
No Longer a Noob
Mar 24, 2003
As like last time Famitsu held a character poll to decide upon characters for the future installments of the series, this previous month.

Here are the results and characters you will probably see making their debuts with the next Dynasty Warriors title.

1st - Chen Gong - Others
2nd - Xun Yu - Wei ([face_thinking])
3rd - Yu Jin - Wei ([face_mischief])
4th - Zhu Ran - Wu ([face_applause])
5th - Cheng Pu - Wu ([face_applause])
6th - Lu Kang - Wu
7th - Gao Shun - Others
8th - Wang Ping - Shu
9th - Fa Zheng - Shu
10th - Zhuge Jin - Wu


Just as previously, a design was created similarly to how Guo Jia was created for Xtreme Legends as with the winning position. This time around Chen Gong wins the contest and will undoubtedly be introduced with Xtreme Legends at some point in the future. [face_applause]
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2008
Would have rather had Cao Hong than Xun Yu but meh. I really like the Wu votes and Wang Ping for Shu but would have rather seen Liao Hua than Fa Zheng. Chen Gong would bring an interesting spin to the game. His story is pretty cool and Lu Bu needs some non-generic officers to hang with lol.