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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Family Guy "Partial Terms of Endearment" DVD Review[/link]
by Cindy White

It's hard to believe that the writers ever expected "Partial Terms of Endearment" to make it to air. Fox did allow the episode to be produced, though, which makes you wonder if this DVD release was the plan from the start. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


The Hero of the Precursors
Oct 3, 2005
This season's premiere episode was actually really good, I'm just surprised that IGN hasn't reviewed "And then there were fewer" yet.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 29, 2010
"Before getting too far into this review, I have to disclose that I've never been a huge fan of Family Guy in general..."

Then...why bother reviewing it in the first place? You're already going in with a negative bias towards something that seems to be directed towards fans, so where did you think it was going to change your mind? editors choice award with that terrible of a review? So confused...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Well I'm officially done with IGN TV.

First, if someone admittedly hates a show why have him review it? He said he doesn't like the humor, so he's obviously not the show's target audience. This entire review was a waste of time.

Second, it's obvious the author is some religious christian who took offense. Boohoo. I think the author should be fired, he's failed to do his job of writing objective reviews.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
ign every year you become more and more of a fail, its tv season atm incase you didn't know! REVIEW FRINGE! REVIEW "and then there were fewer" properly review "THe Event" and "The Office" jeez i mean who asked for those lame commentary's+recaps with some uninventive .gifs?....... Just please take the thumb out ign everyone is complaining!!!! <<<<<<<
Jun 13, 2010
Thank you so much, Cindy.

I am glad to see someone sees this show for what it is-

blatantly obvious jokes. or if they do make a funny, they then have to explain it to us. or hammer it into our head repeatedly. I guess most viewers are either too slow or too stoned to comprehend the humor.

I will admit, family guy has had its moments, particularly with the first 3 seasons. but for the most part, and for seasons 4-7 (thought 8 was ok), hard to understand why people would like family guy and why it has become such a phenomenon.

how is just mentioning a reference to pop culture with no punchline, just an obvious jab at pop culture, how is that funny?

or a writer speaking out of the character's mouth.

for example- something will happen, could be funny. then one of the characters have to point out to us how stupid or absurd it was. which, unless your too slow, would of already understood. which was the core of the comedy for what had just happened.

just so amazes me how much praise this show can have.

well, have to think. anyone 12 or under would love this show. and teens watch mtv, so of course they enjoy horrible, crap watchings. 20 yearolds are drunk.

so sad how society has become so degraded for such garbage television.
Apr 17, 2008
Why did you review it if you hate it, blah, blah, blah.

How about their paid to review it. Also, the reviewer is a she you idiots.

FYI, Family Guys sucks, Seth MacFarlene is a liberal douche that loves to offend people thinking it will be funny.


Jun 19, 2009
This review meant nothing to me because you made it abundantly clear you are biased. A waste of time reading. I didn't finish the article.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 28, 2007
I am majorly surprised you gave it a 7, the whole thing was terrible not because of the topic it was just flat all round. Enjoy a good 24 laugh free minutes.


Jun 25, 2010
umm, youre complaining that hes biased and someone who likes the show should review it. wouldn't that person also be biased, just the other way around?


Sep 26, 2010
I think all things considered this was a pretty fair review. I mean, it was decent. And was reviewed as decent. Let's face it, Family Guy is a shadow of its former self.


Mar 3, 2010
I would like to hear a review that didn't bash all the same crap everyone, including myself complains about. I've been watching the show for years and yes I have my faults with the show too, but by now they've been spoken so much by everyone that they need not be pointed at. There are episodes of Family Guy that really hit the mark and are hilarious and then there are the crappy run of the mill episodes that either highlight Meg's uselessness or Brian's annoying liberal stance. So which one is it pal?
Jul 17, 2003
Its nice to hear a non-fanboy opinion on contemporary Family Guy episodes (current seasons ARE garbage), but it doesn't matter. A DVD for one episode is always a bad idea, whether its Family Guy or South Park or Spongebob or whatever. Whenever a writing team HAS to perform, they always seem to falter. There's nothing special about an episode like this - chances were, it would actually be worse than usual.

Oh man, and putting that awful live variety show on this disc? Even worse. This disc is, like, at negative value because of that. There's a reason Alex Borstein is better heard and not seen - like the rest of the Mad TV alum.


Jul 4, 2007
The first paragraph of this review is a douchebag trying to pretend he's too smart to watch Family Guy. It's hard to trust his opinion after that. It'd be nice to know who wrote this review for future reference.


Mar 9, 2004
Weird that it was not shown in the US.
It was shown on Irish tv and there was actually NO reaction from either the media or the catlick church.


Oct 1, 2004
It really is a waste of time having someone who dislikes the show review something like this. This isn't something that they're expecting anyone *but* fans of the the show to buy. So having a non-fan review it serves no purpose. They don't like the show in general so their complaints about the show just waste space and time. Someone who likes the show may be positively biased, but at least they get the show and could convey to other fans how this episode stands up in comparison to the rest of the show's eps.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 14, 2007
This isn't really a first on TV for abortion controversy, I'm surprised it wasn't aired. South Park has done plenty of offensive abortion stuff and gotten away with it (although it's not FOX). In the woodland critters Christmas episode the little lion cubs learn how to give abortions. And the episode where Mr. Garrison gets a sex change is pretty offensive too (mind you I laughed pretty hard when he said to the abortion doctor "Oh you don't have to suck the baby out, you can just scramble his brains and I'll quif it out later"). Either way, abortion humour is nothing new. Think I'll skip on this, South park is a better show than family guy anyway.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 15, 2004
I like Family Guy largely because it's willing to take chances in pissing off people, even its own established audience, much akin to South Park (which, in the overall sense, is a superior show, as South Park has aged much better). I don't always agree, but commonly Family Guy, like South Park, makes a valid argument for what it's trying to say. Since this topic was probably only cause for alarm because of the religious right, I'm more than willing to see how the story and jokes play out.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 11, 2008
Meh Family Guy has become a hit and miss with me so to speak. It has its moments, sometimes its funny where as others its like wtf!?


Mar 3, 2010
Wait... You guys had time to review this, but not The event, Fringe, Community, Castle, SGU, and many others that I dont know about? Get on the ball Ign.


Jul 25, 2001
So a guy that admits he does not like family guy does a review of a family guy episode, and he does not like it. What are we supposed to take from that?


Oct 29, 2009
erm... "to address the episode more specifically, it's hard to believe that the writers ever expected "Partial Terms of Endearment" to make it to air."
the writers never intended for the episode to air (although it did in the UK-mostly)
and yeah someone who reads as someone not to bothered the writer not being not a fan, whose not too happy with the franchises' bases.
poor article ign


Original poster
I don't understand why it wasn't shown in the US. I watched on TV in the UK and didn't see anything wrong with it. Abortion is perfectly legal in the UK, is it in the US?
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