Nov 10, 2011
Just another example of how the gaming industry is offensive and insulting and the market is constantly squeezing its consumers...As many of you know GMG has both editions 20% off. But I was shocked to see when redeeming my standard ed code they only gave me 3 day early access instead of 5. Digital editions of both should be 5 and the retail standard edition is 3. After sending a ticket questioning this folly here is the possible outcomes of what is going to happen and why Bethesda, like Bioware, has now sold out and sucks.

1. They won't even respond until after the main launch anyway.

2. They will tell me any purchase outside of their website is considered retail which is horse ish because retail = box and ditigal = internet key P-U-R-E-U-D! But they know no one is gonna sue or some ish for a box.

The overarching thing beyond all this that should matter to you gamers is simple. DLC and extra items and perks and all this horse ish is disgusting. Games should be developed with the game quality in mind and that's it. Do people even realize how insulting it is to let this publishers get away with the crap? I saw a poll on Bethesda's forums where the majority agreed $20 was worth the collectors edition. What idiots! I mean these guys are the ones already making the big bucks off you and you are going to fork out $20 more for a character that should have been in the game anyway. You think it is bad now but market response counts for something and there is a relationship between producer and consumer. 20 years from now we'll be paying full price (probably 70 USD at that point) to buy a game then another full price to get out of the menu screen. I'm worried the direction games are going. We are letting them get away with this stuff and soon the effort they put into "limited access" and "preferred status" types of content will vastly eclipse the quality of the actual game.
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 21, 2011
So you're upset because you got 3 day early access and not the 5 day that you had to order from there website to get? From the rest of what you said, it sounds like you also want to get everything the imperial edition (which really wasn't that much more expensive) got, but you want it for free? Stop feeling so entitled.