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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Family Guy Flashback: "Da Boom" Review[/link]
by Ahsan Haque

This alternate reality episode features several series firsts and has some of the most memorable sequences of the series. At a time when Bill Clinton was still the President of the United States and the Y2K bug was causing significant paranoia at all levels of society, this episode also serves as an interesting snapshot of American culture at the time. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
May 21, 2008
Classic episode. Oh, yeah, almost forgot to mention.....South Park sucks and so does it's fans. So in your face SP fans.
Feb 8, 2008
this episode was funny as hell, but i think it may not be as funny to me because im too young to know who randy newman is and im not really sure what "Dallas" is....i was kinda confused by the ending


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Dallas was an old tv show...ask your parents. Great episode. I love Family Guy and all but I' m sorry blackdash I would like to see family guy do something as epic as the Imagination land story arc without having to resort to random jokes for filler.
Mar 16, 2005
@nbalivemaster. i thought i didn't know who randy newman was either but if you've seen toy story then you've heard of him. he sang the theme song in the beggining of the movie. i forget the name of it though...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
You know, if you're gonna write a review, don't do it so short. And actually make it sound like the score you're giving is what the episode deserves. Seriously, you spend only one paragraph discussing the plot, and everything else is centered around humor (while understandable for Family Guy, it really shouldn't be this way in a review regardless). Plus, all you really say is "oh, this joke's memorable or good", and that stuff. Maybe go a little in-depth in all this, please? I know it sounds like I'm thrashing the guy, buy after reading this review, I feel like it doesn't say enough to tell me the episode deserves a perfect score.

However, it is still a fine episode, and it does indeed have one of the more solid plots in the series. The Y2K thing was a good joke then, but now it seems dated for having been eight years back, yet even then it's a good reminder of just how silly we Americans can get. Plus you gotta hand it to that one joke "Hey, Bob, do you remember that conversation yesterday when you asked me what the definition of irony was, and I said--AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!" It still gets way over a 9, though, and perhaps it does deserve a 10. However, please make a better in-depth discussion of your episodes if you want to get that point across.
Oct 18, 2006
nbalivemaster said:
this episode was funny as hell, but i think it may not be as funny to me because im too young to know who randy newman is and im not really sure what "Dallas" is....i was kinda confused by the ending

Dallas, as someone else said, is an old TV series. It was basically a prime-time soap opera. The joke here is that in one episode, Patrick Duffy's character is killed, and the story keeps on progressing. A whole season goes by, and then suddenly the girl wakes up in bed and hears the shower running, and finds Duffy inside. The whole season is shown to have been a dream, in an epic shark-jumping moment.


Aug 1, 2000
When this first aired, I remember not liking it at all. I initially did not like Mila Kunis as the voice of Meg, but now I can't stand Lacey Chabert's version of Meg. The epic chicken battles also didn't become funny to me until they started happening more frequently.

By itself, it seemed like a random mess of an episode, but when you look at its influence on future episodes, it's an instant classic.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 13, 2005
"Despite the fact that all of the events in the episode are revealed to be a dream, it doesn't take away from the high degree of amusement provided. "

reviews shouldn't contain spoilers.


Aug 26, 2005
hey marty7044, its a flashback review from an episode that aired YEARS ago... I'd understand your comment if this were an advance review of a future episode, but the vast majority of people reading these reviews are long time family guy fans who have seen the episode many times, and are thinking back on it.

That said, this is probably my favorite ep of FG. It had the original chicken fight, Randy Newman, Clevemire/Quagland, cannibalism, Peter murdering Chris' pet tree Woody, and of course who could forget Patrick Duffy... High quality entertainment!
Sep 26, 2008
While this episode is very interesting, one thing that does not fit is the severity of the holocaust. Based on how many bombs that went off, there should have been nothing left period. The damage level is closer to conventional weapons not nuclear weapons. In the basement the griffens may have been safe, but everyone else would have been vaporized. A mutation such as Cleavland-Quagmire would be impossible even if they survived. But with so many bombs going off it would be very unlikely for anyone to survive. Being underground the griffins might survive but even that is uncertain.
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