Prime Member
Dec 29, 2007
This is a topic just for listing any Easter Eggs you've found.

Mrs. Turnipseed - If you don't kill her in the first mission, if you go to Rockwell and into the downtown you can find her standing next to a store.
Teenage Zombies - After you complete the Teenage Zombies from Outer Space mission the hypnotized movie-goers will follow you around. The first time I saw this I thought they were just heading for the gate, like me, but then I turned around while in a firefight and saw five of them staring me in the face. I rather like this egg, cause they sort of feel like pets.
Tip for Whatever Happened to Crypto-136? - Not a true Easter Egg, but if you go to one of the arched buildings there are two scientists you can hypnotize to open the door. I used to use this, but forgot about in till I replayed the mission.
Ruins - When you first begin Mr. Crypto Goes to Capitol City (I think) look around the construction site. Behind you are a man and woman hypnotized to "Sleep". The position they are in look like they are sleeping together.


Prime Member
Dec 29, 2007
Mysterious Cars: In Rockwell at the Drive-in or in secluded spots there are cars rocking up and down and with handprints on the windows. Probably meant to be teenagers (or adults) having sex.
Boats: In Santa Modesta there are two (only two) spots where you can find boats. One is behind the Mayoral Motel (that's what I nicknamed the motel in Alien Pool Party) and the other is back in the residential areas. The first is next to a probe and Crazy, the second is in the area you go through in Aliens Stole My Brain Stem!.
Floating People: If you put a corpse on top of a vehicle (the vehicle has to be alive) then PK the vehicle out from under it without moving the corpse the corpse will levitate permanently in the air.
HoloBob Bert Wither: If you holobob Bert Wither in Foreign Correspondent enemies won't know who to shoot. On the other hand, people will automatically be alerted your presence and run away screaming.
Dialogue: If you stop (in HoloBob) in front of two people facing each over and don't do anything you can listen to them talk to each over. It has to be in a mission though: I noticed this mostly in Whatever Happened to Crypto-136?: near the small camp there were two soldiers chatting, then in the airbase a general and a scientist arguing, and in the Majestic base an agent and scientist talking (I couldn't hear what they said: the Majestic agent blew my cover and shot his green rifle, killing the scientist with friendly fire).
People Talk To You: If you follow somebody in HoloBob they will eventually talk to you. Some examples are: "Isn't this weird.... just you and me..... standing here....", "It's a free country, just stand there if you want", and "I have a golf club and I'm not afraid to use it!" (of which came from Suburban Males).


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 27, 2012
Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon at Crypto casino there is a poster of DESTROY ALL HUMANS on the outside of it.