Mar 13, 2007
Mine is the 7th heaven in DC 1, i think its the best weapon.For Dc 2 the Zero wrench or whatever it is called.
Say you fave wep here from DC 1 & 2


Jun 26, 2006
from dc1, gotta b the chronicle2 cuz it has about 400atk (even tho u have to do the demon shaft 2 get it) on dc2, probably the supernova or the five-star armlet, although the island king is funny :D
Aug 20, 2006
Yeah, definitely the Chronicle 2 in DC1 and in DC2. In DC2 my Chronicle 2 is maxed out and I have all the coin attachments for it :D


May 29, 2006
I am only (estimate) about 1/2 way through... I am in the middle of the sun/moon temple... I have the chronicle sword... for toan... and a middle range weapon for the kitty... and something or another for ruby... as for Goro... I had last judgement... and battle axe and a bunch of big bucks hammers... but so far my favorite weapon has been the frozen tuna... it just makes me and my kids laugh... I'm kinda sad I sythed it...



Jun 15, 2006
I understand what the poster above says about the Frozen Tuna (sorry I can't remember your name, I hit the reply button before copy/pasting), there's plenty of weapons in Dark Cloud that I like not simply because of sheer attacking power, but because of their aesthetic charm, or the challenges involved in building them up (or not) ;^)
For Toan, my very favorite sword is the Mardan Eins, which ultimately builds up to the Arise Mardan. It's got a pretty good attack power (250), and can only be earned by catching Mardan Garayan fish. On that note, the only way to build it up is by catching those fish, as well. Which, when you think about it, makes it the easiest, and cheapest, weapon to build up to the maximum level. ;^)
The next favorite is the 7th Heaven, just because of the look of it. I tend to look on the Chronicle(s) as pure meat 'n' potato swords to get me out of a jam.
For Xiao, of course, it's Steve/Super Steve. Too bad that (it? he?), doesn't have the maximum attacking power. :^/
For Ruby, I keep rings in several stages of build up, just because of the cool looks some of them have. Obviously, I've got to go with the Secret Armlet as the favorite, but I also keep Satan's Ring, Athena's Armlet, and the Pokehul in a state of constant 'upgrade,' with all the Synthspheres I can attatch so they're a bit stronger. While the Secret Armlet is indeed awesome, it just looks, well...plain. :^\
For Goro, the Frozen Tuna falls in the same comedy/looks category. I like to run through the Divine Beast Cave with it and off monsters occasionally. The favorite is the Inferno, for no reason other than my favorite colors are black and red. ;^)
And Ungaga, well, I wish they'd given him more 'ultimate' options than the Babel's Spear. Still, much time has been spent making Synthspheres out of his Scorpions for all characters. And the Cactus looks cool. But since his weapons go through Repair Powder like mad, it only makes sense that the favorite here is ultimately the Babel's Spear.
And finally, for Osmond, it's the Supernova (his maximum flamethrower-type weapon; pay no attention to the Prima strategy guide that tells you EVERY weapon maxes out to the Star Breaker). What a weird gun! It looks like the old West meets Star Trek or something, here. It's not as powerful as the Star Breaker, but its attack is impressive. It gives even more character to the little flying bunny. ;^)
And I'd go into Dark Cloud 2, but it's been a long time since I've played it, and this post is getting long enough.
Dec 8, 2007
Hmm, My Favorite Weapon in Dc 1 & 2? Well.. In Dc 1 it's the Atlamillia Sword. And In Dc 2.. I'd say it would have to be Monica's 5-Star Armlet.


Jun 15, 2006
The Atlamilla Sword does have a nice look. :^)
And, on that note, I'd like to correct a mistake I posted, that I found a correction hereto, on my own this week-end. It's probable that everyone knows about it, but...
Uganga's Babel Spear is not his only ultimate weapon. I just recently discovered his Hercules Wrath on my own.
Exactly how many years has Dark Cloud been out there? *Punches own face* 8^0


It shall be engraved upon your soul!
Sep 24, 2006
It's been so long since I've played DC1 (I'm ashamed to admit), that the only weapon that stands out in my mind as a favorite is the Chronicle 2. I also like the Frozen Tuna because it looks so funny! In DC2, my favorite weapons for Max are the Supernova and the Legend. My favorite weapons for Monica are the Five Star Armlet and, well I have to name two swords, one for humor and one for just being awesome. The Island King is so funny with its pinwheel, and I like the look of the Atlamillia Sword.


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
;^) Of course, I've looked through the strategy guides and built up maxed out ultimate weapons for Max and Monica in DC2. But at the same time, I also like rare event weapons that you can only get by completing events in the story, such as Toan's Serpent Sword or Osmond's Jurak's gun in DC1 or Max's Handy Stick in DC2. These are things I never had the heart to melt down after maxing them out.

Instead, I left them in my inventory as a sort of collection to impress people with.


Jun 15, 2006
Mr._Pseudonym said:
;^) Of course, I've looked through the strategy guides and built up maxed out ultimate weapons for Max and Monica in DC2. But at the same time, I also like rare event weapons that you can only get by completing events in the story, such as Toan's Serpent Sword or Osmond's Jurak's gun in DC1 or Max's Handy Stick in DC2. These are things I never had the heart to melt down after maxing them out.

Instead, I left them in my inventory as a sort of collection to impress people with.
[face_shock] Where do you find this Jurak's Gun of Osmond's? I don't believe I've ever seen it.
Heh. I keep meaning to keep that Serpent Sword every time, I just forget and build it up. #-o
@girlsgamers2: Yeah, that Frozen Tuna is funny, I like how its face kind of stares at you as Goro runs along. The Kitchen Knife is also amusing, it looks like Toan is going out to chop up onions, or something. :^O


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
:^/ Hmmmm, upon reflection I may be mistaken about the Jurak's Gun. I know that it's in DC2, because I have one for Max. But Jurak was a Dark Cloud character from the first game, and Osmond is the only one who uses guns in that one.

Dang; it's been so long since I've played these tow games that they're blending together in my mind, now.


Jun 15, 2006
I thought that name Jurak sounded familiar. It's been a long time since I played DC2, but Osmond has a brief appearance somewhere in the game, as I remember.

Maybe that's where Max gets the Jurak's gun from. [face_thinking]
Sep 28, 2007
for dark cloud 1 the best wep for me is frozen tuna coz its fun to beat things up with a frozen fish. dark cloud 2 has to be 5 star armlet for the strength and looks lol