
Mar 11, 2010
Which of the cartoon show episodes are best according to you. I would go with Family Guy series.
Apr 7, 2010
I love family guy TV Show.It's all characters depicted in the show are so lovely and cuddlesome, that one can not resist himself watching them again and again. These embraceable and snuggly animated characters bring the lost charm back, in our humdrum lives. The concept of the show is so lively and full of amusement that it keeps its viewers bind to their couches, till the eleventh hour of the show.The show has garnered a unique fan following that strongly craves to [link=]watch Family Guy online[/link].When I watch Family Guy episodes I will die laughing due to its unusual comedy.
Jul 30, 2010
Family Guy because no matter how many times you watch it it's never not funny but with the Simpsons even when I see a episode for the first time I usually don't find all the jokes funny.


Sep 11, 2010
I like both but because of Peter i will say Family Guy is my favorite :)
by the way I have made some t-shirts designs inspired from "the bird is the word" episode and Brian puke moments. See my signature.


Sep 22, 2010
90s Simpsons episodes are way better than any of Family Guy's epsiodes. FG is such an overrated rip off of the Simpsons that relies on tried humour that usually involves 80s references most of their audience doesn't get.


Jul 31, 2006
Fam Guy ftw. I used to love the Simpsons but now that i'm older, it's not nearly as funny as it used to be. It's still enjoyable though, Family Guy just makes me laugh so much more...


Apr 10, 2010
alyien2k5 said:
90s Simpsons episodes are way better than any of Family Guy's epsiodes. FG is such an overrated rip off of the Simpsons that relies on tried humour that usually involves 80s references most of their audience doesn't get.

Just because the main character is fat and stupid doesn't make Family Guy a Simpsons rip-off. Simpson's character designs are horrible and awkward, and the only funny episode wasn't even the episode, but the movie.

And unless your some eleven year old, who shouldn't be watching Family Guy anyway, then you'll catch most of the references. Otherwise you're just stupid or aren't paying attention. And there's more than just 80's references, BTW.


Sep 19, 2010
I like both but i go with Family Guy. I have watched allmost every simpssons episodes. They send it three times a day but FG once so i havent seen all eps. And the jokes in family guy are SO BAD!!! that it makes them GREAT and funny =P

But this is only my opinion
Aug 30, 2003
Anyone with any intelligence or sense of humour would see it exactly like this.

The Simpsons seasons 2-10 are easily the wittiest, cleverest animated shows to have ever been made. This is not up for debate.

The Simpsons Seasons 11-15 vs Family guy seasons 1-4 FG is the edgier and funnier show.

The Simpsons seasons 16+ vs Family guy seasons 5+ = on par with each other.

Therefore overall there is no way it can be denied that The Simpsons, OVERALL is the superior show. It has simply affected changed and been part of our culture so much in the last 20 years. The reason The simpsons lasts is because you dont get the hjokes straight away, it takes several watches. FG jokes are easy, low brow and chilish, thats why they are easy to get. In this respect The Simpsons is the more adult show. Please note crude sex references and swearing does not make a show adult. I could swear when I was 7.

FG had something stupid but clever about it for the first 4 seasons, and the Simpsons was losing its edge, which meant for a few years FG could be argued as being funnier and edgier than the former.

I believe that to truely apprieciate the simpsons you will have had to have been born, in the 70's or 80's because otherwise you wont have understood the show before its later seasons, but will have got into Family guy around its inception or middle seasons.

Threfore todays FG fanbase which a lot of are between 12 and 20 will prefer FG because its what theyve grown up with.

However as someone whos lived through BOTH, I dont think this age old debate is worth argueing anymore.

There is simply absolutely and entirely no doubt that The Simpsons is the better overall show.

That is not saying however that every single period of the simpsons has been better than every single period of FG.


Apr 10, 2010
Lumpysoadfan1 said:
Anyone with any intelligence or sense of humour would see it exactly like this.

The Simpsons seasons 2-10 are easily the wittiest, cleverest animated shows to have ever been made. This is not up for debate.

The Simpsons Seasons 11-15 vs Family guy seasons 1-4 FG is the edgier and funnier show.

The Simpsons seasons 16+ vs Family guy seasons 5+ = on par with each other.

Therefore overall there is no way it can be denied that The Simpsons, OVERALL is the superior show. It has simply affected changed and been part of our culture so much in the last 20 years. The reason The simpsons lasts is because you dont get the hjokes straight away, it takes several watches. FG jokes are easy, low brow and chilish, thats why they are easy to get. In this respect The Simpsons is the more adult show. Please note crude sex references and swearing does not make a show adult. I could swear when I was 7.

FG had something stupid but clever about it for the first 4 seasons, and the Simpsons was losing its edge, which meant for a few years FG could be argued as being funnier and edgier than the former.

I believe that to truely apprieciate the simpsons you will have had to have been born, in the 70's or 80's because otherwise you wont have understood the show before its later seasons, but will have got into Family guy around its inception or middle seasons.

Threfore todays FG fanbase which a lot of are between 12 and 20 will prefer FG because its what theyve grown up with.

However as someone whos lived through BOTH, I dont think this age old debate is worth argueing anymore.

There is simply absolutely and entirely no doubt that The Simpsons is the better overall show.

That is not saying however that every single period of the simpsons has been better than every single period of FG.

I understand that you think that you're smart because you use big words, but you're really not. I understand that you're trying to make an argument, but you realize that no matter how many times you say "That's a fact!" you're whole comment is still an opinion. I'm older than 20, and I've lived through both, and I proudly say that Family Guy is better. It's not all immature humor, and a good poop joke or random gag every now and then never hurt anybody. Simpsons can be funny, but it's often time less witty, more plot focus (which I don't want in an animated sitcom), and has oddly colored and designed character models. Family Guy has some brilliant action sequences, too, and isn't afraid to be as controversial as possible. Things like the "We'd support you South Park but we're scared" thing was cool and funny, but one of those rare moments that genuinely surprised me about Simpsons.

In the end, your argument doesn't hold much wait.
Aug 30, 2003
jakob997 said:
Lumpysoadfan1 said:
Anyone with any intelligence or sense of humour would see it exactly like this.

The Simpsons seasons 2-10 are easily the wittiest, cleverest animated shows to have ever been made. This is not up for debate.

The Simpsons Seasons 11-15 vs Family guy seasons 1-4 FG is the edgier and funnier show.

The Simpsons seasons 16+ vs Family guy seasons 5+ = on par with each other.

Therefore overall there is no way it can be denied that The Simpsons, OVERALL is the superior show. It has simply affected changed and been part of our culture so much in the last 20 years. The reason The simpsons lasts is because you dont get the hjokes straight away, it takes several watches. FG jokes are easy, low brow and chilish, thats why they are easy to get. In this respect The Simpsons is the more adult show. Please note crude sex references and swearing does not make a show adult. I could swear when I was 7.

FG had something stupid but clever about it for the first 4 seasons, and the Simpsons was losing its edge, which meant for a few years FG could be argued as being funnier and edgier than the former.

I believe that to truely apprieciate the simpsons you will have had to have been born, in the 70's or 80's because otherwise you wont have understood the show before its later seasons, but will have got into Family guy around its inception or middle seasons.

Threfore todays FG fanbase which a lot of are between 12 and 20 will prefer FG because its what theyve grown up with.

However as someone whos lived through BOTH, I dont think this age old debate is worth argueing anymore.

There is simply absolutely and entirely no doubt that The Simpsons is the better overall show.

That is not saying however that every single period of the simpsons has been better than every single period of FG.

I understand that you think that you're smart because you use big words, but you're really not. I understand that you're trying to make an argument, but you realize that no matter how many times you say "That's a fact!" you're whole comment is still an opinion. I'm older than 20, and I've lived through both, and I proudly say that Family Guy is better. It's not all immature humor, and a good poop joke or random gag every now and then never hurt anybody. Simpsons can be funny, but it's often time less witty, more plot focus (which I don't want in an animated sitcom), and has oddly colored and designed character models. Family Guy has some brilliant action sequences, too, and isn't afraid to be as controversial as possible. Things like the "We'd support you South Park but we're scared" thing was cool and funny, but one of those rare moments that genuinely surprised me about Simpsons.

In the end, your argument doesn't hold much wait.

I got to the point where you said 'The Simpsons is less witty' and decided that you might as well have not written this post.

That very bit there indicates to any sane, intelligent person that you are wrong.

Yes it IS possible for an opinion to be wrong

If I said it was genuinely my opinon that world war 2 never happened, would that not be able to be called as wrong just because its my opinon?

I never said every single indivdual person thinks the simpsons is better.
I said the Simpsons IS the better show.

Thats not my opinon that is fact, backed up by the amount of awards it has won, the culture it has brought about and changed, and by the fact its been going for so long.

The simpsons IS the more intelligent and witty show, FACT. If you look up the definiton of witty you will see what I mean.

Im not trying to say here that you cant find FG better, there are plenty of people out there who enjoy that type of humour more, but the question was posed, which is the better show, thus undoubtably regardless of whether you prefer FG The Simpsons is always going to be the better show because of what its done.

Jesus, the very fact I said that 1-3 seasons of FG bettered the simpsons at that time is amazing enough, FG should know its place in history and that is second (or third as possibly south park could be called better) best.



Apr 10, 2010
Lumpysoadfan1 said:
jakob997 said:
Lumpysoadfan1 said:
Anyone with any intelligence or sense of humour would see it exactly like this.

The Simpsons seasons 2-10 are easily the wittiest, cleverest animated shows to have ever been made. This is not up for debate.

The Simpsons Seasons 11-15 vs Family guy seasons 1-4 FG is the edgier and funnier show.

The Simpsons seasons 16+ vs Family guy seasons 5+ = on par with each other.

Therefore overall there is no way it can be denied that The Simpsons, OVERALL is the superior show. It has simply affected changed and been part of our culture so much in the last 20 years. The reason The simpsons lasts is because you dont get the hjokes straight away, it takes several watches. FG jokes are easy, low brow and chilish, thats why they are easy to get. In this respect The Simpsons is the more adult show. Please note crude sex references and swearing does not make a show adult. I could swear when I was 7.

FG had something stupid but clever about it for the first 4 seasons, and the Simpsons was losing its edge, which meant for a few years FG could be argued as being funnier and edgier than the former.

I believe that to truely apprieciate the simpsons you will have had to have been born, in the 70's or 80's because otherwise you wont have understood the show before its later seasons, but will have got into Family guy around its inception or middle seasons.

Threfore todays FG fanbase which a lot of are between 12 and 20 will prefer FG because its what theyve grown up with.

However as someone whos lived through BOTH, I dont think this age old debate is worth argueing anymore.

There is simply absolutely and entirely no doubt that The Simpsons is the better overall show.

That is not saying however that every single period of the simpsons has been better than every single period of FG.

I understand that you think that you're smart because you use big words, but you're really not. I understand that you're trying to make an argument, but you realize that no matter how many times you say "That's a fact!" you're whole comment is still an opinion. I'm older than 20, and I've lived through both, and I proudly say that Family Guy is better. It's not all immature humor, and a good poop joke or random gag every now and then never hurt anybody. Simpsons can be funny, but it's often time less witty, more plot focus (which I don't want in an animated sitcom), and has oddly colored and designed character models. Family Guy has some brilliant action sequences, too, and isn't afraid to be as controversial as possible. Things like the "We'd support you South Park but we're scared" thing was cool and funny, but one of those rare moments that genuinely surprised me about Simpsons.

In the end, your argument doesn't hold much wait.

I got to the point where you said 'The Simpsons is less witty' and decided that you might as well have not written this post.

That very bit there indicates to any sane, intelligent person that you are wrong.

Yes it IS possible for an opinion to be wrong

If I said it was genuinely my opinon that world war 2 never happened, would that not be able to be called as wrong just because its my opinon?

I never said every single indivdual person thinks the simpsons is better.
I said the Simpsons IS the better show.

Thats not my opinon that is fact, backed up by the amount of awards it has won, the culture it has brought about and changed, and by the fact its been going for so long.

The simpsons IS the more intelligent and witty show, FACT. If you look up the definiton of witty you will see what I mean.

Im not trying to say here that you cant find FG better, there are plenty of people out there who enjoy that type of humour more, but the question was posed, which is the better show, thus undoubtably regardless of whether you prefer FG The Simpsons is always going to be the better show because of what its done.

Jesus, the very fact I said that 1-3 seasons of FG bettered the simpsons at that time is amazing enough, FG should know its place in history and that is second (or third as possibly south park could be called better) best.

The fact that you didn't read my entire post shows how ignorant you are, rather or not you thought it was intelligent or not. And if you so much about intelligence, then why do you spell like a second grader? If you are trying to make an intelligent argument, then you should at least know how to spell "opinion", "definition", and "individual", to name a few examples.

And again, no matter how many times you say you're right doesn't mean you are. You can tell yourself "Simpsons IS the better show" all you want, it doesn't mean you are right. Sure Simpsons is popular among people, but it hasn't "changed people's cultures" or whatever. Sure it's won awards, but that was back when it was actually GOOD. The only reason The Simpsons is still going is because the movie was okay and it was popular enough to continue the show. But just because it's still going doesn't mean it's funny. Heroes lasted four seasons, but does that mean every episode was pure gold? No, only seasons one was good (four was okay). Talk to me about intelligence and comprehension all you want, but until you start PROVIDING some, and back up your arguments instead of trapping yourself in your own little bubble, then you should stop posting on here and act like you actually have brain cells.
Aug 30, 2003
Wow, just wow. You know what made me laugh there?

I intentionally did not make a comment about your awful spelling because thats the weakest way to retort to someone in an arguement. For someone who spells weight as wait, how the hell could you make a blatently hypocritical comment like that? Seriously this is great because this is exactly the kind of intelligence( or lack of) and blindness that exactly proves my point.

Anyway, that insanity aside let me make it clearer again

-The Simpsons is the better overall show
-By definition of wit, The Simpsons is far superior
-FG was better than The Simpsons for a short period when the Simpsons went into decline
-Both shows are now very average on par with each other mostly.
-If you possibly think that The Simpsons seasons 3-8 were actually not as witty as FG, then I fear for you. But I dont think you do. I think you just see what the Simpsons is now and make that judgement.

I'm still laughing at you for commenting on my spelling though, which is actually as a result of hard to press keys hence why some letters dont appear.

However putting wait instead of weight is not a typo.


Apr 10, 2010
Lumpysoadfan1 said:
Wow, just wow. You know what made me laugh there?

I intentionally did not make a comment about your awful spelling because thats the weakest way to retort to someone in an arguement. For someone who spells weight as wait, how the hell could you make a blatently hypocritical comment like that? Seriously this is great because this is exactly the kind of intelligence( or lack of) and blindness that exactly proves my point.

Anyway, that insanity aside let me make it clearer again

-The Simpsons is the better overall show
-By definition of wit, The Simpsons is far superior
-FG was better than The Simpsons for a short period when the Simpsons went into decline
-Both shows are now very average on par with each other mostly.
-If you possibly think that The Simpsons seasons 3-8 were actually not as witty as FG, then I fear for you. But I dont think you do. I think you just see what the Simpsons is now and make that judgement.

I'm still laughing at you for commenting on my spelling though, which is actually as a result of hard to press keys hence why some letters dont appear.

However putting wait instead of weight is not a typo.

You've ignored half of my points and are STILL trapping yourself in your own little bubble. As I've said a million times, tell yourself "The Simpsons is better" all you want, but that doesn't mean it is. Stating specific seasons doesn't help make you look smart, either. But, what am I saying? You probably will just ignore this just like everything else. And BTW, even if I spelled "weight" wrong, my spelling isn't anywhere near as horrible as yours. I'd rather spell one word wrong then the crap loads you have.
Apr 7, 2010
skater4lifeNY said:
Family Guy all the way.

Me too. I love family guy. Family guy is astounding comedy show. The fictional Griffins family could be a mad house needless to say. Each character is incredibly dissimilar to the opposite one. therefore we are able to say that Peter Griffin and his relations are extraordinarily funny in their own distinctive method. [link=]Watch family guy[/link] online to savour your sprightliness with baked junkies from the show. This sensible characterization is one amongst the foremost reasons for matchless standing of the series within the world of humor-stuffed animations.


May 8, 2011
FG for a while, but then I found it quickly grew stale.

Amber's Advice @

Oct 27, 2011
I guess the real question is do you want a show that has been there and done almost everything over 20 plus seasons or a show that is at times smart and a little crude? With family guy it seems that they are at least still trying to keep things intresting. The simpsons have burned through pretty much every original character and storyline. They seem to mainly depend on guess stars ( the last time I watched which was about 5 years ago) and let's face it when is the baby going to talk, homer going to lose his job, and his wife going to leave him? Now that would make things really intresting!!! It also seems that once a animated series does a movie that is pretty much it. Example the Rugrats
Mar 27, 2011
well my knowledge of both is a little more recent than 5 years ago, and I am not sure if you
can suggest family guy is trying when the simpson might not be, family guy's narrative even more than ever is wafer thin, the audience is pretty much just waiting for the cut away gag (well I am at least), American Dad is way better than both in my opinion
Jan 22, 2012
You can see that both have gotten more desperate as the years went on. Simpsons ran out of ideas, so then went full pop-culture. Family got bored with pop-culture so now they are just pushing their characters & their relationship with each other to the breaking point.

All in all, simpsons. Far more classic and globally appealing show.