel like a stalker and I'm no female."

I held back a chuckle, but also knew he probably would follow through. "I was put on a top 100 watch list for juniors."

"No shit." A hint of disbelief and amazement rolled into one.

"It was only MaxPreps, not Rivals or anything like that."

A snort escaped Kyle's nose. "You act like that matters. MaxPreps is a legit site. Where'd you place? One? Top ten? The next Barry Sanders?"

I chuckled at Kyle's relentlessness. "He was actually eighty. I was eighty-two."

"Eighty-two isn't too bad for a nation-wide list. Play a season with us, and you'll be top ten easy."

"Yeah well, Wes Brown got fifteenth on that list."

"Wes Brown." I could hear the distaste in Kyle's voice. "Don't worry, we'll get you ahead of him. We play them again this year, did you know?"

"No, I didn't."

"Yeah man, grudge match. I hope we smash them. Remind them that Dematha runs this, not Good Counsel."

I had been pitted against Wes Brown since my freshman year. Which one of us was the better back in the state? Who had more touchdowns? Who had more yards? Who had more carries? Public versus private school. Who was faster? Who was stronger? Who was more athletic? Who had a better college career in store? Now I could just imagine the press for the next two seasons. The two best backs in the state now in the same conference, gunning for the same title. Quite frankly, I was tired of it and was ready to shut them all up.
Dec 2, 2010
Nice update, glad to see that marcus and kyle are getting along. Also interested in what's gonna happen with zack.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2009
Marcus is the type of character that I love. Hope he doesn't change too much. This story is sooooo good too Future. You're doing an excellent job


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 26, 2008
Hmm, I didn't picture Marcus as white. Anyways... Good update, nice to see him show out first day of practice. Also, is Kyle black cuz i saw that comment about his dreads falling in his face. And goin back to your last rtg, was David white too?


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 8, 2010
leeec13 said:
Hmm, I didn't picture Marcus as white. Anyways... Good update, nice to see him show out first day of practice. Also, is Kyle black cuz i saw that comment about his dreads falling in his face. And goin back to your last rtg, was David white too?

Good stuff. Enjoying it. I really like Kyle as well.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
yes, kyle is black. and david was mixed, but he was half white (half spanish.)

glad you guys are liking the characters. and what exactly do you love about marcus, saints?


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2009
Just the way passive attitude he has. And the way he handles his s*** on the field, but doesn't say a word about it in a arrogant way. He's just an all-around normal type of guy that anyone can be friends with, that's the best type of characters to me.


Super Star
May 30, 2006
I'm trying to give this the feedback the writing deserves, but I've got nothing so far. Kid seems like a silent stud with a lengthy past who can walk the walk and doesn't need to talk. It's only four updates in and I'm really wanting to find out more about the main character's past than his future; that's definitely a first for any RTG I've read. Kudos.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
DaaaaaBears said:
I'm trying to give this the feedback the writing deserves, but I've got nothing so far. Kid seems like a silent stud with a lengthy past who can walk the walk and doesn't need to talk. It's only four updates in and I'm really wanting to find out more about the main character's past than his future; that's definitely a first for any RTG I've read. Kudos.
appreciate that. soon to be six updates in, which will be up momentarily. (the other later tonight.)

and thats cool saints. i hope he doesnt end up disappointing you. and thanks igoat.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
The family was gathered around the kitchen table, enjoying the spread that Jessica had made. Fried chicken, rice, and macaroni and cheese; the perfect food to have after a hard practice. I was nearly done when Bryan finally spoke up.

"So, how was the first day Marcus?"

"It was okay."

"Did Zach give you a nice enough tour?"

Zach cut in before I could answer. "I didn't give him one, the principal assigned him one. I didn't even see you today!" He said accusingly as he bit into his chicken.

"Sorry man. I tried looking for you at lunch, but didn't see you."

"Well my lunch starts at seventh period. When was yours today?"

"Sixth, but me and Kyle went outside to work on the playbook." It was my way of continuing to try and get comfortable with him.

"Who's Kyle?" Bryan interjected back into the conversation that was now between Zach and I.

I remembered our early morning talk, and tried to spill out more than four words. "He's on the team. He showed me around today, he's a cool guy."

"What position does he play?"

"Oh, I don't think he started last year. But he plays running back and safety."

"Competition?" Jessica piped after sipping some of her water down.

"He actually wants me to start ahead of him. He prefers safety."

"Turn any heads today?"

"A few. I don't think some of the guys liked how I dislodged their helmets."

"Well I asked because a recruiter called while you were at practice. Wanted to know how the transfer went. He actually seemed very pleased to hear that you transfered to Dematha."

"Who was it?" I had earned a few suitors during my sophomore year.

"Some guy from Maryland. He said it'd be a lot easier catching your games now."

"Maryland is interested in you?" Zach's hands were tightly gripping the table as he stared me down.

"Yeah. I called a few times last year after my coach let me know."

"Dude that is awesome. Do you realize how awesome this is?!"

Zach had grown up watching Maryland football and loved it, mainly because Bryan was a huge fan of the university since he graduated from there. I only casually watched their football and basketball teams as a freshman, really only when Zach invited me over. I didn't watch them at all last year, but knowing they were interested in me as a sophomore certainly peaked my interest in them.

"It's just talk right now. A couple of teams have been doing the same."

"Well I can now see dinner is over." Jessica started clearing the table, throwing the chicken back into the oven and leaving the rice and macaroni on the counters. Bryan thanked, and apologized, to her as she started clearing the plates as well. "You boys keep talking football. I'll just be over here. Doing the dishes. By myself..." Jessica wailed back to the table.

"Excuse me boys." Bryan said, a shaking smile on his face.

I watched as Bryan went to join her over at the sink, handing her dishes and muttering softly to her. Her response was splashing some dish water on his shirt. It was nice to see she wasn't to upset about it, but I still felt bad hijacking the dinner conversation with talks of recruitment.

"I should probably go apologize..."

"Who? Mom? Don't worry about that, she's just playing. Now come on man, what other teams? Look at you, I leave you for one year and you turn into an overnight celebrity."

I smirked at his comment and took a deep breath, feeling a slight excitement in being able to finally tell someone. No one really cared at my last house, there were bigger things to worry about. "Alright, so I've been talking with Maryland, Marshall, Rutgers and Virginia. Just a phone call once a month or so, nothing big."

"This is awesome."

"Yeah well, unless I get some playing time this season I doubt it'll go any further than phone calls." I recalled Jon's problems. The one player that never forgave me for getting his offers revoked last year.

"Coach would be stupid to not let you get some carries this season."

"Speaking of, how come you aren't playing?" My longing question finally bubbling out. "You were a decent quarterback."

Zach laughed. "If I recall all I had to do on junior varsity was hand off to you or dump it off to you. But I'm too scrawny to play here, and it didn't seem as appealing without you. They're too serious about winning here."

It was day two, and I felt strangely alone in my classes. I was the new kid with absolutely no way to connect with these bodies sitting in the class. Not that I would have had time to hold any real meaningful conversation with the small class sizes. On top of that, the teachers were in full form and teaching the class like it was January. The sudden transition from public to private, summer to school, was suddenly weighing very heavily on me. The honor classes at Churchill were fine for me, but they were on a different level here.

If it wasn't for the fact that I had lunch starting sixth period, I didn't know how I would survive the week, let alone the year. Kyle continued helping me with the playbook during lunch, and I poured myself into it during tenth period. I didn't know what many people did during study hall, but I spent that time cramming my head into the playbook. I needed to show the coaches I had a grasp of this playbook, and prove to my teammates that they could trust me in the huddle. A few times this week I had gone the wrong way after Nick audibled the play.

"So, almost a full week of school. Make any friends beside me?"

"Does Zach count?" It sounded pathetic as soon as I had said it.

Kyle just shook his finger at me. "Afraid not Valentine. I don't see why it's so hard, everyone here is pretty chill."

"I've never connected well." Even when my parents were alive, though I kept that part to myself.

"You?" Kyle's eyes got wide. "Never would've known."

I ignored his sarcastic comment and tried to figure out what I could do. "The retreat should help, right?"

"The one in April? Oh yeah, that'll help."

Kyle just laughed as I turned the page, trying to refocus the conversation back to the playbook. But he was right, in every class I saw groups of boys just sitting and talking, laughing and enjoying their time. I just couldn't find my opening to try and join this exclusive fraternity. As Kyle calmed down sensing that I wanted to move on, I thought to myself why he was still sticking around, still being friendly. Like with most people I knew, I was short worded with him, if I said anything at all. He didn't seem to mind, or at least didn't show it and probably accepted it as part of who I was.

"Maybe if there were girls here." I thought out loud. They never minded that I didn't talk much.

"Hah. If there is anything I've learned in my three years here, it's that girls just complicate things."


"Oh yeah. I haven't seen a single fight in the hallways since day one." I gave him a skeptical look, and he just popped a funny grin at me. "Okay well, at least not about girls. We can play basketball for an entire month in gym and not have a single complaint. We can't be hounded every day between classes. And we only see them during games and dances, where they look their best." Kyle paused in his thoughts and rubbed his chin. "I do miss skirts though. And tank tops, definitely the tank tops... those were the days."

"How do you have dances with girls you don't even know?"

"Oh, we know them," Kyle chuckled. "After school man. Meet them at small parties, other games, around the town. Stuff like that."


"Don't even worry about it man. You do some damage on the field this Saturday against Loyola, and they'll come to you."

"Between Delonte and Edwin, I doubt I see the field."

Another large, bulky guy sat down next to Kyle, a smirk on his face. "He talking about me behind my back Vincent?"

"Nah D. Even if he was, he probably wouldn't say more than five words."

They both shared a laugh as I remained silent. "We didn't get a chance to meet, I'm Delonte Morton."

I reached out and shook his extended hand. "Marcus Valentine."

"I know. Still, nice to put a face to all the stuff I've read about you."


Delonte just grinned, grabbing a book out of his bag. "Yeah, that did sound kind of weird."

"He tore his ACL last season." Kyle said, with slight solemn in his voice.

"Sorry, that must have sucked."

He brushed me off. "No big deal. Rehab, got healthy, and now I'm better than ever. You know, Steinberg mentioned you once when I talked to him earlier this week."

"He did?"

"Yup. He just wanted me to confirm that you really did transfer here. They looking at you?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, for now."

"That's cool. I committed to Maryland over the summer. I guess they want two dominant Dematha backs, I don't blame them. But I'm not going to bother you about that, you need to make the decision yourself."

"I appreciate that, thanks man."

Kyle cleared his throat, drawing my attention back to him. "Anyways, I didn't text you to come meet us for you to chat up how the local team is drooling over the both of you. How about you help me bring Marcus up to speed on our playbook. He still doesn't know the difference between Boulder and Cliff."

Delonte and I both chuckled, "Sure man. What you having trouble with?"

I felt the light slap of pads on my shoulders as I stayed low and kept my shoulders squared. It was my seventh time through and I was just getting the hang of not bouncing between each pad.

"Better Valentine!" Coach King barked after his own pad slapped me in the helmet. "Vincent, you're up."

Kyle was one of two extra players that would be seeing extra time with the running backs. But I figured it was more of a numbers game, as you couldn't seriously practice with just three backs the way that coach King wanted to. I jammed my pad up against his shoulder as he powered through. Coach King called for a short breather, sending Kyle back to the safeties and the other back to the corners.

"Okay boys, we have Loyola tomorrow. Morton will be taking a majority of the snaps, Walters be ready for passing situations, and Valentine just be ready." Just as he finished assigning us our roles, the whistles blew and it was time for a quick team walkthrough before we ended the day. "Valentine."

"Yes sir."

"You've come a long way in a week. You been getting help with that playbook?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. And listen, when I say be ready, I mean be ready. You may only get one carry all game, you may get twenty. Depends on the flow of the game and how well Morton holds up. Understand?"

"Yes sir."

He dismissed me and I joined the offensive huddle. Every third play I was tagged on, and the time seemed to fly by. Pretty soon the final whistle blew and we circled for one final talk before being dismissed for the locker rooms. Coach McGregor fiddled with his visor before clearing his throat.

"Tomorrow we have a big game. I assume most of you have been reading the headlines about this Kick Off Classic. Best teams from our conference against the best of Baltimore. Well I fully believe we are the best of all the teams involved in this Classic. Some of you have never played in a big game like this before, so you need to be ready. It's the first Kick Off Classic, and you can bet the reporters will be out in drones to catch a peek at some of you. Earlier today Good Counsel probably got them all relied up. But I want you men to remain focused and calm. We stick to our game plan, we follow through on our assignments and play until the final whistle... and we'll be starting the season off right. Delonte, break them down!"

The entire team circled around him, hands thrust in the air.

"Are y'all ready?!" He barked.

"We ready!" We screamed back.

"Are y'all ready?"

"We ready!"



Delonte walked by me, slapping me once on the back as he headed back to the locker room. Tomorrow was going to be the biggest game of my football career since Churchill never made the playoffs. The biggest game, and I would probably be riding the bench the entire time. But as his number six jersey disappeared, I realized it would only be the first of many and that I would get my chance to shine soon enough.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2009
I see Marcus getting a decent amount of reps in this game. Whether he makes something positive or negative out of them, I'm not sure yet.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 26, 2008
Hmmm? David being half spanish changes everything lol. Thats in the past anyway. Good update, I sorta want to see Marcus have an immediate impact but that might be a tad bit unrealistic.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
"Valentine." Delonte's voice caught my ear as I turned around, dropping my pads. "Sit with me on the bus."


He gave me a firm pat on the back. "Good. Going to give you a last minute quiz."

We were the first ones on the bus, and he grabbed a seat near the front. I tucked my pads beneath my legs and sat next to him, keeping my ipod tucked in my pants. Ever since Kyle brought Delonte into our "study group," he was thoroughly invested in it. I guess he saw himself in me, which was easy enough considering we stood at the same height, though I was lighter and had more burst to my runs. Kyle found it funny that a white running back could outrun a black one, but Delonte took solace in the fact that my mother was half Spanish.

"You boys ready?" Coach boomed after the final roster call was finished.

"Yes sir!"

The bus roared to life and started pulling out of the parking lot. I turned to Delonte and noticed him running his hand down the length of the towel tucked in his pants. His eyes were full and focused, his mind and body already fully invested into the upcoming game. I wanted to ask when he wanted to start, but instead remained silent and tried getting my own mind right. That was half the battle, so he said. Delonte had given me plenty of key pieces of advice throughout the days, becoming my impromptu mentor, so to speak.

"Third and two at their thirty-five. Loyola is in their base defense. What should you be expecting?"

I thought about the scenario he presented to me, recalling the hours of film we watched. "Blitz up the middle. Short zones from the outside linebackers."


I hid my smile inside; glad to know I was starting to absorb everything that was taught to us. I saw Coach King look over at us, our small mutterings probably the loudest noise on the bus. But when he overheard what it is we were discussing, he kept his mouth closed and went back to his own mental preparations.

"How you doing Morton?"

Coach King was in Delonte's face as the defense took the field. It was an absolute shoot-out, but I felt it was more our fault than Loyola actually being a good team.

"I'm good coach."

"You sure?"

I saw his face tighten. "My leg is fine coach."

The punt return team was called out and Edwin jogged out to field the punt. "Valentine, come here. We're going to sub you in some in the next drive. You ready?"

"Yes sir."

I glanced at Towson's scoreboard and saw the slim 24-23 lead they had over us. The second thing I noticed was that it was already a minute into the fourth quarter. I buckled up my chinstrap as Delonte took the first carry eight yards, knowing that soon that I would be the one taking the carry. Coach King waved me over, and I quickly kissed my gloved hands before I ran out onto the field.

"Well what do you know boys… Twins left. I-44 Iso. On two. Ready? Break!"

I got settled into my stance, and now wondered if the fullback in front of me could actually block anyone on this defense. He had done it countless times in practice, but in a game he just seemed so frail. I immediately shoved those doubts out of my mind when that sharp bark cut through the air. I sidestepped and plowed forward, practically a natural reflex for me since I had run this play so often in practice. I saw the hole, smaller than it should have been; they must have blitzed sensing the urgency to close this game out. Delonte's strong advice quickly zipped through my mind, and I lowered my shoulders as I crashed my way through that small opening without any second thoughts. Teammates or opposing players, it didn't matter, they were about to get knocked on their ass. I felt my pads make contact at least four different times, but I kept my legs moving and muscled my way through. Finally it was only the setting sun standing between me, and my first touchdown as a Stag.

The whistles quickly signaled my touchdown, and I let the football fall out of my hands with ease. I punched my fists together twice before giving them a quick kiss, my now common way to celebrate my touchdowns before having a teammate leap onto my back. I made my way back to the bench, Delonte, Edwin and coach King waiting for me.

"Heck of a run man." Delonte said, a smile cracking underneath his facemask.

Edwin remained silent, but coach King put an arm on my shoulder pad. "See, practice makes perfect. Way to earn your letters Valentine."

"Thanks coach."

Edwin stormed away, and coach retreated back to the other hordes of coaches. Delonte tossed me a water bottle and I pulled back my helmet, suddenly feeling out of breath.

"It's a rush, isn't it?"

I guzzled down some water, shaking my head. "I did that all the time at Churchill. I don't know why my chest is pounding so hard now."

"It's the stage man. You said so yourself, Churchill wasn't good, so nothing was expected of you there. But here? People expect championships." He must've seen something in my eyes since he kept talking. "You shouldn't worry. You keep running like that and the championships will come to you. Breaking five tackles up the middle? That's highlight material right there."

"I thought it was four." I rewarded myself with another squirt of water, a smirk growing on my face.

Delonte just laughed, barely able to hide his own smile. "I guess we'll see when we watch the film."

"The game is already on youtube!"

I walked back inside the house to a cackling Zach. I followed his voice into the kitchen, seeing all three of them huddled around a laptop.

Bryan looked up when I walked into the kitchen. "Hey, good game today Marcus."

"Thanks. Did you guys go to the game?"

"Of course we did." A warm smile on Jessica's face as she wildly cheered and clapped in unison with a spectator from the video.

I walked over just to the see the tail end of my touchdown run. Jessica gently rubbed my back as I saw smiles plastered on all of their faces.

"Is that your touchdown celebration? Needs some more flair." Zach commented. "Maybe you should youtube OchoCinco."

"I'll pass. I'm going to go take a shower."

I don't think they even heard me as they replayed my lone highlight of the game. I grabbed my black duffel bag from the front door and headed upstairs; ready to collapse on my own bed. I had one carry in the game, but I still felt exhausted. I shoved myself off the bed and yanked a towel out of my closet. I dumped the contents of my bag onto my bed, quickly snatching up the black Nike gloves. I peeled back the velcro and wrist and checked to make sure the permanent marker was still living up to its name. The bold MOM on my left glove and DAD on my right glove were still there, still unchanged since the day I wrote the three letter words in. I delicately placed them on the nightstand next to my bed and grabbed the towel, ready to wash away a nonexistent day of work.

I opened my eyes to streams of sunshine pouring in from my window. And unlike the past two years, I awoke after a game without a single sore or pain. It felt weird, the fact that I was waking up on Sunday after a game, and the fact that I wasn't sore. As I descended the stairs, I smelled the fruits of someone slaving over the oven since early morning.

"He lives!"

The familiar cackle instantly brought a smile to my face. "Good morning to you too Gina."

"Sit, sit. Mrs. Wright has almost finished breakfast."

I rubbed my eyes, still trying to wake up the rest of my body as I sat down next to her. "Where are Bryan and Zach?"

"They went out for an early morning jog. They should be back soon."

Jessica quickly brought over three different plates, each filled to the brim with pancakes, sausages and home fries. No sooner had she put the plates down, did I hear Bryan and Zach thumping up the porch stairs. They both poured into the kitchen out of breath and struggling to laugh.

"I take it your father won again?" Jessica asked in an amused voice.

"He cheated!" Zach exclaimed, hands on his knees as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Stop lying!" He slapped Zach harshly on the back before staggering to the kitchen table. "Trash duty, you know the rules. Hi hon." He gave her a quick kiss after she brought over the empty glasses.

The rest of breakfast was a lot calmer after that, once everyone got settled. Bryan had wolfed down his plate food and disappeared out the door, early Sunday meeting at the department. Pretty soon after he left, the rest of the table dissolved. Once Jessica turned her back to clear the table, Zach was off in a flash to the living room to watch some shows. And after I helped Jessica clear the table and load the dishwasher, Gina wanted a few words with me outside. I offered to share the swing bench, but she opted for the more stable lawn chair.

"You doing okay?"

I kicked my feet in the grass, forcing the bench to go faster then what the wind was making it do. "Yeah, I guess so."

"And school? You adjusting well there?"

"I think so. The work is hard, but I'm staying on top of it. I don't see Zach much, but I've made friends on the team. They've been helping me out." I decided to leave out the small squabbling between Edwin and myself.

"And what about outside of the team?" I remained silent, kicking the ground again to gain momentum. "Marcus. You are going to need to try and make friends outside of football. We talked about this. It's better if you get a wide range of friends and social circles."

"I know," my voice defensive.

"Well I was talking to Jessica before you came down. No episodes?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Been almost two weeks too."

"That's good, that's very good Marcus. Sorry I couldn't come see your game on Saturday."

"No big deal. Zach could show you the highlights. Apparently it's on youtube already."

Gina chuckled, "Oh is it?"

"It is indeed." I replied matter-of-factly. It felt nice to have Gina stay as long as she was. Before it was a short five, ten minute trip. Even though we weren't really talking, it was still nice. "Have you seen them recently?"

Gina just beamed me a smile. "That was actually part of the reason I came today."

She stood up from her chair and cautiously joined me on the bench. I stopped the bench from rocking and just stared at Gina as she reached into her bag of tricks. She pulled out a ziplock bag, carefully extracting the object in it.

"What's that?"

"See for yourself."

I carefully took the object from her hands, realizing that it was a photo. I flipped it over and smiled as the sun glittered over their faces. "It's Lisa and Rebecca." I stared at the picture, my voice soft. The two of them were hugging each other tightly, their big smiles reaching their cheeks. Both of their hazel eyes wide and staring right back at me.

"They were adopted by a nice family from Silver Spring. This was taken in front of their home the other day; their mother emailed it to me. Apparently they were very persistent in this getting to you."

I smiled as I could imagine the insistent begging from them, having dealt with the twins myself in the group home. "Good for them."

"And you know Marcus," Gina wrapped her arm around me, looking down at the picture. "It's only a twenty minute ride. If you want, I could get in contact with the parents, see if they would be okay with you seeing them."

"I don't think so."

"Are you sure?"


She reached back into her bag and pulled out an envelope, handing it to me. "How about you read that first. You can let me know later."

After that Gina said her good-byes and left the house. I sat outside for a while, eyeballing the letter sitting next to me. Finally I walked back into the house, but Jessica stopped me before I went back to my room. She pulled out a small bag from a cabinet and handed it to me. I reached inside, Jessica barely able to contain her smile, and pulled out a smooth wooden frame.

"You knew?"

"Gina had called me before the game. I figured it would be nice to put the photo in a frame, I hope you don't mind."

"No, it's great. Thank you."

I put the now framed picture on my nightstand, right next to my gloves. I stared at their glowing faces, feeling immensely content that they were now moving onto their "best story" family. Looking back at the kids from the group home, if any of them deserved to be adopted it was these two. I ran my hand over the front of envelope, sighing deeply as I turned it over. My fingers started rubbing the smooth surface on their own. My hands always got fidgety when I was nervous. Zach's voice carried from downstairs, a welcomed interruption, demanding a rematch in Madden. I quickly ripped open my nightstand drawer and shoved the letter inside, and just as quickly shut it.

"Yeah man, I'll be down in a second!"