
Almost Not a Noob
Feb 10, 2009
So, who did you like and who did you hate from DW7?
Gotta say, I loved Guo Huai. That cannon of his is awesome. Just a constant barrage of death. Same with the bow, actually, though not as cool.
Deng Ai is awesome. Drilling people is always fun.
I like the chain and sickle with Gan Ning and Jia Xu. Sun Shang Xiang's cool as ever. And Lu Xun.
Zhang Liao gets one of the most badass stages in Wei's story mode. The first part of Hefei is crazy awesome. Just tearin' through Wu's ranks is great.
Zhang He is cooler than ever. That air drill attack is sweet, especially when you follow it up with a set of smacks before they get a chance to drop.
Ding Feng was sweet, though a touch on the slow side.
Lian Shi, Cai Wenji and Ma Dai all sucked. The crossbow is painfully slow. The harp just plain sucks. And the brush is stupid and weak. I was also unimpressed with Zhong Hui and his flying swords.


May 13, 2011
I haven't unlocked all DW 7 characters yet but i agree the dude with the cannon is pretty awesome, i like the floating swords as well. So far my least favorite is Sun Ce, never really liked his toothpicks tbh.
But from the series as a whole, my clear favorite character is Zhou Tai. I just love the katana and cape combo. Least favorite is probably Sun Jian's daughter with the ridiculously long name, baring the bow in DW 6 i never liked her circular sword things.
May 28, 2011
It's gotta go to Guo Huai and Xiahou Ba for the best ones. I mean, the arm cannon is so cool and Xiahou Ba's great sword destroys! Also, his musous are fantastic... worst character goes to Zhuge Dan. Do we really need more fans on the battlefield? Especially when Zhuge Liang is way better?
Sep 23, 2004
While I pretty much like the whole cast, my favorite was Xiahou Dun. He's always been a bad mother****er and his move set is great.

My least favorite would probably be Xiahou Ba...really, kinda, sort of annoying. Can't say anything about his move set, it may be awesome, but I just don't like his personality.


Jan 18, 2011
I really like Zhao Yun, especially in the novel. Anybody remembers the Battle of Han River? Changban? Yeah.

Outside of Liu Shan (fur wearing baby) and Xu Zhu (obese Chinese retard), I have no quarrels with any of the cast.


Captain Bunny Killer
Sep 10, 2008
Zhong Hui is my favorite new character. Awesome new weapon, great moveset, so arrogant it's funny, his voice is fitting to his personality.

Deng Ai is just as cool. The lance is so powerful. He's mad cool, and a great officer. Plus his second musou is the f'ing bomb. Seriously a jumping arm bar? AWESOME!

Jia Xiu is also pretty cool. He looks like a character from Aladdin, and his weapon and moveset are fun.

And Zhang Liao is god. That's all.

I could go on but I like a lot of characters.

I don't really unlike anyone in particular.
Sep 23, 2004
lol@Jia Xiu comment. He really does sort of look like a chinese Jaffar. :^O

Holy crap, Xiahou Ba's moveset was flippin' nasty last night... [face_shock]


Oct 5, 2010
Yeah Sima Yi is great now. His musou is sick! I like Liu Bei and Lu meng a lot more compared to other games.
My favourites are Zhuge Liang, Sima yi, Sima Shi, Liu Bei, Zhang Liao, and Lu Meng.
Least favourites- Lian Shi, Cai Wenji, Ma Dai(i thought he would be cool but why a paint brush!), Jiang Wei(i still like him but i hate his new voice) and Guan Suo(specifically i want them to give him a new weapon and lose the flower)


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Sima Ye's character is a lot more sinister in this one ,and his attacks are much better, Coa Pi is vastly improved as well, my favourite all through the series has got to be Zhao Yun with his crowd clearing 360 attack [face_mischief]


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 3, 2011
Welling,Kent ,England
Zhang Liao is good, but he is my second choice, after Zhou yun, I just like the simplicity of bo based weaponry, and characters that use them to their best effect (Lu Bu is a bit over the top, but I do like the way he can clear a strong hold with one musou)