Oct 27, 2006
Welcome, those of who you have survived through the baron wasteland that was the NASCAR Board, then Other Sports Board, and now we're the Auto Racing Board....

ANYWAY - I'd like to invite everyone to participate in this years fantasy leagues. I have set up two leagues. A NASCAR.com "Fantasy Live" league and a Yahoo Sports Fantasy League. I welcome everyone to join one, the other, or both.

NASCAR.COM - Fantasy Live 2014 -
IGN Racing League - http://fantasygames.nascar.com/live/entries/27115/leagues/4676
Password: franceisdumb

Yahoo Sports Fantasy Auto Racing League -
IGN Racing League - http://racing.fantasysports.yahoo.com/auto/group/9888
Password: franceisdumb

So there it is. Two chances at glory. The NASCAR.com league has potential to award prizes if we reach 25 members total, so feel free to share the link around....unless you're scared of the competition. [face_mischief]

[URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/quatre47.399006/']@Quatre47[/URL] [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/sagara-san.2502815/']@Sagara-san[/URL] [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/dalejr8630.1704710/']@dalejr8630[/URL] [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/zheel.1119252/']@Zheel[/URL] [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/subzero2891.1821966/']@SubZero2891[/URL] [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/kanejr00.222/']@Kanejr00[/URL] [URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/rhyssa_fireheart.1168035/']@Rhyssa_Fireheart @anyone-else-i-am-forgetting[/URL]
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Jan 8, 2012
I signed up for the NASCAR league....Gordon=Great is my team name if you're curious....it's still my team name even if it's not!!! LOL