Mar 6, 2013
United States
So my favorite Male character is probably Chrom or Lon 'qu and my favorite Female character is Lucina. I think she's awesome! My most powerful is a Hero-class avatar named Nate, he are his stats:
Lvl: 20

Str: 38
Mag: 18
Skill: 38
Spd: 30
Def: 28
Res: 10

Movment: 6
Atk: 52
Hit: 158
Crit: 19
Avo: 61
Weapon level, Sword, A; Axe, E

Skills: Veteran, Solidarity, Sol, Armsthrift, Axebreaker. Not equipped: Patience.


Hey kid, I'm a computer.
Jun 11, 2007
Vaike!Gerome is my most powerful unit, with outrageous stats as a Berserker and a great, albeit limited, pool of skills.

As for character personalities, the only character that I particularly like is Henry. The Fire Emblem characters that stick out in my mind are the ones with interesting backstories or roles, quirkiness doesn't really do it for me. Henry is one of the few quirky characters I enjoy though, because he's basically 4chan: Mage Edition.
Mar 6, 2013
United States
Vaike!Gerome is my most powerful unit, with outrageous stats as a Berserker and a great, albeit limited, pool of skills.

As for character personalities, the only character that I particularly like is Henry. The Fire Emblem characters that stick out in my mind are the ones with interesting backstories or roles, quirkiness doesn't really do it for me. Henry is one of the few quirky characters I enjoy though, because he's basically 4chan: Mage Edition.
Vaike has access to great stats, if you level him right (I didn't, lol ) and I like Henry, I think of him as a twisted, funny, little sicko, but I like him anyways :)


Jun 27, 2006
Lucina has been outrageously good for me. I immediately reclassed her to a Myrmidon, and she capped everything but hp/mag/res by level 20. Post-promotion she has been incredibly solid as well.


Jun 4, 2012
Vaike!Gerome is my most powerful unit, with outrageous stats as a Berserker and a great, albeit limited, pool of skills.

As for character personalities, the only character that I particularly like is Henry. The Fire Emblem characters that stick out in my mind are the ones with interesting backstories or roles, quirkiness doesn't really do it for me. Henry is one of the few quirky characters I enjoy though, because he's basically 4chan: Mage Edition.
Vaike has access to great stats, if you level him right (I didn't, lol ) and I like Henry, I think of him as a twisted, funny, little sicko, but I like him anyways :)

Indeed Vaike its very powerful character if you level him up :) believe me sometimes its more powerful from my character and Chrom also. bad thing he is weak to magic :(


Nov 19, 2012
Gerome wins because of badassness as my favorite child.virion creeped me out (if you've seen his s rank support) all h=basillio stalked about wqas his sweet brown feroxi ass flavia was too damn annoying. Maribelle can go die in a hole , Chrom NEVER STOPS DYING,.sumia probably has polio,and gregor smiles like a freaking PEDO......


Nov 19, 2012
sorcerer tharja is sometimes overlooked dueto low usage of vengeance but noires high skill compensates it well


Nov 19, 2012
My unit stats
Name: Wander
Current class bride (BRING ON THE HATE)
all skills ignis,astra,vengeance,bond,limt breaker,veteran,lucky 7,solidtary,rally skill and spectrum,rally heart,lethality,all stats +2,paragon


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 4, 2007
Favorite character? For males, either Chrom or avatar is pretty cool, but he's kinda plain compared to these two. For female, either Lucina or Miriel. Tharja, Virion, and Gaius, however, has some of my most enjoyed dialogues with other people. (Yeah, this is a lot of favorites, but I really do love so many of the characters.)

Most powerful? It definitely used to be Donnel. My most powerful axe wielder, and an even more reliable bow wielder than Virion (who is also great but just doesn't compare). However, things change. At one point it became a tie between my avatar (also at one point Morgan outclassed my avatar) and Owain.

My avatar at one point became my quickest and most powerful mage while also being pretty damn handy with a sword when needed. Also, I recently turned him into a dread fighter, and he's picking up the axe really quickly and his stats have pretty much hit max. He can handle 5 level 20's with a good partner (he has so many capable supports) and still stand strong. However, what happens when Owain is the combination of Lissa and your Avatar? All hell breaks loose. He's only been through one advanced class (Swordmaster), yet with Morgan or Cynthia as support, he will dodge so much. He use of Astra is great and all, but because both his strength and magic are maxed, when he uses Ignis (which is every other time now), his power nearly doubles.

TL;DR - Favorites: I have like 10 favorites. Most powerful: either Donnel, Mr. Reliable; Dread Fighter Avatar, Mr. All Around Beat-em-up; or Owain (Lissa and Avatar parents), Mr. Too Fast Too Furious.
Feb 16, 2013
I'm gonna be that guy and go all Lucina. I mean, she's not only one of the most powerful characters gameplay-wise (Automatic Aether access is stupid), but there's a surprising amount of depth to her character if you go through all of her support conversations and the Hot Springs DLC. Normally paired up with Generic Male Robin because I'm not a fan of making the avatar look like me, and I'm way too much of an Avatar/Lucina shipper.
Welcome to Fire Emblem. WE'RE ALL SHIPPERS.


May 27, 2013
Gerome wins because of badassness as my favorite child.virion creeped me out (if you've seen his s rank support) all h=basillio stalked about wqas his sweet brown feroxi ass flavia was too damn annoying. Maribelle can go die in a hole , Chrom NEVER STOPS DYING,.sumia probably has polio,and gregor smiles like a freaking PEDO......

"Maribelle can go die in a hole."

You're kidding me, right? XD

Maribelle kicks ass.

(Or maybe because she has Tomefaire, Galeforce, Renewal, Lifetaker, and Dual Support+ at once. ono)


Dec 15, 2013
Tharja easily best.

Reclassed her Dark Mage---->Dark Knight (for Life Taker)----->Sorcerer (Tomebreaker and Vengeance)

GG. No unit including all bosses can even hit her and OHKOs everything.
Jul 30, 2013
West Linn, OR
Vaike was pretty much my best at the end of the game. He had the highest health he could, he had great defense, and he could kill most things instantly. Chrom and Lucina teamed up was also a win for me, since they had the highest relationship and were both the best classes they could be. As for favorites, I like Vaike, Gregor, Frederick, and Lon'Qu.


Mar 14, 2013
I don't have a favorite, i just have a team that hasn't been so much as hit since chapter 5. I just reforge Alm's Blade and Hector's Axe instead of a legendary weapon and use +2 all, armsthrift, limit breaker, galeforce/aggressor (based on gender) and whatever else that seems fitting. I guess my best character is myself, a Dread fighter with stats of at least 50 each and ignis as my special stat


No Longer a Noob
Nov 10, 2013
Elise sux
Favorite? Tharja and Noire for female, and Chrom and Frederick for male. They are funny as heck in the support with my FeMU
And most powerful? My Ricken!Laurent!Morgan. I'm gonna replay FE:A again in Lunatic in the future, so my setting could change, but Morgan is still the most powerful unit on my team.


Mar 17, 2014
I guess the most powerful are my avatar (female tactician specced in magic, tomes FTW). Speaking of males, I guess Chrom is the most powerful, though Henry is not far behind.
Also I specced all females possible in Dark Flyers for some time to gain Galeforce (including Avatar), so I currently just stomp everything with my gals :)


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 22, 2014
At concerts near you!
I think the most powerful girls in the game for me is Lucina and Tiki. I really like them alot. Lucina is probably better than Chrom imo. >.> Guy ill probably say Priam because he's Ike descendant. Plus he looks badass.


Well, I fail.
Jul 7, 2005
I've made several runs of this game now, and my strongest avatar by far was a sorcerer with Limitbreaker, Armsthrift, Vengeance, Tomefaire, and Counter as a general setup. The only units he has lost a fight to was anything that got a lucky Lethality proc and a zerker I made with Tomebreaker and the Speed asset, which allowed him to double. I made this sorcerer a male so I screwed myself out of Galeforce, but I think the tradeoff of having access to Counter beats it.

Children units of course make the above a non-issue, but my god they can be so overpowered.

I've noticed that I generally only use characters on Apotheosis and in Spotpass who 1) has access to Armsthrift and/or Galeforce, or 2) is Chrom's child. These units tend to be strongest for me since I can abuse strong abilities and get so much more done with them.

I guess my strongest parent I've had was Chrom thanks to Aether, but I've also found all the female units with access to Galeforce have been extremely powerful and they're probably the most important to building an overpowered army, which you need for Lunatic+ DLC and extra maps... in my opinion anyway. Strongest children... well, Lucina for obvious reasons, but I've always had Inigo to be insanely powerful. Also pretty fond of Nah and Brady.

I've never actually done a run where I maximized Galeforce spreading and other things with the kids, but one day I want to be able to beat Lunatic+ Apotheosis... not sure if I can do it, but I did clear the maingame.

Ugh, I have a bad habit of rambling.
Sep 21, 2014
My Favorite is Donnel... I've put him through all of his possible classes and ended up with the best set ever

Lvl 2 Warrior Donnel

Hp- 84 (after HP +5)
Str- 43
Skill- 35
Spd- 33
Luck- 43
Def- 37
Res- 18


Atk 51
Hit 174
Crit 20
Avo 71

With Room To Grow!!! He is just an bad ass
Also Stahl and henry are just as good (especially with henry getting despoil from barbarian class)

Can I just say how good depoil is on MU if you make luck a strength (much rich so money)

Also Lissa and maribelle become bad ass if you switch the classes and make Lissa a troubadour and maribelle a mage they are stupid good

Yarne is pretty Much the strongest future child if you pair vaike and panne

Just saying lol
Sep 21, 2014
My Favorite is Donnel... I've put him through all of his possible classes and ended up with the best set ever

Lvl 2 Warrior Donnel

Hp- 84 (after HP +5)
Str- 43
Skill- 35
Spd- 33
Luck- 43
Def- 37
Res- 18


Atk 51
Hit 174
Crit 20
Avo 71

With Room To Grow!!! He is just an bad ass
Also Stahl and henry are just as good (especially with henry getting despoil from barbarian class)

Can I just say how good depoil is on MU if you make luck a strength (much rich so money)

Also Lissa and maribelle become bad ass if you switch the classes and make Lissa a troubadour and maribelle a mage they are stupid good

Yarne is pretty Much the strongest future child if you pair vaike and panne

Just saying lol
Feb 23, 2015
Donnel is my best, but I have a story as to why.

When I first started playing this game I got to the mission where you can get donnel, and I did. But since he was so weak, I accidentally over used him a bit and he quickly became my strongest warrior. (Right behind him were vaike and chrom) with donnel alone I was able to one turn bosses at level 10 as a mercenary wielding nothing but the tree branch. I'm not even done with putting him throught all his other classes yet, but he is still my best.


Nov 30, 2014
In terms of strength Lunatic+
- Morgan (3rd Gen, Sorcerer build, high speed, varied skills)
- Owain (Sorcerer Build [LissaxRicken]. redic magic)
- Lucina (obvious)
- Severa (CordeliaxStahl) really holds her own
- Tharja (all around awesome)
- Donnel is OP and probably the best
Favourite Characters
-Llyana (ohwait wrong fire emblem)... uh... Noire (orange hair), Henry, Miriel, Severa (dark brown), Lon'qu as I always thought he secretly liked boys >.>
Apr 25, 2014
my strongest character has to be my severa from the third game that i did, her stat total 295. skills aptitude "ya i know i need to replace that now that her stats are all maxed" armsthrift " i give her a bunch of really op weapons" galeforce "thx cordelia :3" sol "just in case" axe breaker " what i don't like axes XD" she is a hero with 80 hp and her stats are, str 45+2 from weapon so 47, mag 29, skill 48, spd 44, lck 48, def 42+2 from weapon so 44, and res 35. I should of gotten donnel and cordelia to max before i recruited her, but to late now :3. My favorite character is my avatar from my third game, she's a sniper with a stat total of 283. skills armstrift, bowbreaker, bowfair, lethality, and pass. she has 80 health and her stats are str 40+5 from bow fair so 45, msg 29, skill 28, spd 40, lck 44, def 44, and res 33.
Apr 25, 2014
my strongest character has to be my severa from the third game that i did, her stat total 295. skills aptitude "ya i know i need to replace that now that her stats are all maxed" armsthrift " i give her a bunch of really op weapons" galeforce "thx cordelia :3" sol "just in case" axe breaker " what i don't like axes XD" she is a hero with 80 hp and her stats are, str 45+2 from weapon so 47, mag 29, skill 48, spd 44, lck 48, def 42+2 from weapon so 44, and res 35. I should of gotten donnel and cordelia to max before i recruited her, but to late now :3. My favorite character is my avatar from my third game, she's a sniper with a stat total of 283. skills armstrift, bowbreaker, bowfair, lethality, and pass. she has 80 health and her stats are str 40+5 from bow fair so 45, msg 29, skill 28, spd 40, lck 44, def 44, and res 33.
btw severa and my sniper avatar are partners, ya beating the final level in 2 turns with just the 2 of them and chrom in a corner is fun :D
Apr 25, 2014
I have an update to my strongest character, I started a new game and my nah is very powerful. "btw she has a d stone +." Her stat total is 322. her hp 80, level 27 skills, sword breaker, life taker, lock touch, mov + 1, and acrobat. Btw she also has boots on. Her strength is 54, mag 44, skill 42, spd 38, luck 45, def 58, and res 41. those stats are with the d stone + equipped.


May 22, 2016
My most powerful atm is Morgan, Nowi x Kellam, Nah x Avatar. She's a ridiculous tank.. I'm on my first apotheosis run, this is why I got her so far.

Str 54 +11
Mag 46 +6
Skill 50 +5
Spd 42 +4
Lck 54
Def 58 +13
Res 52 +9

These stats are as a manakete, equipped with Dragonstone+, not paired with any unit
Skills are as follows: Aegis, Pavise, Sol, Limit Breaker, [deciding between Astra and Ignis on last slot]