
No Longer a Noob
Jun 25, 2011
You have been added to the creative team to help them with the project of fable IV, which is slated to have a 2013 holiday release with the new xbox. You are being tasked to say what went right with fable 3, what went wrong, what can be improved and added in fable IV, to make it the best in the series. What do you do, how do you go about offering ideas that, in this scenario, would make it out on the game(Albeit realistic.)

*Bonus, if you want to be creative, also state how you would go about having it interact with the Kinect.

Personally, I think that Fable should try and go back towards the original fable and what went right there. The good bad system is pretty interetsing, maybe have more powers stretch from this. For example, if you are an evil bastard, have an ability to summon a devil's cry and make your character crazy powerful for like, 15 seconds. And if you're a saint, perform a battle cry that detsroys any demon or undead, and calms down any other enemy for 30 seconds.

Gotta make the world map bigger, the cities larger, and the campaing much longer imo. Just a couple things off the top of my head.


Jul 21, 2012
Mar 26, 2012
JOKER1756 it was never about sex to begin it was pure it was the true bloodline to be a true hero if they make weapons stronger the enemies will get stronger as well and people to kill really you have no idea what it realy means what it's about you are a discrace now that that is covered i think they should return to the time of exp and lists in stead of rooms of maniquins and i prefered to be a warrior not a leader
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Dec 21, 2007
I loved fable the lost chapters I played it over & over & over again I'm about to play it again in fact : ) I love the artwork in fable its a very beautiful game but with the new fables 2 & 3 now this journey bs look peter before you loose all your fans here is what you need to do the same thing I have posted every where for every game since fable 2,3 & journey stop going in the future nobody cares your future shit sucks ok it just sucks the story lines are so fking boring its pathetic your fable games feel like a chore 2 play idc about interacting with stupid npc who have nothing interesting 2 say idc about having a family some ppl do & thats fine idc its not my main problem my main problem is your ideas for fable I mean look at fable tlc everybody loves it the epic jack of blades all the awesome hero's the monsters the hero's guild all the weapons & Armour you took everything we loved & threw it all away & then pushed the fable games so far into the future I mean wtf why u had the best rpg game out on the market fable tlc then u fked it all up with fable 2,3 & now journey idk if u like hit your head or went stupid idk what the fk u were thinking & wtf why do u always kill our dog ? look your next fable game does not need to be in the future you need to go back to the hero's guild have epic evil monsters awesome heroes 2 travel the world with & evil hero's 2 fight & yes jack of blades has 2 come back idc how or why but he has 2 come back & look the same maybe change him a lil update him ect you need to play fable tlc again & again & again until you finally realize why we fell in love with fable we love the whole idea of having so many weapons & Armour 2 pick from we dont give a shit about regular cloths we want to look bad ass kill bad ass monsters & other hero's we want to live in a crazy dark world filled with danger we want to the bad ass hero we want 2 be way back in time in this awesome mystical land the future is fking boring i dont want to run around & see a fking ugly ass factory it takes away from the whole fable experience its like you dont care about fable anymore you obviously have no idea why we love fable or at least you dont any more if you ever did fable tlc was this just crazy insane experience fighting the ultimate evil battling in the epic arena side by side with the hero whisper from our child hood growing up in the hero's guild witch you made 2 dam short let us enjoy being a kid & teenager really base a good story line from that with us really feeling like we grew up in the hero's guild meeting these awesome hero's training us & let us watch as a few of them turn evil dont let fable end the same way let us pick to be good or evil really let us pick have fable really change drastically witch our choices let us team up with bandits & evil hero's let fable's story line evolve & change & even end based on how good or evil you are say we are evil we would end up fighting the hero's guild killing the hero's & of we are good let us have some epic battle against the evil hero's & have the next fable start 1 of 2 ways based on if you were good or evil how u ended the last fable there is so much you could do 2 really bring the old fable back the fable we all love & know the real fable the fable we all want to play not this bs you have been putting out I know you guys work hard on it but whats the point the fable games are not fun anymore you have killed fable for me & im sorry but until I see the real fable the fable with hero's & the hero's guild jack of blades lots of swords & Armour just going out & being good or evil Im done with the fable games this shit is garbage I didnt want to be so mean about it but I asked nicely the last 3 fable games for u 2 do your dam job & you have failed you failed everyone & wtf is with the no hp bar wtf we never know when its time 2 use a potion cus we cant see the dam hp bar we loved fable for the rich story line the good vs evil jack of blades is the best thing about fable he is so bad ass i want to join him next time not kill him i want to see what albion would be like by joining him & helping him or by killing him if u ever want advice about how 2 make a truly great fable game that ppl we love & want to buy then get in touch with me stop wasting everyone time & money & make a real dam fable game please im so tired of seeing this fable garbage u try 2 pass off as a game I want the real fable back i hate to sound mean about this but after this last few shitty games its obvious you will never make a truly great fable game ever again u will keep trying to push the dam game forward & make us do boring shit that is no fun we just want to be a warrior we want to kill fight along side real hero's & kill the bad ones or join them let us really choice you bs everyone saying the world changes with us how the fuck can u lie to us like that & never let us choice 2 be evil & fight for the bad guys wtf some of us would love that to see how albion would change into a darker place & have an evil hero's guild or be good & do the same shit only it would end the same way every dam game ends being good is so boring & over rated to make a really great game u will have to use my ideas & a lot more it will take a lil more time but if you do this your next fable game will be epic loved by all awards everyone would be happy that u went back to the fable tlc the real fable im not saying completely copy the tlc but bring that style back in the next fable & have a new story line but it can be based around jack of blades some evil new organization aka the evil hero's guild or jack of blades worshipers of course come up with a better name then that haha but they bring him back 2 life & he has the sword of aeons & put in a lot of awesome arenas for us to fight in in every city working our way up 2 this insane huge hard ass arena make the game hard not easy the last ones have zero skill the combat needs to be revamped magic is 2 powerful we needs bows lots of bows not guns lots of new crazy monsters to fight you did all the future bs so its only fair to give us at least 1 epic true fable set back in the time of the hero's no more bs future fables we deserve at least 1 true hero's based fable game let us have wolfs or lil dragons as pet something other then a dog put some real work back into your fable games if you want us 2 interact with the npc give them something interesting 2 say with there own lil story lines & back stories not the lil bs fetch quest for every npc they all look alike act the same they are boring as shit we have a family let my kid grow up in the hero's guild let me train him watch him grow & fight along side me if u want me 2 have a family make them have an active role in my life I want to take my son 2 the arena with me & fight he can be ether good or evil with or against me I wish I knew how to make games I would come work for you & show u how to make a truly great fable game I have all these ideas & no way to make them happen I mean am I the only 1 who thinks this way does nobody want the real fable back are you all ok with this shitty half assed fables that have been coming out ? if not stand up & be heard demand the true fable games back or else this shitty based future fable bs will keep coming out & the real fable will be lost forever I cant get the true fable back with no help no support dont dare call me mean i was nice as hell but he keeps throwing out these shitty fables & its an insult to fable what fable is all about if u never played fable tlc stfu & go play it u will see exactly what i mean please if there are any true fable gamers left out there help me get the real fable game back 2 show the world what fable was meant to be & what it still can mean if they would just go back to the core fable tlc & see where they went wrong with fable 2,3 & this journey bs you always try & say fable is so unique & ground breaking but its the same bs over & over fable tlc is the best thing u have & ever will do unless u make a real fable game again u have done the future bs so please for all the real fable gamers who have been with u since fable & fable tlc we deserve a game for us u keep making these fables to get new ppl ok u can stop now did u forget all about the true fans who have been with u since black & white dont we deserve at least 1 true fable game


Sep 18, 2012
skaterryan16 I mostly agree with your ideas your this tirade. I think Fable TLC was the best of the series, but I liked having spell weaving in Fable 3. It brought a new and interesting flavor to the game and that needs to stay and have variety for people like me that like spell weaving. But I also know that my best friend loves using the weapons so there should definitely be close range and long range weapons. Also it would be cool if we could equip our weapons with magic. And our magic would change and grow with our status of good or evil.
I also like the idea of having a family but would like to have them be more active. Like giving family relationships more importance. Getting updates from what is going on at home, helping make decisions with children, having the option to train your child in your footsteps, or being able to take your child out to battle, etc. I think also that your children should not age too much during the game; by the end of the game is when they would reach adulthood. Then in the next game it revolves around the child and the actions they made. This would be so cool if we had the option to make them good or evil and also would bring a new dynamic to the parent/ child relationship. Imagine an evil parent trying to train and conform their child but the child wants to be good or vice versa. Also it should have a limit of how many kids you can have; probably three max so that you can keep up a story line. It would also make it easier to only have one family at a time. You could still have the option to sleep around but you always have to be careful (condoms).
I also liked the changing environments; like if you are evil the town and atmosphere changes with it. I think you should bring back the hero guild but update it, so that it would make sense. That would mean that everything would take place before the hero guild is completely destroyed. Oh it would sweet if our character from the fifth game's child is the character from Fable 2. It would be awesome to have it all loop around and connect like that. I also think there should be more dialogue between the characters. Like within the families and there should be options in how to interact ; to discipline children, praise children's behavior, giving gifts, doing chores, etc. Not only with the family but also with any important characters. You should should have accomplices and spies and people trying to influence you for the good or bad. I also think that the territories should be expanded and smaller towns should be scattered throughout the bigger cities. And we should be able to choose between assisting towns when they have battles going on and whether we want to help the town or the people attacking the town.


Feb 22, 2012
skaterryan16 I know exactly what you mean the first fable was amazing it was my favorite video games for years for me when I was growing up. I could play it over and over again and not get bored I loved what time it took place I loved how you could actually where armor instead of cloth that you can dye. They have been pushing fable out too quickly they need to take some time to make a great fable. All that time they took to make fable the journey was wasted. NOBODY wants to play fable for kinect.. Im sorry but they don't. They could have put that time into fable 4. I want to see some fellow heroes with a rich bloodline (not as rich as ours anyways) but some real heroes like me and I want to continue off with Thersea shes been in every single game and has never told them how she was related to them. Where does she teleport too all the time? Does she have kids? A husband? Is he a hero? Are her kids heroes? Like why couldn't we take our kid from the first fable and have him grow up too be the main character for the 2nd one? Id like too see fable stop going into the future. I hate how they try to take a mid evil game and put guns in it I HATE it. I like to see magi,bows, and warriors. Fable honestly needs to lean towards Dragon age origins a little. All these fables and there graphics have gotten more and more childish as they've gone. You can't make an M rated game and have its graphics like. That but more then that the storyline the original storyline needs to venture fourth. Or maybe make an origins game and play as our mother or something. Just something that continues off the first game. The first game changed lives and was amazing.


Feb 22, 2012
And joker your just dumb fable was never about sex? if you want sex go watch porn or something.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 24, 2009
And joker your just dumb fable was never about sex? if you want sex go watch porn or something.
Actually i agree with his "don't black out the screen" comment. Not because i wanna see cartoon goodies, but because i hate seeing black screens all the time. Just zoom outside the house or something!
Mar 26, 2012
i want to play the journey and it does tell about theresa and what if you didn't have a child fable is about being different and this may seem biased but prequals suck because well look at halo reach they say master chief isn't as cool he did the work of a strike team of spartans did and they explained away the new weapons and gear by reach is gone oh look there goes pluto i can't run bye mars no more doging
Oct 2, 2012
I would like the return of FABLE TLC game play. There should be the reoccurring of legendary weapons, hence they are legendary, they survived millenniums. Also, make the Sword of Aeons and Avo's Tear actually more powerful. I hated how Jack of Blades was able to do all of these spells with the sword, but as soon as I get the Sword of Aeons, it's a regular sword with a Health augmentation, Mana augmentation and Experience augmentation. Avo and Skorm should be real gods in the Fable world and have some of their power with in Avo's Tear and Skorm's Bow. There should be special spells that can only be used with these weapons. There should be more towns to explore, a ship to travel to distant lands. Powers leaning toward Fable TLC style. Bring back Infernal Wrath and Divine Fury and the Physical Shield, a few examples. One thing that always irritated me about Fable TLC is that you had to marry Lady Grey. I know some people will disagree and say "You can marry anyone you wanted." But the truth of the matter is, Lady Grey was the only attractive and differentiated NPC that you could actually marry(excluding the Bordello girls since you could not marry any of them without modding). First, stop making so much of the NPCs look a like, second make more of them you can actually marry. As far as sex goes as JOKER1756 pointed out, they do have a purity to maintain. However, they could go a The Sims type of direction and allow you to see all of the action, but with covering from the sheets and a pixelation censorship of any nudity that the bed sheets do not cover. But Mana, armors, potions and such, these are top priorities that need to return.
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Oct 2, 2012
I also would like the Guild Seal to be able to teleport again like Fable and Fable TLC. The dog from Fable 2 and 3 was kool, why go to a horse? We should also see a steady growth rate of our children. Have them be infants for awhile, then toddlers, then children, then a preteen, then a teenager, then a young adult, then an adult (who can go on missions with you once they have graduated from the heroes guild if you want them to be a hero, but they don't have to be, they could be a baker for example) and so on and so forth.


Oct 21, 2012
The Kinect should increase the powers and effects of spells, and the voice option should let you cycle throught the spells and use the spells. the buttons should have a different effect on spells than the Kinect hand motions can change the radius or what the spell will actually come out to look like.
I want a more dynamic story with more possible outcomes mid-story as well as in the end, with more better spells and weapons, and combat system, everything can improve overall, no game in the franchise, lives up to the original game although <3. players want the new games obviously to surpass the old ones.
There should be secret organizations in the plot and stuff, vast places to explore, and the side missions should each have good story a good story arch and general appeal, and some side missions should affect certain plot elements depending on which ones the player finishes. let players run up on walls and have boss fights on buildings idk, something bold. also, the dog should have spells that you can cast on it to make him transform into different monsters with different functions that can help the player.
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Oct 23, 2012
I love all of the Fable games. I really enjoyed the 1st one. If there was anything I would put into the the new game it would probably be,better looking, more, and easier upgradable weapons would not be bad, and making weapons that are stronger would make the enemies worth more to kill, different and stronger enemies, may be change the spells like swords, (if i remember correctly it use to fight for you not just stab the enemy, and i understand why it does now but i liked having the help in a tough spot, plus now that summon creatures is a potion you can run out),plus more after story quests would help keep players playing long after it is over. Oh I would like to have an easier faster way to level up my character, in 3 the quests were repeatitive and not worth the seals. Making it easier and more excessable to get seals would deffinetly make the game that much easier to get into.
Feb 15, 2013

Yeah, lets see some titties FFS.


Jul 1, 2013
1. Fix the navigation system. For example put a symbol that tells us where we are so that we can go to a specific place.
2. When you use the sword blocking and flourish attacks are both done by holding x. It needs to be different, its extremely annoying.
3. Let us choose our interactions with people. The interactions are all the same. I don't to want to dance with guys.
4. Make leveling up more dependent on combat. You should get more experience for harder enemies. Experience shouldn't based on quests.
5. There is so much money and nothing to spend it on. Make something to spend it on. Like an amazing sword worth a million.


Eternal noob
Jun 18, 2013
Bring back the fun gambling. No more spinner box or keystone (or whatever the hell they called it). As simple as those memory games and card pairs were I actually enjoyed them. A fun way to make a little money.

Also, change the magic system back to what it was in the original game. One button wasn't enough, hotkeying spells to three buttons with the option of a number of three button set ups was vastly superior to what they gave us in 2 and 3.