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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]First Class Poster Revealed[/link]
by Phil Pirrello

Say what you will about the ensemble photo of the X-Men, but the poster for First Class makes us want one. On June 3, welcome to Professor Xavier's School for Mutantness. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I'm really exited to see this film.
The Last stand was bad and destroyed what could have been 2 incredible movies by adding to many elements, Wolverine clearly destroyed a lot of the x-men films universe, however i don't think it's time reboot, i think that it's time to rebuild, fill the holes those horrible 2 films left and send the franshise to a new direction, and for those who hope that this film fails so that they can see a 4th real x-men movie must remember that they'll make that one depending on the success of this one.
If this one has enough success then it will be made a trilogy and maybe even before that happens we'll ger X-men 4, so keep you fingers crossed and have hope, the costumes seem corny but i assure you all that knowing what i know about the story and the director, i know that the film will be great, even the era is interesting to set the film at. the film will undoubtly have a good critical reception, my fear is the box office, if the film is good and fans don't go because they don't like the look will probably regreat their actions when they see it again on tv or from a friend.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
Funny. The "3 claw" poster for X-Men Last Stand is the best thing to come from that movie, too.
(this is pretty cool, though)


Oct 20, 2003
why does this movie look terrible already? i thought xmen movies were supposed to look decent and then turn out terrible?


Dec 13, 2009
I still think Singer owes us an apology for bailing out of X3 to give us the even crappier Superman movie. X-Men was on the right track with him behind it and he knew the franchise would suffer without his influence. I definitely trust Vaughn to know what he's talking about, though.
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