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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Family Guy Preview: "Ocean's Three and a Half"[/link]

Fox's animation block is back in full this week when Bonnie Swanson (Jennifer Tilly) finally gives birth to a baby girl named Susie. Fans of Family Guy know that Bonnie has been pregnany for seven years now and it looks to pay off as Bonnie's new daughter will be Stewie's new love interest. He vows to do just about anything to get in her diaper. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


No Longer a Noob
Nov 15, 2000
Couldn't agree more. It's been too long since the last new episode. Well, i guess I just did.


Sep 14, 2006
TMZ has a clip from the episode... Christian Bale goin off on Peter Griffin... even better than the David After Dentist mash up


Oct 26, 2007
Can't wait for this episode! but Stewie's character has kinda gotten downhill. First they stop his attempts to kill Lois and turn him gay and now he's straight...
Sep 26, 2008
Can someone tell me what happened to Joes son? He was on the show early on but he disappeared. Did they just quietly pulled from the show?


Oct 31, 2004
What ever happened to Cleveland's son? And what johhny2008 said about Joe's son (suicide) that true? I've seen EVERY episode and they never really said what happened to either of them, unless they were in one of those random flashbacks.
Sep 16, 2008
Finally someone other than me notices that Cleveland and Joe's sons have been out of the picture the whole time! For fans who care about the history of the show, it's a little bit of a disappointment on Family Guy's part since The Simpson's rarely does it with their characters or at least have reasons for their disappearances.
Sep 26, 2008
Thank You!!! I thought I was the only one miffed about the continuity of this show. Why cant they stop stretching for new characters like Peters new dad and Brians new son and try focusing on the people they got!


Mar 21, 2008
I personally think this episode has great potiential to be funny, but the idea for this episode (and, if the information on wikipedia is actually correct, the next one, too) appears to have already been covered by South Park (the SP election episode was a parody of Ocean's 11). I personally don't care if two shows parody the same movie because both parodies will be different and unique, but I just find the similarity in ideas a little interesting. Anyways, here's to hoping this episode will be as amazing as it sounds, and not a massive disappointment like 95% of season 7 has been so far.

Oh, and to everyone commenting that Family Guy is the best show ever, you are all complete idiots. Family Guy is a good show and I do look forward to each and every new episode, but the only reason I personally enjoy it is that it is fun (on occasion) to laugh at mindless, stupid humor about movies and pop-culture from the 80's when you're in the mood to relax and zone out. There is no witty humor in this show, and the plotlines are not clever in the slightest. The very few attempts at political and social commentary by this show have failed because they did nothing but say "Republicans suck" and "You suck if you don't believe exactly what I believe". I could go on for days about how rediculous it is to state that Family Guy is even anywhere close to being the best show ever, but if the people that made this statement actually get more out of this show than cheap laughs, annoying characters, terrible writing and plots, cutscenes about 1980's popular culture, and occasional very bad political commentary, than I would be very interested in knowing what makes this show more enjoyable to watch.


Jul 16, 2008
I think Clevelands ex-wife Loretta has custody of Cleveland Jr. He is in the trailer to the Cleveland show were they show him with his dad again but now Cleveland Jr. is fat.


Oct 27, 2005
Oh SPfan098 hey. how ya doin? I didn't realize you were the leading authority on what makes "the best show ever". For you to carpet bomb anyone who happens to think this is the best show ever (and I don't, although I really love it) as idiots shows what an ass-clown you are. I doubt anyone sits in front of their T.V. with a pen and a notepad to take notes on social commentary. Or to come to the realization that "...republicans suck...and you suck if you don't believe what I believe". Huh?! What are you talking about? Yeah they take shots at George Bush for laughs, like 99% of America. They also take shots at Bill Clinton for laughs, like 99% of America. If the shows creator's find it funny, it's exploited. I do agree with your perception that when it comes to the politics republicans and conservatives are more often than not the butt of the jokes. What I don't agree with is that your made to feel less than or that "you suck" for not agreeing with them. So what! Seth Macfarlane is probably left leaning. Infact it's actually a little funny, a left-leaning show on a Fox network...sounds like a sitcom in itself. The show is witty at times if not at least clever. It holds the mirror up to society and makes fun of the things a lot of people talk about in private circles and the comfort of their living room. And the plot lines? What? It's a half an hour cartoon (about 23 min after commercials). What are you expecting an oscar-worthy screenplay. And I happen to think the silliness of the plots are half of the fun. I dunno know? Like you just my opinion. I don't mean to sound so sharp toungued, but you seem to be speaking down to people who enjoy the show or like it for reasons you don't deem worthy. If the laughs are so cheap, the characters so annoying, the writing so terrible, and the political commentary so bad why the hell are you even watching the show...oh yeah mindless humor like the rest of us idiots right? emphasis on mindless! Oh yeah there's an "i" in "rediculous" asshole.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 28, 2008
I have been an avid viewer of Family Guy since day ONE. All of you who say the show has gotten terrible must be completely retarded. I mean... there is just no other explanation for it other than a complete mental breakdown. FG is as clever and no holds barred as it's ever been.


Nov 27, 2004
I dont think the show has gotten worse, I think its a type of hit or miss show, some episodes are brilliant and top notch comedy, others are really bland and unfunny.

But if you look at south park or the simpsons now, which use to be the funniest cartoons on TV. Now they are so unfunny and ridiculously bad and carelessly made, you dont even want to watch them unless your 13 and dont care about real comedy.


Dec 9, 2008
Season 1-3 of Family Guy is very good.

Afterwards, the show jumped the shark and became irrelevant and unfunny.

The overuse of "Remember the time when..." or "That reminds me of..." killed it.



Feb 14, 2003
Does anyone know if Seth actually did the singing in Stewie's music video? If so he has a terrific singing voice!
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