Feb 11, 2011
Hey, I'm wondering if anyone else beat the game only to have the ending credits glitch out and crash the system?

What happened to me was this: I was able to watch the ending scene, but as soon as the credits started rolling, the sound cut out. When I plugged in headphones the sound came back, but it everything froze and the sound was just loud white noise. I tried closing my 3DS and reopening it to see if putting the system into sleep mode would help, but the system took about 30 seconds to enter sleep mode after I shut it (the sound kept playing). When I reopened the system, the credits moved a little, then I got the error message telling me that the software crashed and the system needed to be restarted.

What I am trying to figure out is if this is something that will keep happening if I try to get to that point again or if I am safe to try getting to the second play-through.